This deck is awesome! +1. Love Trostani as a commander. Check out mine Gift of Life Gain
April 10, 2014 12:32 p.m.
BorosThespider says... #4
i would try Rhox Faithmender for massive life gain and Angelic Chorus to double Trostani, Selesnya's Voice ability for one mana more
April 16, 2014 4:04 p.m.
@BorosThespider The main focus of the deck is tokens. At some point, I had soul sisters in the deck too, but I found that focusing the deck would be better. Sadly, lifegain cant win us games, except with cards like Felidar Sovereign . The deck can still gain a poop ton of life, I played a game earlier today and my life total was 244 and my opponent's was 12 and I lost to Insurrection .
Thanks for the suggestions :)
April 17, 2014 1:26 a.m.
@cian114 I know your feel, I killed one of my friends by casting Phthisis onto his Felidar Sovereign :D
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes might fit in here, as soon as he's available.
April 17, 2014 12:22 p.m.
@SexyTH yeah, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes is very exciting. Although, I don't know how he'll fit into the deck, since there's not much synergy there. I might consider building a Sigarda, Host of Herons enchantment deck, Ajani will be awesome in that because of auras.
Thanks for the comment :)
April 17, 2014 12:34 p.m.
Ze_Geuse81 says... #8
yeah i really like your deck !! +1 from me may i suggest Spike Feeder
April 17, 2014 8:52 p.m.
Ze_Geuse81 says... #9
Dauntless Escort what an awsome card !! goes great with your Sun Titan
April 17, 2014 9 p.m.
Spear of Heliod is awesome in EDH. Removal and Anthem. Also, that podium from Journey into Nyx, I forget what it is called. Might also think about Phantom General , Archetype of Courage , Archetype of Endurance , and Dictate of Heliod
April 18, 2014 8:37 a.m.
sonicorigami says... #11
Speaking of Ajani... you could always use Ajani, Caller of the Pride and Ultimate him and make people quit out right. That's a lot of tokens. With Doubling Season and Parallel Lives that's nigh on too many tokens.
April 18, 2014 9:14 a.m.
@Ze_Geuse81 I contemplated adding a Spike Feeder in the deck but decided against it because I don't think 2-card combos are fair for the opponent, don't get me wrong it's one of my favorite combos with Archangel of Thune but I feel like I'd just piss people off. I might put one in the sideboard, just in case someone pisses me off, though.
@LDCummins I have playtested with Spear of Heliod A LOT, but I didn't find it effective enough. What it does is keeps my opponent from attacking, and I'd rather have the Darien, King of Kjeldor + Trostani, Selesnya's Voice synergy or Glare of Subdual to do that for me. +1/+1 is pretty underwhelming, I already run Mirari's Wake and Intangible Virtue , vigilance and mana doubling is better than a chance to kill a person's dude. Phantom General is VERY underwhelming, if it had other tricks it would be better or if it added +2/+2 instead, also its only for tokens, I already have Intangible Virtue for that, vigilance on tokens is awesome. True Conviction is infinitely better than Archetype of Courage , Asceticism and Privileged Position is better that Archetype of Endurance , and Dictate of Heliod is underwhelming, if it was a 4 drop I'd consider it, but it's not better than a Cathars' Crusade .
@sonicorigami I used to run an Ajani, Caller of the Pride in the deck, but without Doubling Season , his abilities are not that good. There is possible synergy with Sun Titan , and I have used his ultimate once w/o Doubling Season and It's incredibly slow.
Thanks for the comments and +1's :)
April 18, 2014 11:07 a.m.
love trostani as general!
some ideas from my own Trostani:
Angelic Accord Bow of Nylea and Rhox Faithmender or Boon Reflection are nice because in every end step before mine win 6 lives and put 4/4 angel, if trostani is in game, more lives..
olso i use Mikaeus, the Lunarch to increase the power of the tokens.. and Champion of Lambholt for evasion..
cheek my trostani
April 18, 2014 11:58 a.m.
@arkclown Nice synergy!
I steered away from lifegain, though, focusing more on tokens. I often found that lifegain annoys opponents, but I didn't have consistent threats on board and so I consistently lost. The deck as it is right now is pretty balanced, theres a possibility for broken plays but, I'm happier with this version than a lifegain focused Trostani deck.
I've tried Mikaeus, the Lunarch a while back, but I often found him too slow, and he attracts removal (which i guess can be a good thing too). Same with Champion of Lambholt , but I might need to try her again, because there's always so many tokens coming in. I'll have to test the champion again.
Thanks for the comment and +1 :)
April 18, 2014 12:07 p.m.
ZOMBunicorn says... #15
this blows my deck out of this universe, i love this deck thank you so much lol
April 21, 2014 11:41 p.m.
I'm not sure this would fit but maybe Hyrda Broodmaster? New from JOU.
April 22, 2014 8:28 a.m.
Hydra Broodmaster . Spelled hydra wrong, no wonder it wasnt linking.
April 22, 2014 8:30 a.m.
@ZOMBunicorn Thanks! :)
@TheHroth I'm gonna playtest with it once it comes out, I like me my hydras.
Thanks for the comments :)
April 22, 2014 11:56 a.m.
NuBByThuMB says... #19
Hey there! This looks great! I like the balance of colors here, you've got quite a bit of both. I like the inclusion of both Cathars' Crusade and Dauntless Escort . The latter especially in conjunction with Sun Titan .You should check out my spin on this playstyle here:
Next Level Springjack Pasture Playtest
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2 | 0 COMMENTS | 128 VIEWSIn my setup, I'm using Rhys as an aggressive oppressor, typically just to put more elves on the battlefield and ramp as fast as I can into Primal Surge and other goodies that I see you have also included here. The decks early game is heavily based around making elves. And as such, is much more green than your setup here. +1! Thanks for the look into what everyone else is doing!
April 25, 2014 1:13 p.m.
@NuBByThuMB, Thanks! I occasionally exchange Trostani with Rhys, and it feels more aggro than Trostani's playstyle. I just prefer Trostani's stability in the long game.
April 25, 2014 1:58 p.m.
cyclonemetal says... #21
Serra Avatar would be perfect for this deck.
you'd literally double your life right when it's played.
April 27, 2014 10:25 p.m.
@cyclonemetal I'm not a fan of Serra Avatar . I didn't center the deck around lifegain, I prefer tokens, as creatures win games and life does not, especially in EDH.
April 27, 2014 10:41 p.m.
@Svend The deck's price is actually around $500, I don't know why tappedout added an additional $1000. This is evident in my Bant deck as well, that one's around $300, but after editing the deck through the Edit Board button, it suddenly added another $1000 to the price.
If you're looking for budget cards to replace cards such as Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , etc. consider these cards:
Tolsimir Wolfblood is a good replacement for elesh, Overrun can replace Craterhoof Behemoth although he's not as expensive as other cards, you could run more basic lands, Archetype of Endurance is a budget Asceticism or Privileged Position , Dictate of Karametra could replace vorinclex, you could run Collective Blessing instead of doubling season. Nomads' Assembly , Jade Mage , Captain of the Watch , Geist-Honored Monk , Champion of Lambholt , Primal Vigor , Staff of Nin are all budget cards to consider.
May 13, 2014 10:07 a.m.
Now it is more in my price range, thanks a lot man!! I was think 1500 dollars was a bit to much. :) I'm going to check my local gameshop too morrow, i will let you know how i will go. :) I'm new to commander and this villa be my first deck.
Btw don't worry I'm not going to copy you card by card, i was thinking in going to focus a bit more on my life total than you are doing, maybe and some arjanis. :D
May 13, 2014 11:43 a.m.
Here are some ideas that will run differently, but will keep your synergy: Nylea, God of the Hunt is the number one addition, who does not want an indestructible source for trample, and with this much green, another indestructible bomb? Bow of Nylea , stops the opponent from frivolously attacking, all their creatures die. Overwhelming Stampede , speaks for itself! Akroma's Memorial , yes, it will get artifact hate, but if it stays on the board, well, its won games for me! Mana Reflection is a mana booster that helps win games, period. Regrowth is a one creature grave yard recursion, but can be critical if needed. Seedborn Muse Attack at will, you can still defend. Aura Shards , speaks for itself. Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top , if you add nothing else, put them in, managing card draw with them is a game changer; Last but certainly not least two Eldrazi's Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre for additional indestructibility, recursion into the library, and selective board wiping.
Now, lets talk potential bombs. In green under this general, I'm wondering why you are not running hydras. Major bombs like them are so useful it's hard to ignore them. Even when running only one in EDH format, can be instant win conditions. Protean Hydra would be my first addition, it's just an awesome beasty; Polukranos, World Eater givens you a stick with board wipe; Hydra Broodmaster maybe the best of all, drop her, boost her, and the potential of 10 /10/10's suddenly on the board gives a very formidable adversary that must be dealt with, if possible.
In white Bombs, you have Yosei, the Morning Star , great board control; this one isn't going to make you popular Reverse the Sands for obvious reasons; Eternal Dragon get your mana, repeatedly, and still have a flying stick when you need it; Austere Command , just an awesome effect card with tons of choices; you want to really piss off your opponent Armageddon , works every time, then board wipe them and all your tokens suddenly are huge threats; Last but certainly not least Akroma, Angel of Wrath , if you add no other card, she is a major bomb that must be dealt with, but black and red can't!
Hope these ideas have suggested a few considerations for your deck, no you can't work them all in, and some are expensive to acquire, but your on a great start and I wanted to make these recommendations to help you, if I did.
cian114 says... #1
@Stormbringer007 I'm actually planning on getting one in a month or so. I just recently reached to this point in the deck after spending a bunch of money, so i might hold off on buying a bunch of other cards. I am trying to get an Elspeth, Knight-Errant if I don't win that auction I might point that money towards ms norn.
Thanks for the comment :)
April 10, 2014 2:45 a.m.