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Cutting Clouds || Temur Monsters

Standard Aggro Competitive RUG (Temur)



Based a bit on John May's SCGRICH deck, with main board changes, and additions! Some influence from Brian Kibler, Anthony Lowry and Pedro Carvalho!

Green Blue Red is Temur now! Not RUG! Can't change my mentality, Abzan is still Junk and Jeskai is still American, AHHHH. But you know, never got in to Dega so let Mardu be.

What Monsters Lost

The biggest loss, in my opinion for RG monsters or Green ramp devo would be the one, the only BTE. Burning-Tree Emissary allowed you to have a free 2/2 body and a free 2 symbols for devotion. It was truly a good card for any Hydra deck and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx themed builds more importantly. But now that it's gone, we apparently have trees to take its place.

What's in store for THS-KTK Standard

Well since we already talked about the tree, Sylvan Caryatid has become a staple to all and any variation of decks. It is even more necessary with Wizards decision to push three-color decks. Sylvan Caryatid makes casting anything easy, a simple tap gives you any color of mana and what's nice is, it's a hexproof 0/3. But I'm sure you already knew that. But, from our observations, the format demands a more aggresive build, either threatening cruel trade-offs or finishing opponents faster. Lucky for us, the Temur Frontier is abundant with frozen-burning Mana Producing shamans, namely Rattleclaw Mystic. Not only can he/she/whatever morph to give more mana, it threatens to trade with Goblin Rabblemaster if ever.

With Khans of Tarkir being released, Monster decks are still probably focused on Green and Red with Big daddy Polukranos, World Eater and his pet, Mr. Anti-Elspeth himself, Stormbreath Dragon. Though with this in mind, the expansion only released one (1) tribe, clan or guild, however you want to say it, that incorporated the Gruul shade -- Temur. But sadly, the honorable Brian Kibler, thought otherwise, yes to Pokanos, but no to Stormybreath! He believed that it's easily killed by removal in the format now. So, more aggro he said, more aggro.
And this, bred the start of something even better, green red blue ugly orc-versions of AEtherling without the unblockable, -1/-1 ability and exile return ping strategy. So basically just a monster with tactics.

Savage Knuckleblade is super benefitial for its casting cost. For a three-mana costing 4/4 body, its a perfect fit for a ferocious Temur. It's even better with the mini-pump and bounce. Haste is awesome too with a flip-up Rattleclaw Mystic and tap. So a haste 4/4 for 2 generic mana. But whats sad with this Orcy Orc is that its demands GRU mana. so fek.
And of course this needs even more mana fixing. So we used the tri-land and apparently no Mana Confluence. It hurts too much especially with the uprise of Jeskai whatever decks! I'm personally against fetchlands because it only actually gives you an initial choice of mana color. If you fetch a forest, that's all you get. A green mana source. if a mountain, then a red mana source, but it's still limited to producing only that color of mana. But what's cool, you can do fetch either which when you need a specific color, so since I needed more RG Lands, 4 Wooded Foothills mainboard, why not.

Ashclouds, Boon Satyrs, Claws, Dragonspeakers!

Welcome to your Temur ABCD!

  1. Ashcloud Phoenix
  2. Some say better then the dragon, some say crappy. But a free regenerate into a 2/2 every death and a revive plus Shock? Most of the time, opponents have to 2 for 1 this birdy. A really good turn 3 play to start off your onslaught! Kinda sucks against burn and Jeskai, super good for the Abzan matchup tho.

TBC work in progress


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Revision 48 See all

(10 years ago)

-1 Ashcloud Phoenix main
-1 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker side
+1 Stormbreath Dragon side
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

28 - 1 Rares

12 - 9 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders RUG, Decks I wish I made, Temur, Deck ideas, Temur (Modern/Standard), Temur, decks i like, Playtesting for Standard
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