Dragon Blitz

Modern Hydrax

SCORE: 133 | 66 COMMENTS | 26391 VIEWS | IN 91 FOLDERS

Hydrax says... #1

zeddkraft, that's a really tough question man. I'm extremely proud of both of those decks, but I have to say that this on, Dragon Blitz, is probably the one I like a bit more, and the only reason is that it's just 1 color.

Being Mono-red makes it so much more consistent, and the other main reason is Blood Moon. It makes winning so much easier against I'd say 85% of the format.

Izzet Dragons doesn't have the luxury of using Blood Moon (at least not effectivel), and being 2 colors makes it less consistent.

In summary:

I like Dragon Blitz more, but I love both of these dragon decks over all of the other ones I've built

March 6, 2015 10:50 p.m.

MeanLizard says... #2

Do you think you'll put Dragonlord's Servant in here when dragons comes out? If so, what do you think you'd take out? I love the myrs as ramp so I can't imagine you'd take those out, but the servants seem like they would be right at home here!

March 10, 2015 5:07 p.m.

Hydrax says... #3

MeanLizard, I was actually very excited about that card when the announced it!

My plan is to find room in the Mainboard for 2 copies, as well as 2 more in the sideboard. I'll be doing some playtesting to see how that works out.

Aside from that, I will definitely remove the Hammer of Purphoros for Dragon Tempest as well as find some room for Thunderbreak Regent

March 10, 2015 5:17 p.m.

Hydrax says... #4

Hey guys, I just wanted to mention a new card that's been spoiled in Dragons of Tarkir.

It's Rending Volley, and I think it'll be an excellent sideboard card for any Modern Red deck.

It practically shuts down Splinter Twin decks by destroying their Deceiver Exarchs and Pestermites (and it can't be countered either).

It also deals with U/W control decks that use Restoration Angel and Celestial Colonnade.

Overall excellent card for the Modern format. I will definitely be using it.

March 12, 2015 9:20 p.m.

Monoxidechild says... #5

Great list man, instant fan.

March 17, 2015 8:26 p.m.

Hydrax says... #6

Monoxidechild, thanks man! I appreciate the +1, glad you liked the deck!

March 17, 2015 10:04 p.m.

M1GHTYM0RPH1N says... #7

Magmatic Chasm Sideboard to deal with reach or other flyers?

March 20, 2015 9:35 p.m.

Hydrax says... #8

M1GHTYM0RPH1N, yeah Magmatic Chasm seems like a solid card.

I'm working on some Standard decks right now but I will definitely re-visit this one with new cards from Dragons of Tarkir.

Right now, I have in mind:

A lot of good stuff from the new set, I'll surely be updating this deck in the near future!

March 20, 2015 11:35 p.m.

M1GHTYM0RPH1N says... #9

Pulled a Thunderbreak Regent today. It worked well against a mono red burn and B/W counters. My opponents were scared to do anything to my dragons.

March 27, 2015 11:55 p.m.

KoriAne says... #10

Like your deck, +1! Too bad I don't like the myrs, this deck semm more effective than all my dragons' decks.

March 28, 2015 4:20 p.m.

MeanLizard says... #11

Hey there again, I've been playing with this deck amongst my casual group and I really like it. I'm pretty new to sideboards though, can you give me an idea of what you usually take out to side in your other cards? I can usually tell what cards I need to add from a sideboard for a specific match up, but I can never tell what to remove! Anyways, thanks and awesome deck.

March 29, 2015 8:41 a.m.

Hydrax says... #12

KoriAne, thanks for the +1!

If you don't like Myrs, there's other cards you can use like Dragonlord's Servant and Dragon Egg for some early game defense. They won't be killed by Whipflare or Pyroclasm, so you can still use those cards.

If you don't want to use boardwipe cards, then I would suggest using Goblins to stall the early game, while you develop enough lands to get out your big dragons. Cards like Dragon Fodder and Hordeling Outburst would be great for this.

March 29, 2015 11:05 a.m.

KoriAne says... #13

Hydrax well, I see that you got my point. I like the deck with a flavor, so all my deck have one... Or at least I try to give them. I already use deck with the card you wrote down. If you want to give me some advise it would be really helpful! Dragoblin or Dragon's shaman

March 29, 2015 11:28 a.m.

Hydrax says... #14

MeanLizard, it's quite alright, sideboards can be tricky!

First, I'll talk about mine specifically and what I usually replace:

Akroma, Angel of Fury should always be brought in against White decks because they have a lot of removal spells like Path to Exile, Oblivion Ring and Journey to Nowhere. It's also good against anything running Blue, because they have those annoying Counter Spells like Dissolve and Mana Leak, as well as Vapor Snag and Unsummon.

Apostle's Blessing should also be brought in against White and Blue (for same reasons mentioned above), as well as black because it also has removal like Go for the Throat and Hero's Downfall.

  • If I'm playing against control, I replace the 4 Whipflares with these (because Control decks usually don't run a lot of creatures)

  • If I'm playing against White Weenie, I replace the 2 Mizzium Mortars and any 2 other cards

  • If you're having trouble deciding, just remove the 4 Lightning Bolts for the Apostle's Blessings. The idea is that protecting your Dragons is more valuable than dealing 3 damage.

Blood Moon wins games against ANYTHING that isn't Mono-Red. Seriously. Even if they have Red, with a splash of something else, Blood Moon can slow them down significantly without hurting you at all.

  • This card replaces Utvara Hellkite and any 1 other card of your choice because it's cheaper to cast than Utvara, and when it hits the field it's pretty much game over if they don't have an answer. The logic behind this decision: Utvara wins games but Blood Moon wins them faster.

Circle of Flame is extremely helpful against Aggro decks. Mono-Red with their Goblins, White Weenies with their little soldiers and Elspeth, Sun's Champion tokens. This compliments the 4 Whipflares in the mainboard that already give aggro decks a hard time.

Hellkite Tyrant was for Artifact based decks. It's pretty self explanatory. If you damage them, you steal their stuff and ruin their day, pretty simple.

  • It's a 6-drop Dragon, so I'd recommend replacing a Steel Hellkite in the main board with one of these against Artifact decks

Reverberate was just something fun I was trying out. There are probably better sideboard cards that I'll mention in a bit, but my idea with this was to:

  • Use it against White decks to copy their removal and life gain spells

  • Use it against Black decks to copy their removal spells as well as their Thoughtseizes

  • Use it against Red decks to copy their Burn spells like Lightning Bolt or Bonfire of the Damned

  • Use it against Blue decks (and this is hilarious). If they use something like Dissolve to stop my Dragon, I can use Reverberate to copy their Dissolve and use it to counter their OWN Dissolve, thus my Dragon is safe and it can hit the field. Fun stuff lol

  • Use it against Green decks to copy some of their Ramp spells like Explore, Harrow or Cultivate, because let's face it, I want to ramp as well.

  • Any 2 cards in the main deck can be removed for the Reverberates, you just have to assess the situation and decide how helpful they will really be.


I understand some stuff you may not have (like Blood Moon) or may not want to use (like Reverberate), so here I've listed some other stuff that may be good in Mono-Red:

Apologies for the long comment but I hope I answered your questions!

March 29, 2015 11:34 a.m.

MeanLizard says... #15

Hydrax That was awesome and very helpful, thanks!

March 29, 2015 12:12 p.m.

KoriAne says... #16

lol, I'm gonna save that post somewhere. Thanks!

March 29, 2015 12:24 p.m.

KoriAne says... #17

Just thinking about the side: isn't Increasing Vengeance the upgrade of Reverberate? Not so different, I know, but still...In my search I found other cards that can do something similar: Ricochet Trap and Reroute. I want to try them out, as they look so fun, but they are definitely more situational than Reverberate. What do you think?

March 30, 2015 9:25 a.m.

Hydrax says... #18

Out of all of those, Reverberate was the only one I had on hand at the time, but you are correct, Increasing Vengeance is a direct upgrade.

I would say Reverberate/Increasing Vengeance is more versatile, but Ricochet Trap and Reroute could definitely work as pseudo-counter spells. I haven't done any playtesting with them so I can't really give a meaningful opinion but they do seem interesting, definitely worth trying out

March 30, 2015 9:37 a.m.

MeanLizard says... #19

KoriAne I think Reverberate is actually better than Increasing Vengeance because Reverberate allows you to target any instant or sorcery but Increasing Vengeance specifically says instant or sorcery you control. I believe Hydrax wanted to use the spell to save his dragons from counter magic so only Reverberate would allow that.

March 30, 2015 7:05 p.m.

Hydrax says... #20

Apologies, I must have misread Increasing Vengeance. It only targets your own spells while Reverberate can be used on enemy spells. For that reason, I believe it is the better choice

March 30, 2015 10:11 p.m.

KoriAne says... #21

Ops, I missred it too! Yeah, if is that so, Increasing Vengeance is useless. ;)

So the best card for that purpose remain Reverberate. Or Wild Ricochet, stronger but definitely too expensive in cmc. Or Shunt too, which is a little different, but still too much expensive in cmc. I think the limit is 2, other way would be difficult to remain mana open. You are not a control! XD

March 31, 2015 3:17 a.m.

Tager says... #22

Hey mate, i just built this deck! Any other tips you have found since you last updated? Going to try it at FNM next week

May 5, 2015 8:42 p.m.

Hydrax says... #23

Hey Tager, I'm glad you're trying the deck out!

It's been a while since I've played Modern, especially with this deck so I'm not sure how it will do. It's still pretty solid though if you play your cards right!

As far as updates go, I would say:


And Add:

I'm still working on the deck but so far these changes with the newest cards should make it a bit better.

And for the sideboard:


And add:

May 5, 2015 10:34 p.m.

Tager says... #24

Ah ok interesting changes! Didn't like the mana ramp/haste from Generator Servant? The biggest problem I have had so far with just play testing is not ever getting to a dragon, I keep getting myr's or generator servants and by the time I get to a dragon I have been hammered.

May 6, 2015 1:55 a.m.

Elrath00 says... #25

I was wondering if Furyborn Hellkite was worth it?

June 13, 2015 1:25 p.m.

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