
This deck is a snowball; a blazing fire; a dollar coin. The last sentence was boring; Bear with me.
Because boardwiping is fun - Electrickery
Polymorphist's Jest
. But - you may ask - that only kills the opponent's creatures and not yours! Well young grasshopper that is the point! Turning their 1954871234582750982/198475028745 creatures into 1/1 Frogs followed by an Overloaded Electrickery is quite fun, trolly, derp, etc. etc.
Because acquiring 4/4s is fun - Descent of the Dragons
Dragon Tempest
(More Effective ofc.) or Dragon Tempest
Hour of Need
. "Destroy" or "exile" your own creatures (to be honest "destroy" and "exile" are such strong words - they hurt the Dragon Fodder's feelings - "replace" is much more suitable) and acquire that 4/4 Dragon with flying or 4/4 Sphinx with flying!
Because casting spells for less is fun - Battlefield Thaumaturge is there to help Descent of the Dragons or Hour of Need cast 1, 2, 3, or even 4 less.
Because goblins are funny - Goblin Rabblemaster and Dragon Fodder are there to help build a 1/1 Red Goblin Army (RGA)! Then transform those 1/1 Goblins into 4/4 Red Dragons with flying or 4/4 Blue Sphinxes with flying.
Fun Fact: Goblin Rabblemaster is - in most cases - Plan A and not B.
Because card advantage is fun - Anticipate helps ensure that you are able to keep and get rid of the cards you don't want. This helps prevent mana droughts or floods!
Fun Fact: By the MTG rules, Anticipate gives no card advantage as you keep the same amount of cards in hand as before; nevertheless, it gives you card advantage, and........... no one cares.
Because lands are funlahgaonadafaalhpaappanhgaobfvacnfapwhuaan
Note: The writer fell asleep at this point in time: 9:06 P.M. May 12, 2015.