You should call it "Drama Queen of vampires"! It's... it's a joke.. yeah
January 27, 2015 11:47 a.m.
garrettlstewart says... #3
Crux of Fate is a good board wipe option. 23x Snow-Covered Swamp to work with your Extraplanar Lens so you don't double up your opponents swamps too... Illusionist's Bracers 2 for 1 Drana, Nirkana, Magus, and esp. 2 for 1 Burnished Hart. Maybe Strionic Resonator to same deal with 2 for 1's but for Obliterator, massacre wurm, Nirkana, etc... I've found Black Market to be slow myself. I also like Geth, Lord of the Vault.
March 18, 2015 11:38 a.m.
Thanks for the reply!
Crux of Fate is indeed a solid choice, however in my meta there are a few decks that contain quite a few dragons, so it's a fairly risky choice. I think I'd rather wait for All Is Dust to be reprinted in MM2 :)
There's two reasons I don't have Snow-Covered Swamps. The first being that I have full art lands which I find a waste to replace. The second is that in my playgroup we have made a deal that no one in their mono colored decks will run snow covered lands. Once someone of the playgroup violates this then obviously I will follow, haha.
Illusionist's Bracers is good, but I really don't know what to take out of the deck. Same for Geth, Lord of the Vault. They're very solid cards for sure.
Unfortunately I haven't had Black Market on the field yet since I purchased it so I can't really judge on it yet. My initial thought was that it'd be too slow as well, but I still have hopes for multiplayer games.
March 18, 2015 5:46 p.m.
garrettlstewart says... #5
It Black Market definitly has the capability to go off in multiplayer games, but by the time it does, I feel like black gives you enough mana ramp options in combination with tutor options for you and it appears you run most of them Ghast, Cabal and Magus, Nirkana, the lens, the gauntlet, cage, etc. that it would just be redundant. Eh, you might have some luck with it tho. I'm in the process of rebuilding my mono black edh deck, and if I ever finished the deck it probably would've looked almost exactly like this, save for a few more discard spells. Massacre Wurm destroyed my simic deck tonight after I played a Hornet Queen then put a Progenitor Mimic on it... Boom there go all my insects plus you're taking 22 damage...
March 18, 2015 10:55 p.m.
Yeah, Massacre Wurm is amazing. One of my friends plays a Narset deck (such a powerful commander!), and runs Storm Herd. I cannot wait for the day that I play a Wurm right after that, haha.
March 19, 2015 4:55 a.m.
bjarneudenarme says... #7
I think you can replace Plague Wind with In Garruk's Wake. Unless your opponents have a massive amount of regeneraters, you can kill of those creatures with Drana ..
March 19, 2015 5:18 a.m.
I'd be robbing you to not give a +1 after all the ideas I received for my Drana Deck. Great Deck, I really appreciate the construction, and I also personally really love mono-black.
A particular 'suggestion' would be looking into Dread. It is another instance of No Mercy, but can also turn into a powerful swinging body at a 6/6 fear. Upon death its reshuffled, so you do have a chance to draw/tutor for it. Another less viable suggestion would be Liliana's Shade. It pulls a swamp out of your deck and into your hand, and with many mana doublers can turn into a formidable beat stick as well. (Though admittedly, its not the most impressive card)
March 19, 2015 5:25 a.m.
@bjarneudenarme, you're probably right. I don't have a lot of regeneration in my meta, but the same actually also applied to planeswalkers so it's never really a problem. Reason I run plague wind at the moment is that I ordered it and found it a waste to replace it directly after ordering..even though I own the promo of In Garruk's Wake, haha.
@gobucks, thanks! I find Liliana's Shade a bit on the high mana cost, and without any evasion I don't know how good she'd be. Dread however is a very solid card, definitely worth considering, but the 6-drop slot is very tough to replace. At 6 mana I either want to pump/equip stuff to Drana or play a big bomb. Even though Dread has the same effect as No Mercy, because it's later in the game people might just kill me in one shot anyway. Currently I'm testing Harvester of Souls at the variable 6-drop spot, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dread will end up in the deck sometime anyway. :)
March 19, 2015 7:34 a.m.
Yeah, I must say it's high on my list of wants, but we have a ban on easily tutorable infinite combos in my playgroup :(
June 27, 2015 3:08 p.m.
Chronoloco says... #13
Mana Crypt Mana Vault basalt & Grim Monolith. I say stick it to your group and have them stop being pansies and learn to adapt.
July 4, 2015 7:58 p.m.
Have you considered Sword of the Animist from Magic Origins as a ramp possibility?
July 5, 2015 6:05 a.m.
Casey4321, I sure have. The problem might be is that I don't have a lot of early beaters, so it'll take a little while before it'll actually fetch me some lands. The advantage of mana rocks over it is that I can just chain those together.
I'm sure giving it a thought though (and probably gonna test it), but it's hard to remove something for it.
July 5, 2015 6:31 a.m. Edited.
Cool. Yea my variant on Drana (Which needs an update which is why I'm here lol) Runs some early game stuff like Bitterblossom and Reassembling Skeleton to perform a turn 3-4 Contamination lock. So I'm super excited for the sword. +1 for being a fellow Drana pilot and having an awesome deck.
July 5, 2015 6:38 a.m.
I really dig the deck, especially because it looks like you're going to foil it out (as I am my Maelstrom Wanderer deck). It's also comforting to see that another playgroup doesn't enjoy infinite combos. Well made and well presented. +1
July 14, 2015 9:29 a.m.
griffstick says... #18
I run Akroma's Memorial in my Ðark ₣lavor edh and 90% of the time i win cause of it. I highly recomend running it. Imagine Grave Titan and Akroma's Memorial
July 14, 2015 1:08 p.m.
Yeah that's a great card, but the problem is that I don't run enough creatures to justify it I think. Most of the time I only have one or two creatures at most on board and then it's not as impressive :( You're right that it's amazing with grave titan though.
Silber, thanks! Got a foil Black Market today actually. I'm waiting for one more foil which I should get in about 3 weeks (Sword of Feast and Famine), and then I'll take pictures of the whole deck. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to get Dark Depths, Demonic Tutor and Vampiric Tutor in foil yet because they're quite expensive haha.
July 14, 2015 1:38 p.m.
Nice Sc1zX! I was lucky and traded a lot for my foil Vampiric Tutor ;)
July 14, 2015 3:29 p.m.
xxSkedz24xx says... #21
It's definitely possible to foil the Swamps, just use foil Zendys
July 15, 2015 5:30 p.m.
Rengokuken says... #24
@toportime Note that almost all of the cards listed are foils. Surely making them all normal will dock the price WAAAY down.
July 22, 2015 11:35 a.m.
steveoowns says... #25
Reminds me of an old mono black deck I ran except Kiku, Night's Flower was the commander and there were a ton of death effects but Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief and other X spells Exsanguinate, Drain Life, even Grave Titan were major win cons. Black mana ramp is so versatile. Coincidentally mine was also all foil. I like your style did you ever consider Phage the Untouchable? It's great when you can get rid of opponents fields quickly also Illusionist's Bracers makes Drana even more of a beast
griffstick says... #1
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January 10, 2015 3:08 a.m.