

Creature (2)

Sorcery (2)

My attempt at a Temur Build.I completely Revamped it from a couple of weeks ago. I played some Prerelease and think it works better like this.

It has a bunch of combos, and fun stuff. There are a few extra cards in here, but I think they work well with the set. I mainly worry about my mana base. I really really appreciate any comments on it. If you think of anything that could be better please comment. Thank you!!

On Creatures:

I think the main Win Condition will be Atarka, World Render + Xenagos, God of Revels .

Xenagos, God of Revels is pretty self explanatory. I mean he is a huge body for 5 with upside.

Atarka, World Render again is self explanatory. Huge body, Upside. Her downfall is that she doesn't have haste, and is very expensive. Obviously my late game bomb.

Yasova Dragonclaw is great if I don't have any creatures of my own to attack with. If I have Xenagos, God of Revels + Yasova Dragonclaw , I can trigger Xenagos, God of Revels ' ability prior to activating Yasova Dragonclaw's ability to take a fatty from them like Siege Rhino , Stormbreath Dragon , or any of the dragons.

Frost Walker is a blocker, and kinda like a spell trap. They have to cast something on it, because being hit for 4 turn 3 isn't quite fun.

Jeskai Sage is essentially the same thing, if they let him get out of hand, he can. He just gives me card draw bonus.

Shaman of the Great Hunt is an amazing 4 drop. It allows my creatures to gain +1/+1 counters and has some card draw. If they let me keep Frost Walker and the Jeskai Sage They'll just get bigger and bigger.

Rattleclaw Mystic is like bait as well. If they don't kill her, then she helps me play Atarka, World Render.


Frontier Siege is in here for mana ramp. Allowing me to have 4 extra mana by turn 5 is amazing. If I have at least one mountain I can play Atarka, World Render turn 5. With it I can also cast my creatures' abilities as well without worrying about spending all of my lands. It essentially cuts their activation costs to 2 mana.

Temur Ascendancy is to allow card advantage, and to help get Atarka, World Render out their swinging when she is cast. Same for Yasova Dragonclaw and Frost Walker .


With all of my heavy hitters I think that it's obvious why I would use Crater's Claws and See the Unwritten.

One is Shock+ some, and the other lets me put out my win condition that turn. If I can get Frontier Siege the next turn I can win with See the Unwritten.


lighting strike is the most efficient burn spell right now in my opinion. It can kill just about all of the 3/4 drop creatures and that butthead Fleecemane Lion. It lacks removal with the Courser of Kruphix , but my creatures can take care of her.

Stubborn Denial is a great counter for counters and other things. I should be able to trigger ferocious, so it's a blue and counter any non-creature. Removal and counters being the optimal targets.

Temur Battle Rage , Double strike is amazing on any creature. With Jeskai Sage + Temur Battle Rage I can take out any early game blocker, or any 3 drop creatures and draw a card.

Wild Slash is to get that extra damage in there, or to kill off early game blockers. Don't want those pesky guys.

My sideboard is mostly control focused. if I can prevent them from getting their planeswalkers and their heavy hitters out, I'll be able to get Xenagos, God of Revels and Atarka, World Render. I mostly have trouble with the Siege Rhino .

This build is completely different than I had it last weak. Any comments or thoughts are greatly appreciated. If, you like it don't forget to +1 it.

Also, If you have a deck that you've been play testing against it and winning let me know, I would like to try it out. So far I've play tested all of the top decks on Tappedout, and I have a pretty good win record. I would like to root out all of it's weaknesses.

I really like Savage Knuckleblade, but I feel he is too tough against White, with Valorous Stance. He is in the Maybe.

Map the Waste is something I like to get mana out. Bolster doesn't target, so it beefs up Frost Walker and triggers prowess on Jeskai Sage . I just feel Temur Battle Rage is better.


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Revision 5 See all

(10 years ago)

-2 Collateral Damage side
-3 Hunt the Hunter side
+3 Savage Knuckleblade side
+2 Savage Punch side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #60 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 3 Rares

15 - 8 Uncommons

7 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.74
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
Folders temur, Saved Decks, Likes, Ideas, Deck ideas, Maybe
Ignored suggestions
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