NoviceMagician says... #2
Thanks much for the suggestions! :)
I'll definitely update the list tomorrow with those things being put in, but tonight i have to start packing boxes.
Thanks again :)
August 14, 2015 12:35 a.m.
infinitemana says... #3
I dont like Call of the Full Moon too much because its fairly easy to get rid of. Id cut that and move each of the instants up to 4.
August 14, 2015 2:42 p.m.
NoviceMagician says... #4
@infinitemana, thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to run a few tests to see how that'd go :)
August 14, 2015 2:44 p.m.
I'd replace Hoplite with Lightning Berserker, especially if you plan on running BTtL.
August 14, 2015 3:02 p.m.
Yea, Call of the Full Moon is bad. Same with Thunderous Might, but at least Thunderous Might is fringe playable to a greater extent.
Lightning Strike? Wild Slash? Other burn? You need that crap. It's what drives your deck. You also don't need so many Coordinated Assaults. Temur Battle Rage also seems a bit unreliable. Cut Satyr Hoplite, as it is drive you to go volition, which stinks since the opponent can just downfall your guy any second they want. Rouse the Mob is ok, but honestly is just a worse wild slash. Also, some better creatures to consider are Akroan Crusader, Firedrinker Satyr, Foundry Street Denizen and Lightning Berserker.
I have a similar list. I'm not at all trying to commercialize, but I'll leave the list here for reference.
August 14, 2015 3:29 p.m.
NoviceMagician says... #7
@Icuonuez, thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out :)
@Scorprix, Thunderous Might is Actualy pretty baller in their deck, usually giving a +4/+0 bonus. Call of the Full Moon was run because it was a big buff enchant, wen if unreliable, but it is under consideration of being cut as I run some tests. All the other burn is on the SB, and I made sure to point out that the deck intends you to use the SB every game. I run that many Coordinated Assaults to hit heroic and prowess, buffing your Voltron. And yes, this is meant to be Voltron, so Hoplite is pretty much the go-to one drop for Voltron in the deck. And removal is voltron's biggest problem, something that only Bogles really solved, but it isn't red nor is it standard. This is meant to be casual, so I'm not to worried about removal, that and red doesn't have much protection against it. I don't understand how Rouse the Mob can be considered anything like Wild Slash, it's entirely different, only for this deck it is better mainboard because it triggers heroic. Crusader goes against my Voltron, I never really thought firedrinker was any good, the street denizen is best for gobs, lightning berserker works well with ETB dmg decks, but not as well as Hoplite for Voltron, but I am going to run tests with it.
Wow, that was a long reply. XD thank you so much for the suggestions btw :)
August 14, 2015 4:09 p.m.
It's ok. xD
Wild Slash is like Rouse the Mob because it get's in 2 damage, and can help kill something with up to 2 toughness more than your creatures power. I didn't realize this was Voltron. Oops lol. :P
But still, at least switch out howl for Lightning Strike or something else that's actually good, like another better Voltron piece.
August 14, 2015 4:16 p.m.
NoviceMagician says... #9
Oh yeah, Call is definitely getting switched out, like i said, I pretty much only choose it at first because it was a big buff for only 2 mana, even though it was unreliable XD
Thanks again, :)
EDIT- By definitely getting switched out, I mean I'm going to test various possibilities before making the change.
WARPOPE says... #1
possibly Break Through the Line and or Temur Battle Rage as the first strike with trample can enable renown. fun job! Prophetic Flamespeaker is super house with bttl and Thunderous Might. +1!
August 14, 2015 12:29 a.m.