Dragon Breath Reckoner

Standard DoomsdayDad


iceteademon says... #1

If you want a serious "What the hell" Red Deck Wins, splash blue AND white for Boros Charm and Azorius Charm . Both are fairly legitimate plays (Did you just Azorius for lifelink?!?) and you have that amazing infinite-life combo with Boros Reckoner xD

November 6, 2013 8:17 a.m.

DoomsdayDad says... #2

Can you explain the infinite life combo ?

November 7, 2013 6:26 p.m.

thedoctor5445 says... #3

Azorius Charm to give lifelink, then if Boros Reckoner takes damage, he can do it to himself for that much life. But because he did the damage to himself, he can do it again. Infinitely. Oh, and you also need Boros Charm to make him indestructible

November 8, 2013 7:43 a.m.

Ferdinand says... #4

Turn and Burn so many uses from making boros reckoner useless, to killing off master of the waves token, making Desecration Demon less intimidating, or selesnya fatties small

November 24, 2013 1:05 p.m.

DoomsdayDad says... #5

Added some suggested cards. Please comment. Thanks

November 26, 2013 11:12 p.m.

I'd run this list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ral Zarek izzn't iz good as Chandra, Pyromaster and white lets you use Boros Charm and Chained to the Rocks and Wear / Tear also Assemble the Legion these cards main and sided I believe give you the ability to threaten every deck in the Meta. Ok here is last FNM's 1rst place list-------------------------------------------------------------- deck-large:R/W DevotionDeckWins

December 24, 2013 11:39 p.m.

Anger of the Gods dosn't fit in, its only useful if you accepted a terrible hand and your losing with no creatures automatically bad with no card draw spells. If you want answers to token gen like Master of Waves run Ratchet Bomb use it at 0 and all tokens die. Something like that should be sideboard. What I should have said is Anger of the Gods is really for control decks to bide time in conjuction with things like Frostburn Weird so if you are set on anger i'd switch ash zealot to frostburn right away and probably play Rageblood Shaman to beef up minotaurs dropping phoenix for those. Under those circumstances anger would be better than it is at present.

December 24, 2013 11:58 p.m.

PoorGamer100 says... #14

+1 fun deck

January 5, 2014 4:54 a.m.

Lacken says... #15

I think you have two things going and you need to decide which direction to go. Purphoros, God of the Forge doesn't have a purpose unless you are trying to throw a crap ton of token creatures at them. If your goal is to keep up your devotion to red up for your Fanatic of Mogis then you need a one drop on turn one, rakdos crackler is a nice one drop that gives you the +1/+1 option for the unleash, turn two drop the Ash Zealot giving you the attack for 4, turn 3 drop Boros Reckoner giving you devotion of 6, turn 4 you drop the devotion land giving you 8 mana to your disposal which gives you a ton of options. The other thought would be to drop the frost burns and add in burning tree for the two mana trigger, it can build your devotion faster and get your mogis out faster. I have a similar red deck that I've used twice on FNM and I've gone 2-2 and 3-1 with.

January 13, 2014 8:48 p.m.

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