Drawn to Defeat

Modern* slovakattack


Vito1014 says... #1

Brainstorm ? Draw three cards for one. Should still trigger Chasm Skulker even though you have to put two back

July 3, 2014 7:57 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #2

Here's my initial thoughts on the deck, I'm sure I'll think of more later.

This is an interesting list, but I think that you are missing one key card since your main goals with this deck are putting creatures on the board (token or otherwise) and drawing cards: Gitaxian Probe

With Gitaxian Probe you can play Young Pyromancer on turn 2 and immediately get value rather than with any other spell that you would have to play YP on turn 3 to leave a mana open to get value.

I would cut the numbers of Electrolyze down to just a 2-of, it is a strong card, but it does cost 3 which is a lot in modern.

As for the cards in your maybeboard, the only one that I think you should bother with is Serum Visions .

Another card to consider is Artful Dodge , I think it would be better in this deck because it triggers YP while Aqueous Form does not.

July 3, 2014 7:58 p.m.

slovakattack says... #3

Vito1014: I'd love to use Brainstorm , and I would if it wasn't banned in modern. Same for Jace, the Mind Sculptor . I actually have a playset of him, but I can't use him in my favorite format. Sadness xD

PlattBonnay: I was thinking of ol' Gitaxian Probe myself, actually. I like Electrolyze because it both burns and draws, but I'd rather have Gitaxian Probe in this deck than Serum Visions , and there just isn't room enough for both.

Also, great thoughts regard Artful Dodge . It's an easy switch, I already have a playset of those.

July 3, 2014 8:06 p.m.

Vito1014 says... #4

Oh my fault. I didnt even pay attention to the format.

July 3, 2014 8:09 p.m.

slovakattack says... #5

Vito1014: No problem, it happens. Any other advice you can give?

July 3, 2014 8:14 p.m.

Vito1014 says... #6

My next suggestion was Serum Visions . But that's been takin care of. But maybe some sideboard options could be Izzet Charm Mana Leak

July 3, 2014 8:32 p.m.

OpenFire says... #7

July 3, 2014 9:51 p.m.

slovakattack says... #8

OpenFire: I thought about Dictate of Kruphix (and forgot Howling Mine existed, incidentally. Thanks for reminding me), and I don't know how comfortable I am giving my opponent more draw as well. I'm planning on doing a U/B Chasm Skulker deck as well, and with Notion Thief in play, I'll have 0 problem putting out Dictate of Kruphix . At this point though, I think I'd rather get the extra draw from instants and sorceries that target me alone, such as Gitaxian Probe .

That being said, U/R is not a color type that I am familiar with (this is my first Izzet deck, actually), so it may be that I am simply underestimating the risk/reward to be gained from Dictate of Kruphix .

July 3, 2014 9:59 p.m.

OpenFire says... #9

You could play a Grixis variant, with elements of both. Then you can add in Shah of Naar Isle , which is fantastic with Notion Thief . Consecrated Sphinx is a blue Notion Thief .

July 3, 2014 10:35 p.m.

slovakattack says... #10

OpenFire: A grixis version of this would be pretty interesting, but I think it would lack the hard lockdown of Master of the Feast + Notion Thief + Whispering Madness + Indulgent Tormentor (<-- M15 core release, not yet on the website). I like Consecrated Sphinx , but it's mana cost is just too high for the deck. Decks like this like to be below or equal to 2, IMO, and even 2.21 is kinda pushing it.

July 3, 2014 10:47 p.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #11

Forgive me if I'm suggesting outrageously expensive cards here, but if you're dropping the money for Snapcaster Mage I figure you might want to go balls to the wall competitive here. You could always make this a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker / Splinter Twin deck and throw in Deceiver Exarch and Pestermite for the infinite combo. Snapcaster Mage enchanted with Splinter Twin can be pretty mean too.

July 4, 2014 1:17 a.m.

slovakattack says... #12

nosoyyucateco: My issue with these suggestions is that you're basically suggesting that I cut out my entire deck and go standard kiki/splinter. I hate kiki/splinter, and find it to be a pretty unfun deck, to both play and and play against.

Currently, I'm trying to see if I can make an alternative deck that can stand on it's own merit :P

July 4, 2014 2:26 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #13

That's totally understandable. If there's anything you have probably learned about me, it's that I don't like making conventional decks or copying others' ideas. I know you're the same way.

Is there a way you can add some additional creatures or token spawners to contribute to your Burn at the Stake ? Legion Loyalist and Genesis Chamber come to mind, though Genesis Chamber is best in decks that benefit from creatures entering under your opponent's control.

Your burn + Snapcaster Mage are already very strong here, but I'm trying to think of ways to really crank up the early damage. Increasing Vengeance and Reverberate are nice (especially since the latter can target your opponent's spells).

I'm definitely not the Izzet expert, which is probably why I deferred to Kiki-Jiki / Twin, because it's the most devastating Izzet build I've played against in Modern thus far.

July 4, 2014 3:17 a.m.

slovakattack says... #14

nosoyyucateco: I was thinking of toying with Pyromaster Ascension, actually. My main issue is that I have this Battle Hymn and Invoke the Firemind combo in there (battle hymn also works for an early Burn at the Stake , and I can't tell if it's a really -good- combo or a really awkward and fumbly one. I'm wondering if I shouldn't just cut those 6 cards, put 2 Keranos, God of Storms and 4 2 drop instants instead.

I like the fact that Chasm Skulker actually gives me tokens if it's killed. It's part of the lose-lose situation that I'm hoping to corner my opponent into with this build.

In all probability, the deck would be better as a simple mono-red with Guttersnipe and Grim Lavamancer ... but it wouldn't be Izzet, and wouldn't have flavor. Plus, it's also kinda boring as hell :P

July 4, 2014 3:25 a.m.

slovakattack says... #15

Er, Pyromancer Ascension , sorry.

July 4, 2014 3:26 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #16

I like Pyromancer Ascension in theory, but in practice I think it's actually kind of hard to pull off unless you're going full playsets of your instants and sorceries, and even then, it's only so useful. Your Snapcaster Mage is already doing a lot of that work for you. With Snapcaster Mage + Reverberate / Increasing Vengeance , you should be able to get some pretty mean burns in. They would actually help a lot with your token production too, with Krenko's Command , so you've got some good synergy and flexibility going on here already.

If you can squeeze in Grim Lavamancer , you should have enough creatures to get some really nasty Burn at the Stake in. That's actually a better choice than Legion Loyalist by far.

July 4, 2014 3:43 a.m.

slovakattack says... #17

nosoyyucateco: Interesting. I'll see if I can make room for ol' grimmy there.

I will not lie, Chasm Skulker looks like it's gonna be my favorite M15 card. I've almost completed a Dimir and Azorius deck featuring it as well. It's just too much fun xD

July 4, 2014 3:48 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #18

I know. I'm getting seriously tempted to pony up for a booster box next week.

July 4, 2014 3:52 a.m.

slovakattack says... #19

nosoyyucateco: I got myself a fat pack, but my friend and I are splitting a booster as well: With the agreement that we'll split whatever money we make from selling singles evenly. THERE IS NO WAY THIS CAN GO WRONG, RIGHT?

July 4, 2014 3:55 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #20

I'm pretty sure that there are several movies that, without subtlety, show just how bad the whole "splitting the treasure with a friend" thing can get, but by all means, carry on with your grave pact.

July 4, 2014 3:58 a.m.

slovakattack says... #21

nosoyyucateco: I have no idea what you mean.

pulls the new Garruk

Friend: "Didja get anything?"

Me: "Uuuuh.... nooooo......"

July 4, 2014 4:03 a.m.

slovakattack says... #22

"And that, nosoyyucateco, is how I got this hook-hand. Yarr!"

July 4, 2014 4:05 a.m.

This deck is really cool! I have been trying to build a deck with Burn at the Stake for awhile now. You found a way to do it.

I would highly suggest Serum Visions in any deck that needs draw because it replaces itself with the draw effect and helps with consistency. I don't love Reverberate . I haven't tested with it so I may be off base, but I think another Gitaxian Probe or 2 Serum Visions would be more helpful in the long run.

I also don't see too much benefit from Artful Dodge since you are attacking with multiple tokens instead of one or two large creatures that need to be unblock able. Again, I haven't tested, but that card doesn't seem to fit the overall strategy. I would probably replace it with additional counter magic. Possibly Spell Snare , Spell Pierce , or Mana Leak s for help in the early game.

Cascade Bluffs would be nice in the mana base, but is unnecessary because the deck is only two colors.

As always, you came up with a great deck that is original and competitive. As an Izzet fan myself, this is a REALLY cool, fun, and powerful deck. Keep up the awesome brews! +1

July 4, 2014 8:43 p.m.

slovakattack says... #24

CurdBrosBrewingCo: Thanks for the advice! Artful Dodge was originally there to allow me to swing with a massive Chasm Skulker , but I decided to replace it with Fling for a potential game-ending blow, due to initial damage + token damage.

July 4, 2014 8:55 p.m.

Obviously, I wasn't a ton of help on the main board (essentially only suggesting switching out two cards); but I did have some potential sideboard options:

  1. Counterflux - Great against control and Storm (when overloaded)2, Sowing Salt - Great against Tron decks, Scapeshift, Devotion, and any deck that utilizes utility lands :)
  2. Shatterstorm - Affinity hoser :)
  3. Spellskite - Kind of a known commodity in Modern...good against many and great against Splinter Twin.
  4. Relic of Progenitus - Graveyard hate that can be used in different ways and also draws a card.
  5. Blood Moon - Steals games and is very powerful. You can play around it while many other can't.
  6. Cavern of Souls - Odd suggestion, but I love throwing one in against control. Can protect any important creature from being countered; and set at "Human' protects both Snapcaster and Pyromancer.
  7. Boomerang - Also kind of an odd suggestion, but I think this could be good in your deck. Many people will side in cards like Torpor Orb , Damping Matrix and other artifacts that turn off triggers and activated abilities...they also will side in enchantments that could be bothersome...Boomerang allows you a way to send these back to their hand to either be countered or to give you the opening you need. On the flip-side, however, boomerang also allows you to "flicker" your own Snapcaster Mage to re-use, "bounce" any creature to take advantage of Purphoros, God of the Forge 's ability, or even save one of your gods and/or Young Pyromancer from removal (like Lightning Bolt or Path to Exile ). It is just a very versatile card in your deck that can help in nearly every sided match (as your opponent is always going to side something to turn-off your abilities and synergy).
  8. Swan Song - Many of your opponents are going to side in some kind of board wipe (be it Anger of the Gods , Pyroclasm , Wrath of God , Drown in Sorrow , or any other black enchantment that gives all creatures -1/-1, etc....Swan Song counters any and all of these for 1-blue mana. The opponent will think they have an opening with you holding up only 1-mana (as remand and mana leak cost two) and will try to wipe the board of your many smaller creatures and tokens...this allows you an efficient way to deal with any and all of them (instants, sorceries, or enchantment...) While Spell Pierce offers very similar utility; it is not a guaranteed counter late-game.

You are far better with this deck that I would be; and have played it more than I have; so you know far better what the issues are post-board. These are only ideas. Please feel free to say any and all of them stink and to utilize any you;d like. I just noticed there was no board yet; so I thought I'd provide anything I could (be it good ideas or useless ones :) I hope this helps! Regardless, however, the deck already looks great; and the synergy among the cards is AMAZING! I'd +2 it if possible.

July 4, 2014 9:02 p.m.

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