Dragon Jesus (Bladewing the Risen EDH)
Commander / EDH*
X-Factor11105 says... #2
Hi bomb_arie! Good thought on Bladewing's Thrall! It's definitely a strong payoff, though there's a few reasons why I've omitted it (and, to a lesser extent, the similarly-styled Boneyard Scourge):
Synergy: Thrall doesn't trigger Dragon Tempest, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, or Scourge of Valkas since its a Zombie, while Terror of the Peaks works alongside everything. Since our commander needs a long time before it comes down, the early and mid-game plays have to be consistent and impactful, and a 3/3 flier, while helpful, can be out-classed. Speaking of early and mid-game...
Impact: Thrall can't ramp like the dorks, sad robot, and Dockside Extortionist, it doesn't further the strategy like Chainer, Nightmare Adept, Goblin Engineer, or Merchant of the Vale, and isn't a game-winning combo piece like Dualcaster Mage. Without providing additional benefit to the deck, its hard to justify adding it in - the strategy is already convoluted (ramp! draw! discard! reanimate! combo!), anything that doesn't facilitate one of those aspects is going to be hard-pressed to have a slot.
If there's a card in the list you'd want to discuss swapping out in favor of Thrall, I'd love to chat it out :)
September 8, 2020 11:55 a.m.
I can see that every card is well thought in your deck. If I might do a suggestion: Sad Robot is rather overrated imho. Maybe try that slot.
September 11, 2020 6:46 a.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #4
bomb_arie That's one that I think I agree with, I just have to figure out what I'm going to swap in for Solemn Simulacrum: the artifact synergy, ramp, and card draw for one mana, while being able to be reanimated with Goblin Engineer and Daretti, Scrap Savant makes it a pretty big gap to fill. I know Bladewing's Thrall and Boneyard Scourge are viable inclusions, they just don't feel like they have a large enough game impact.
I'll keep thinking on ideas though! I appreciate the thought!
January 3, 2021 8:41 p.m.
You had commented upon my list, thus you must allow me to do the same for yours.
I must recommend a Sneak Attack. It offers an excruciatingly cheap mana reduction for putting dragons into play, thereupon being put into the bin for later reanimation. It allows for quite the explosive turns upon resolution, and has been one of the better engines in my list.
Now, I do not run these cards in my deck, but Hellkite Courser and Altar of Dementia allow for an infinite combo with Bladewing. Put out the Courser, sacrifice it to the Altar, then have the "ETB" trigger put Bladewing into play. Target his trigger to the Hellkite Courser and sacrifice Bladewing in response. Someone is milled, Courser is reanimated, and then Bladewing can come back into play, sacrifice Hellkite Courser, then repeat for infinity. If you need a combo to end the game, each of the cards within it being solid on their own, I would recommend this. I am trying to squeeze it into my list, but it depends on your taste in strategy and meta.
A card I used to run, but ultimately found lacking, is Dragonspeaker Shaman. I see it in your Maybeboard, but I may as well grant it a mention.
One dragon that seems particularly devastating is Tyrant's Familiar, for it returns with a powerful attack trigger. It is straightforward but potent.
You must be aware of the utilities capable in the mana base. I used to run Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace. It pulled its weight, but was ablated for Bonders' Enclave and the ensuing War Room. Each of these cards are quite fine, but favourable in the eyes of some.
I have found haste to be a necessity in strategies such as this. Hall of the Bandit Lord startlingly inefficient as a land, but the haste is immensely powerful. Removing summoning sickness at the mere cost of life and a tapped land is, in my opinion, more than worth it. If I get ahold of one, it shall be seen to inclusion in my list.
That shall be all from me, but thank you once more for your prior comment.
As foresaid, might your day be lovely.
January 25, 2021 6:54 p.m.
MeanLizard says... #6
Love the deck, Bladewing is my favorite commander. Something I've enjoyed a lot are cards like cathartic reunion, tormenting voice, wild guess etc. I run more reanimation effects such as necromancy and dance of the dead. I find these sorceries give me velocity as they are both card draw and discard for creatures I want to reanimate. They're also cheap so you can spend the first few turns setting up for a big splash.
March 23, 2021 9:19 a.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #7
Hi MeanLizard! Thanks for your feedback! Let's talk about these!
Cathartic Reunion : This is probably the strongest suggestion and the one I'd be most likely to include. It's 2 CMC, draw three rate is so efficient in Bladewing builds! I could've sworn I'd included it and cut it at some point. In general, I feel like I've finally got my card draw in a good place, and Cathartic may push that further. - In your play experience, how often have you been upset / adversely impacted by discarding a 2nd card? More often than not I have a dragon to send to the graveyard, but that 2nd card worries me..
Tormenting Voice & Wild Guess : Both of these are omitted just because they're not as efficient as I'd like them to be. Card advantage can be a major problem for this deck, so I either want to get exactly what I need (tutors!), have recurring value (planeswalkers!) or get a draw alongside another effect (mana rocks!). I know these push the strategy forward, I just wonder if there's more value to be had from those slots, especially knowing they're at sorcery speed. For those reasons, I've considered Seize the Spoils and Pirate's Pillage for their additional synergies!
Dance of the Dead and Necromancy : I see them in every other Bladewing build, and they 100% make sense, and are probably optimal include. What do you think would make sense to take out for one or both? I've never pulled the trigger on these because of minor quibbles about their drawbacks - DotD comes in tapped and has the ongoing cost, while Necromancy is a 3 CMC, single-target reanimate.
I'd sooner consider Necromancy over Dance of the Dead I think, but I'd want to have a bit more value coming from ETBs/LTBs to ensure consistent value in the event I need the instant-speed mode: of my 24 creatures (including Bladewing), I only have 8-9 that can take advantage of the flash version. I think if the creature base gets more ETB/LTB heavy in the future, it'll be a stronger inclusion for sure!
If you share your list I'd love to check it out open up our discussion!
March 23, 2021 10:49 p.m.
MeanLizard says... #8
Here's my list for discussion purposes.
The drawbacks you listed are real. But the way I look at it, every deck has some holes baked into their structure, we just want to maximize the benefits. The absolute strongest play this deck can have is an early game reanimation effect, so I'm trying to maximize the chance that I can discard a huge dragon as well as have something in my hand to bring them out way ahead of curve. Animate Dead , Necromancy , and Reanimate are the best at this. However, if turn 2 I cast Wild Guess and discard Utvara Hellkite , and turn 3 I cast dance of the dead, I still have a huge turn 4 attack that will also make bodies. Basically, anyway we can get dragons out ahead of curve is on plan so I'm willing to play some less effective cards with the same effect.
Sometimes it can be more painful to discard multiples with cards like cathartic reunion and you're right tutors are way better. But why not both? Cathartic sometimes lets you discard a dragon and an anger which feels great! Mostly it's just about maximizing the cards I see each game, so I've never had situations where it felt too awful. I usually have at least one dragon and one card I'd gladly trade in like an extra land or something.
Let me know your thoughts, I don't have any sacred cows and I'm always trying to make Bladewing better! He's my absolute favorite commander.
March 24, 2021 9:13 a.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #9
MeanLizard thanks for sharing your list! I'd love to talk out where I see variance in our design!
You're only playing Dragons (and Anger , always Anger )! I really like your low creature count and how it opens up space for instants and enchantments. I'm seeing our differences in playstyle come from this section. Also, we both REALLY need to add Goldspan Dragon ...a lot.
How valuable has Skyline Despot been for you? I think it's pretty intriguing as an include and to this point I've opted for Dragon Mage , though the sustained draw could be more worthwhile...
Lathliss, Dragon Queen consistently underwhelmed for me. I hope you haven't found that to be the case!
Please let me pitch you on swapping Hellkite Tyrant for a utility creature like Dockside Extortionist ! I always found Tyrant to be a win-more card and I consistently feel like this deck doesn't need to win-more, it needs to sustain and accelerate.
Where you have Tormenting Voice , I run Azra Oddsmaker . For Wild Guess , I run Chainer, Nightmare Adept
. Your Cathartic Reunion swaps in for my Daretti, Scrap Savant . Your Molten Echoes mirrors my Feldon of the Third Path .
How have you felt about your gameplay? You've streamlined this strategy to the Nth degree with heavier draw and reanimation packages - I can imagine this being SO quick and potentially a bit more prone to getting squashed by graveyard hate. Maybe not because of how much card draw you're doing?
Take out Final Parting for Mausoleum Secrets and enjoy! Also, how can we find space for Underworld Breach here?! You're leaning into flashback and threshold a bit more than I do, I'd LOVE to see these inclusions!
I have some other questions and thoughts, but that feels like plenty to start with!
March 24, 2021 10:39 p.m.
MeanLizard says... #10
I'll try to explain my reasoning as best as possible, but some of the cards you brought up happen to the spots I'm actually less sure of. First off, cards that have done well for me.
- Anger I love this card. It's basically a free discard for all my draw spells, or when you cast Buried Alive you can grab whatever dragons you need and this guy.
- Lathliss, Dragon Queen Honestly unsure still. Her fire breathing has actually come up more than the tokens. But in a few games I've been able to reanimate multiple things and the extra bodies have been nice. Still undecided.
- Molten Echoes This card is actually in here for the infinite combo. The combo has only come up once, but the hasty tokens have actually been even better. It also is amazing if you have either Scourge of Valkas or Terror of the Peaks on the battlefield.
- Skyline Despot Getting the initial draw is nice, but you always become a target and I've never actually made the token. He is probably a safe cut for something more reliable.
The creatures you mentioned were so close to making it into my first build. If I could run 105 cards I'd probably have them. You very well may be correct to include them, but the reason they didn't make the cut is because they're creatures. I was hesitant to put my card advantage in something that had to stick around and have another creature attack. Chainer is amazing but I hate that I have to pay full price! I want to cheat! Feldon is pretty cool but again, he has to wait a turn before he can help us. Mausoleum Secrets is very interesting. I like the extra tutor to get our reanimation effects. The reason I have Final Parting is so I can grab both the spell and the creature, but it's a lot a 5cmc.
Also, you're right to include Dockside Extortionist , I need to grab a copy. He also combos really well with Goldspan Dragon , which as you said we both really need!
Hellkite Tyrant I'll admit, this is really only in here because it's a "staple". It has stolen a few signets and sol rings but that's about it. I could be convinced to swap this guy for something else.
That's a lot for now, but if it isn't obvious, I love talking Bladewing! I'm excited now about a treasure upgrade!
March 25, 2021 12:05 a.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #11
So depending on the weaknesses / inconsistencies you're seeing in your play, you may just want to add Goldspan Dragon in favor of Lathliss, Dragon Queen - ramp on a Dragon is so, so good. That's mainly the reason Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge is still in the build - the early blocker is nice, but with all the targeted removal we pack from Terror of the Peaks , Scourge of Valkas , Dragon Tempest , etc., Gadrak opens up some solid instant-speed plays or future ramp.
In discussing this more, I do wonder if Feldon of the Third Path can be swapped out. Six mana for one revive is steep, and as I said, the ETB/LTB selection is limited. At a 28-30 creature count, he might make more sense, but that might be my cut candidate for Goldspan Dragon ...
Hellkite Tyrant is delightful and will probably always included for me. It's one of those effects that can just change the game in a heartbeat in my opinion.
I'm going to try and find room for Tibalt's Trickery as well - the red counter spell probably wants to find it way in here.
Have you considered Seize the Spoils ? At 3 CMC it might be a bit slow, and may be too cute, maybe not as strong as Cathartic Reunion , or maybe we just up the CMC for Pirate's Pillage , but it does everything Bladewing wants, so I can't help but consider it.
All of this is making me wonder about finding more powerful inclusions than Darretti, Scrap Savant and Solemn Simulacrum - the flexibility is so nice at 4 CMC, but I do think the power level can bump up (without breaking the bank for Mana Crypt , Wheel of Fortune , Demonic Tutor , or Vampiric Tutor ). Have any inclusions in particular been all-stars for you?
I'll also put that question to our other Bladewing friends: Fuzzlewuzzle, That_Salty_Gamr, and Azeworai - have you guys any pet cards or utility/tech cards that feel like they consistently over-achieve in your Bladewing decks?
March 25, 2021 8:24 p.m.
Fuzzlewuzzle says... #12
I'm actually with MeanLizard regarding Tormenting Voice . Yeah, it's strictly worse than Thrill of Possibility , but I don't think I've ever been unhappy to see it, and it really helps dig through the deck in the early game without having to jump through any hoops. I'm not so hot on Wild Guess - the double red can be a pain in the early game, so I generally want everything on the lower end of my curve to have as few pips as possible.
I can't even imagine running the deck without Hellkite Tyrant . There's always going to be artifacts on the board, and even merely stealing a couple mana rocks is still a great way to pull ahead in a game.
As for Final Parting , I really want to like it, because it is an awesome effect for this kind of deck... but 5 mana is a pretty steep price for a tutor.
As much as it hurts me to say it, cutting Feldon would be pretty easy. There are a lot of amazing things he can do if he sticks around, but I've found that a lot of the time Feldon hits the field and... dies. He's the kind of card that makes good hands better, but makes bad hands worse.
Personally, I have a soft spot for Dragon Tyrant and Terror of Mount Velus . People just never seem to expect double-striking dragons, and they both close out the game fast.
March 25, 2021 8:56 p.m.
MeanLizard says... #13
Fuzzlewuzzle Agree with you on Wild Guess and Final Parting . The double red pips are hard sometimes I just wanted more of the same effect. Final parting is one I'm unsure of, I love that it's sort of a double tutor, but it may still not get there. Also definitely willing to try out some of those double strikers!
X-Factor11105 I wonder if we could consider a heavier artifact/treasure subtheme? Run red, black, and colorless artifact lands, as well as the pirate themed looting spells. Between those and Dockside Extortionist you'd have a chance at seeing a lot of artifacts for Gadrak. And if we don't need the treasures right away, Goldspan will only make them better later.
March 25, 2021 9:12 p.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #14
MeanLizard I agree on exploring a treasure subtheme, but I don't know if this shell is built to make the most use of them. I WISH Curse of Opulence made treasure, then we'd be on to something. Here's the relevant treasure cards I've previously identified and why I haven't previously added them:
- Impulsive Pilferer : This is probably the closest for me. Perfectly fine to discard, but its four mana to get three 1/1s and we'll end the turn down one mana. No goblin or pirate synergies.
- Glimmervoid : Not enough artifacts in tow to make this consistently valuable. I have the same hesitation for Spire of Industry .
- Magda, Brazen Outlaw : Same issues as Feldon being too slow and being a target for removal once its online. If the package comes together in the next set or two, we'll have to re-visit Magda.
- Pirate's Pillage : Probably not efficient enough to be included, but maybe?
- Rapacious Dragon : Eh? The ETB aspect is nice for a heavier reanimation package, but this won't make a big enough impact on the game (I think).
- Revel in Riches : I think there COULD be a case for this to be included, but 5 CMC is too expensive for my taste that doesn't pretty much win on the spot. I also worry about over-investing in a subtheme - Bladewing is already convoluted (draw dragons > discard dragons > revive dragons), so straying away from that too much puts the deck at risk of being diluted / durdling.
I'm perfectly content to have Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge not be able to attack - when I can finally snag and add in Toxic Deluge and/or Fire Covenant , we'll be packing such a heavy removal package that Gadrak becomes that much more likely to fall into value.
I like to look at Rakdos-color cEDH builds for ideas, and a few cards keep catching my attention: * Mindblade Render * Withering Boon * Mogg Salvage * Songs of the Damned
I keep seeing Necromancy so I think I have to take the plunge and add it...
March 25, 2021 10:16 p.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #15
FRIENDS! We have new cards to consider!
Draconic Intervention might be a better Crux of Fate.
Conspiracy Theorist lets our discards become immediately usable, and is a 1-mana looting effect!
Dragon’s Approach would require at least five slots I think, it might be too slow, but that payoff...
Baleful Mastery looks like a new staple for black spot removal.
March 31, 2021 10:58 a.m.
MeanLizard says... #16
I think you identified some good ones! I'll probably run Draconic Intervention alongside Crux of Fate and cut a weaker wrath at first. Conspiracy Theorist actually seems good, he has to wait a turn to attack but at 2 mana it seems like a great early turn for an EDH game. Even without casting something just the repeated rummage seems worth it. I think Dragon's approach would be better in a mono red deck. We already have access to the best creature cheats in the game with our crazy cheap black reanimation spells. Baleful mastery just seems like great versatile removal, not much to say there other than it's definitely worth a trial spot.
April 1, 2021 8:30 a.m.
Fuzzlewuzzle says... #17
Baleful Mastery is straight-up incredible. Definitely grabbing a copy for all my edh decks
April 1, 2021 12:31 p.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #18
So here's the edits I'm considering at the moment:
Adding more Dragons will improve the consistency of the triggers, and Goldspan is too impactful to exclude. Solemn's ramp has helped a bit, but it's still a little slow and has a limited amount of impact on the board and game.
I'm shelling out for the instant-speed reanimation here. At sorcery speed we can re-stabilize our board, and at instant speed we can cause chaos. Feldon being a turn slow has been annoying, and six mana for a one-turn token hasn't consistently been a good investment. Let's make it faster!
This new card feels like baby Chainer and I'm so here for it. An early-game rummaging effect will keep Dragons going into the bin while thinning the deck. The second ability being static is so nice - we can activate it on other players' turns to discard an instant and maintain value from the discard! What's exciting is it isn't limited - say we hit activate Geier Reach Sanitarium and discard Thrill of Possibility , all of a sudden we're going deeper into the deck! This can get so nuts!
Play the best version of the sacrifice outlet land. As we increase the instant count, being able to generate mana in a variety of ways will only improve flexibility.
With these, I still have to find room for Blasphemous Act , Toxic Deluge , Tibalt's Trickery , Baleful Mastery , maybe Vandalblast and I'm thinking Hedron Archive wants to find its way in - there shouldn't be a need for much more mana redundancy, but I'll definitely want to keep adding draw engines. I fully expect to be swimming in mana every game, now its just a matter of keeping the hand full!
April 1, 2021 7:43 p.m.
X-Factor11105 says... #19
I'm thinking about ideas to add some kind of impulsive / extra draw - the mana gen here is officially in great shape, now its a matter of expanding the options available. Right now, here's what I'm considering:
Bolas's Citadel , Harnfel, Horn of Bounty , Outpost Siege , Sunbird's Invocation , Valakut Exploration
I'm also wondering about Night's Whisper - getting efficient card draw is just that much more important with the mana gen feeling more consistent.
April 5, 2021 7:21 p.m.
If you have seen any of my decks, I always favour an obscene amount of card advantage. As such, I would recommend taking this route.
( Night's Whisper is fantastic.)
bomb_arie says... #1
Bladewing's Thrall put it in. He's great with Buried Alive and Anger and a Dragon of choice. Play your Commander and strike with three big flyers.
September 8, 2020 5:53 a.m.