(Dralnu, Lich Lord's) DEATH MAGIC

Commander / EDH Toothpayste


Toothpayste says... #1

I could use advice on good instants and sorceries! I'm hoping to add more later on, considering right now the non-permanent spell count seems a little disappointing.

May 24, 2013 11:39 p.m.

Toothpayste says... #2

I received some good suggestions for instants and sorceries from the internet and from a few guys at my local shop. I'm now waiting on the funds to finish this deck! good suggestions for pulls would still be much appreciated.

May 30, 2013 2:31 a.m.

Toothpayste says... #3

I've come to the conclusion the deck probably needs more mana, be it through mana pumping creatures, land tutors, or just more lands, it could really benefit from a way to make it "go" faster.

June 1, 2013 3:31 p.m.

Toothpayste says... #4

Decided to throw in Traumatize . In a flashback/reanimator deck, making 'target player' yourself isn't such a bad idea...

June 6, 2013 2 a.m.

Toothpayste says... #5

Grave Pact and Killing Wave would make a cute couple. Especially if you everyone has about the same number of creatures as you. Once Grave Pact is out, just pay one for Killing Wave and make X equal 0, then choose not to pay. Pow! An overly complex boardwipe!

I'm the only one posting on my deck... how sad...

June 6, 2013 4:01 p.m.

Toothpayste says... #6

Realized if I'm going to be taking a pull (as opposed to push) technique when it comes to Dralnu's drawback, I should make sure I have some sort of contingency in case of board wiping fireballs focused on Dralnu, Lich Lord . Right now I'm looking at Sudden Spoiling , Trickbind , Ashnod's Altar and I'm considering Far / Away

June 12, 2013 6:57 p.m.

akivain says... #7

You do realize that flashback doesn't work with spells without casting cost, because you can't pay a nonexistent cost. Also, since suspend only works with cards in your hand, that doesn't work either.

June 29, 2013 7:41 a.m.

Toothpayste says... #8

The suspend only cards can be tutored with Tolaria West . Ancestral Vision is cheap card draw if you're patient. The only thing that could do to be replaced is Living End for Living Death . I like the little one-two punch when you couple one of those two with Gather Specimens , but to pull Living Death and Gather Specimens off in the same turn requires 11 mana as opposed to setting up Living End then following it up a couple turns later when it has the last time counter pulled. I appreciate the concern, but I've got it covered.

July 10, 2013 3:06 p.m.

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