Dragon Jund Devour +1/+1 Counters

Casual obitus


http404error says... #1

Hellkite Hatchling is bad. Trust me, I used it in a devour deck and it was just horrible.

card:Bladewing's Thrall is a cute inclusion, but in practice seems like it isn't worth 4 mana. An Awakening Zone would serve you better most of the time.

More token makers, I think. Go up to 4 Awakening Zone and try out Nest Invader . Consider more Dragon Fodder and card:Krenko's Command if 4 isn't enough. Tukatongue Thallid has served well additionally, chump blocking and being eaten all day long. My devour deck has 4 of each of the cards I just listed.

Parallel Lives isn't really where you want it to be at 4 mana, since you want to be dropping tokens and ramping early game, and it's late to the party.

I'm assuming you bought the PC2012, so why isn't Thromok in here? He's too good to leave out.

Finally, you need more land. 23-24 would be my inclination.

Endrek Sahr is a brilliant card for this deck, by the way.

December 25, 2012 7:13 p.m.

obitus says... #2

No, I never bought the Pre-constructed devour deck. I figured I already started my dragon themed devour deck why bother with another.

I count my Birds of Paradise as four mana sources, which to me is like saying I have 24 land or 24 sources of mana. Sure my the birds can die, but then again so can lands too. I am aware it land destruction is more rare.

I will have to play test its current version before I start taking in modifications again, but I will search my library for your cards and try to work them in. Although this is a dragon themed deck, I might consider replacing my Hellkite Hatchling with your Tukatongue Thallid , which will then open up even more room because I won't need as many card:Bladewing's Thrall.

Thanks for the fresh impute, I was kind of stuck there for a while.

December 25, 2012 10 p.m.

http404error says... #3

As a general rule of thumb, count non-land mana sources as half. With the Birds and the Fertile Grounds, I guess it's kinda like 24. Sure, I'll go with that.

December 27, 2012 1:41 p.m.

obitus says... #4

Wow, I did not know that rule. Thanks, I will have to keep that in mind next time I build my decks. I will let you know how the play testing goes, when ever we get a chance to play again.

December 27, 2012 3:23 p.m.

obitus says... #5

Ok, so I took your advice and I added more Awakening Zone and I added more Dragon Fodder . I got the rest of your card suggestions, but I am slowly testing the deck out with each tweak before I change anything else.

January 1, 2013 1:30 a.m.

Thromok the Insatiable is a must. Maybe even two or three, he's just that awesome. I'd probably run a Rite of Consumption with him as well :P

January 11, 2013 10:26 p.m.

obitus says... #7

I think I have one Thromok the Insatiable , will have to play around with him. I never thought of Rite of Consumption . Will have to look for that card, thanks for the tip.

January 12, 2013 11:42 a.m.

No problem! Feel free to check out my deck around him: Feeding the Insatiable. Fling is an alternate to Rite of Consumption , but the latter is much better IMO, except it isn't an instant...

January 12, 2013 3:07 p.m.

http404error says... #9

Essence Harvest is better than Rite of Consumption in many ways.

January 12, 2013 11:40 p.m.

KrosanTusker says... #10

If you're running Verdant Catacombs, Overgrown Tomb is better than Woodland Cemetery and Stomping Ground is better than Rootbound Crag because you can search for your dual land with the catacomb.

March 11, 2013 12:29 p.m.

KrosanTusker says... #11

+1 by the way -- I love dragons as well!

March 11, 2013 12:30 p.m.

obitus says... #12

Ya, I would love to put those in if I could afford to buy them. Right now I am just focusing on making "hungry dragons" (dragons with devour) have enough tokens to devour.

Based on peoples recommendations I modified the deck.

Devour Dragons: Voracious Dragon,Preyseizer Dragon,Predator Dragon,4x Hellkite Hatchling, 4x Dragon Broodmother. That is 11 dragons that can devour, in fact I think I got all the dragons with the Devour mechanic on them. This is what I got to work with.

tokens! : Utvara Hellkite, Mycoloth, 4x Tukatongue Thallid, Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, 4x Awakening Zone, Predatory Advantage. That is 12 generators, I did not even count the fact that the Dragon Broodmother is also a token generator.

So about 50/50 on devour dragons and token generators. Are there better cards for devour, sure. But I am specifically trying to get a dragon devour deck, one card that has helped out is Defense of the Heart. That card is great for when you get stuck with to many devour cards or to many token generators.

The rest is trying to balance out the mana, I am green person so I mostly use green to get the other colors I need. Maybe I will get lucky and pick a few more shock lands. Until then I will use Fertile Ground and Birds of Paradise to fulfill my needs.

March 11, 2013 5:22 p.m.

Kaitoghost says... #13

Dragons rule!

Thromak is good, aye, but he isn't a dragon.

Worldly Tutor would be very good as well, if you are able to pick any of those up.

May 14, 2013 9:11 p.m.

obitus says... #14

They do rule....especially if you spawn baby ones. I use Defense of the Heart as a Worldly Tutor . Its really a life savor when you play that card, I can either bring out dragons early on or later in the game.

If I was building a devour deck alone, I would so add Thromok the Insatiable . But sadly this is not a typical devour deck. I am tempted to try and build a regular devour deck, I do have some extra cards.

May 15, 2013 10:38 a.m.

obitus says... #15

I so want to add Scourge of Valkas to this deck, that will make things even more ridicules.

July 12, 2013 6:32 p.m.

obitus says... #16

@ http404error: I thought you would like to know I finally got rid of the Hellkite Hatchling . They indeed slowed me down, even though at the time I wanted more dragons with devour. Now I think I accomplished making devouring dragons and enough dragon utility to give me a win.

July 27, 2013 2:41 p.m.

Elliotw says... #17

Really sweet Dragon deck! +1 I love dragons as well and I think the devour theme is really cool. I like Preyseizer Dragon over Predator Dragon because it cost one less red mana and his ability triggers everytime you attack. I also think you should drop scrourge of valkas because I feel he doesn't mesh well with the deck theme. I'd say run 4 Preyseizer Dragon . I'm also wondering if Awakening Zone generates enough tokens for you to actually use? I think Dragon Fodder would make more useable tokens before a dragon hits the field. Overall awesome deck! I have a few dragon decks my self. You should give them a look over -> Dragons of Fire and Light, Moonlit Night of the Dragons. One is a boros dragon control deck and the other is a gruul global firebreathing/dragon ramp deck.

August 8, 2013 5:35 a.m.

obitus says... #18

@Elliotw: Thanks for the comment and +1, I will look at your decks.

This deck started off totally thematic, then eventually it grew into a more functional deck. I agree with you on the Preyseizer Dragon over the Predator Dragon , but I don't have any more. Dragon Fodder is an awesome token generator, but this decks main issue is mana fixing. So, ya I run four copies of Awakening Zone just so I can have mana and tokens to devour.

Now, because of the way I have fixed the mana acceleration I can hard cast a Dragon Broodmother very easily, then use a Defense of the Heart to grab Scourge of Valkas and Utvara Hellkite . Spawn dragons and lightning bolt your opponents to death, sounds good to me at least.

Remember, this is a causal setting so I can afford to get away with more turns than a one on one match

August 8, 2013 8:06 a.m.

Elliotw says... #19

Point taken. another suggestion I have which I use in my Gruul deck is to use Cultivate over Fertile Ground because its a more permanent form of mana acceleration. If you ever run into a desk with a decent amount of enchantment control it could really slow you down. In comparison if you play cultivate you get an extra land down and another land in your hand. Example. T1 Birds of Paradise . T2 Cultivate that means T3 you have 5 useable mana. also thanks for the +1s.

August 8, 2013 12:20 p.m.

obitus says... #20

Hey no problem, I appreciate you bouncing ideas around with my deck. I like your Cultivate solution, I do have mountains in here as well as forests. I will give is a shot and let you know how it played out. Thanks

August 8, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Ginray72 says... #21

I don't think that Voracious Dragon is doing you the favor it could be doing without more goblin generators, and while it would be harder to shoehorn in Krenko, Mob Boss and/or Goblin Assault , I think you might do better with a Thundermaw Hellkite in its place to tap down flying blockers for killshots, and maybe Nest Invader in lieu of Mogg War Marshal . If you really want the direct damage burn, I'd either just bring in those Clan Defiance you have in the side deck, or look into a Flameblast Dragon .

Cool deck! I love Devour, and just food for thought from me, +1

October 29, 2013 12:38 p.m.

obitus says... #22

Hey Ginray72, thanks for the upvote. I also like the suggestions, the reason why I use Mogg War Marshal is because he nets me at minimum two tokens. Counting himself, I get three creatures for the price of two mana. I could eat him on the turn he comes down, or I could pay the echo cost to keep him around. With the Nest Invader I get only one extra token, it is nice cause I can use it for mana.

As for Voracious Dragon , you are absolutely right about him being just in there for flavor. I am very thematic in my deck building, its what makes me such a crappy deck builder. I originally had all the dragons with devour in the deck, but sadly I could not justify playing Hellkite Hatchling any longer. And believe me I held out with him for a long time.

I was thinking about maybe putting in Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper for more token generation. What are your thoughts on that?

I like the idea of Clan Defiance , what would you take out for it?

The deck works nicely, even in a one on one game it has at least a 50/50 shot to win. I will have to hunt down a copy of Thundermaw Hellkite before I can ever add him, also I might want to sideboard Nest Invader . Thanks again for the feed back, its always great to hear new ideas.

October 29, 2013 1:56 p.m.

Ginray72 says... #23

Hey no problem, I'm no pro either. When I can fit in a pseudo-cycle of something in a deck, I usually do over more effective choices, haha, just look at my decks.

What would I take out for Clan Defiance ?...The Voracious Dragon maybe? Since it's not pulling the direct damage weight.

October 29, 2013 5:05 p.m.

obitus says... #24

Ok, I see. When I side board in Clan Defiance I will give the Voracious Dragon and break. I will indeed check out your decks, now you got me curious about your decks.

October 29, 2013 6:29 p.m.

tempest says... #25

obitus, its supposed to be a brand new deck for the challenge!

November 14, 2013 12:35 a.m.

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