Dragons and Goblins and Value (2nd at GD!11!11!)

Standard* 326


Thylian1 says... #1

Personally I would drop a land for another copy of Pia and Kiran Nalaar, that card is super good, but I see your point. Your highest cost card is big Chandra and there is only one mainboard, otherwise the highest cost is Dark-Dwellers.

January 24, 2016 7:02 p.m.

Thylian1 says... #2

Also I really like the deck, I was had a similar idea but it didn't work as well.

January 24, 2016 7:03 p.m.

326 says... #3

The 26th land is something that I'm testing out at the moment - I used to run 25 but felt that the amount of games that I lost due to not drawing the fourth and fifth lands on time to cast the bigger spells. I might revert back to 25 lands but I'll have to test with 26 for a while first.

The second Pia and Kiran might be a good idea, will definitely test it.

January 24, 2016 7:28 p.m.

Thylian1 says... #4

Have you thought about playing Exquisite Firecraft, really great for recasting.

January 24, 2016 7:43 p.m.

326 says... #5

Exquisite Firecraft is quite clunky - it's sorcery speed and three mana, which is a bunch. I'd rather be playing something like a second Mardu Charm or a Ruinous Path if I wanted more three-mana removal spells.

January 25, 2016 5:42 a.m.

Kurojashi3 says... #6

1 Linvala, the Preserver in main would nicely stop early bleeding. Also Thought-Knot Seer is great, however you would have to rebuild the mana base.

January 29, 2016 6:19 a.m.

326 says... #7

The problem with Linvala is that she's a 6-drop that doesn't necessarily do anything, really. There really aren't slots for additional 6-drops and Chandra is far superior imo.

Sure, Thought-Knot would be worth a try if the mana requirements weren't so crippling. I'd imagine I'd rather be playing the Regents and Nalaars anyway, tho.

January 29, 2016 2:11 p.m.

WishPotato says... #8

Do you feel that the use of 4 Dragons is enough to get the bonus effect from Draconic Roar ? As you easy can get access to 3 dmg with Fiery Impulse with all the burn spell you are using. Also wouldn't you rather want to use Soulfire Grand Master instead of Seeker of the Way?

February 17, 2016 9:18 a.m.

326 says... #9

Seeker of the Way beats more creatures in combat and beats for four quite often. It also kinda lets me play around Wild Slashes and such things. Soulfire just gets outclassed very easily.

Fiery Impulse will not be three dmg in the early turns - I'm not runnig even nearly enough 1-drops to get Spell Mastery for it on turn 2 and I'd much rather be casting a 3drop on turn 3. Draconic Roar is great without the reveal and amazing with it, which happens often enough.

February 17, 2016 10:45 a.m.

Dontknowgabe says... #10

I think youll have more value of replacing your painful truths with Read the Bones just because if needed you can use it with Dark Dwellers and with painful truths you cant. Just a thought

March 7, 2016 4:49 p.m.

326 says... #11

I'm not 100% sure playing Truths is better but the interaction comes up quite rarely and Truths is better by a large enough margin when just cast that I'd rather play Truths. There's usually something else that I'd rather flashback, like a Crackling Doom.

March 7, 2016 5:06 p.m.

TheLoneDart says... #12

4 draconic roar with only one dragon-type in the deck doesn't make sense. If you want to make that more consistent you should replace pia and kiran with something like Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury. It'll help draconic roar and also help close out games. Also, Exquisite Firecraft is a great card to slip in with goblin dark-dwellers. Maybe a 1-of to replace a kolaghan's command would do.

March 11, 2016 8:56 a.m.

326 says... #13

I know it's easy to get stuck on the first line of text on Draconic Roar, but the three damage is absolutely not required to make the card great. When you do reveal Regent and have a Seeker bringing the beatz, the card is pretty insane. Without the reveal, it still does exactly what I want it to do - it kills a creature. Making the rest of my deck worse to make a great card slightly better in some situations would be silly.

I used to run Kolaghan but the card always felt kinda meh. He's better in the BR Dragons deck that runs Hangarbacks, Phoenixes and whatnot since he actually consistently deals large amounts of damage. He's a pretty terrible finisher for a control deck, though. Dark-Dwellers is a great stabilizing play - you often kill their biggest creature and still present a pretty good threat. When you play Kolaghan, you pray that opponent doesn't have a removal spell because when they do, you're behind by a mile in tempo. The deck just isn't aggressive enough to want Kolaghan.

If I wanted a clunky sorcery-speed removal spell for three mana, I'd just run Ruinous Path, which kills far more relevant stuff than Firecraft. Doming the opponent twice for four will sometimes win games, sure, but it often is just a really bad removal spell.

March 11, 2016 9:13 a.m.

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