xXvampireXx: Noted. I should note that it's not infinite. You would need to pay one more to go off.
Inferno Titan---->Hellkite Charger: This was going to be Hoard-Smelter Dragon, but my budget restriction dashed my hopes. I'll re-add the Titan when I can, but this will have to do for right now.
August 4, 2016 6:05 p.m. Edited.
This is a really good deck for $30! I'm gonna throw a few cards in i own (Oracle of Mul Daya) and try it out!
September 24, 2016 9:42 a.m.
Thank you. :) I'm trying to bring it back down to $30, but I wonder if T/O is counting basic lands. If it isn't, then I'm not sure what to remove to restore the budget.
But, yes, this deck is a starting off point for anyone interested in Intet. Feel free to go as budget as you want with it. :)
September 24, 2016 11:12 a.m.
Nice build! I have been struggling to create an Intet list that I can call finished for a while now, there are just so many different ways to take it. Dragons, Spells, Big Creatures, Control, the possibilities are endless.
With the budget in mind, there are actually some pretty playable lesser-known library manipulation cards out there you can run. You don't need to add all of them, but even just adding one or two could make a big difference in the games they are out.
The prices I am listing are what you can get them for on tcgplayer right now.
Cream of the Crop $5 - While not having an impact on its own, it has a low cmc and ensures that once you start dropping gas you will not miss your Intet flips ever again.
Ancestral Knowledge $1 - Extremely underrated. Few cards let you dig this deep with so little mana invested, and when you're done with it you get a free shuffle to get rid of the unwanted garbage. I'll usually only pay for the cumulative upkeep once or twice, or even not at all if there's nothing good in the top 10. It gets even better if you have ways to blink/return it to hand. Just don't make the mistake of sitting there for 5 minutes thinking about how to stack the 10 cards, keeping in mind that you probably will only draw 1-3 cards before you sac it.
Crystal Ball $0.30 - If you aren't running fetchlands this is honestly better than Sensei's Divining Top in how many cards it lets you see. I find myself running this in decks that don't even need the library manipulation just because of how sweet scry 2 every turn is.
Halimar Depths $0.50 - Helps with deck stacking, with the added bonus of not taking up a spell slot.
Soothsaying $2 - While it is more mana intensive than some of the other options, it comes down early and gives you something to do with mana when you're running out of gas or holding up an instant end of turn.
Darksteel Pendant 8 frickin cents - It's cheap, it lets you scry every turn, and thanks to indestructible it's not going anywhere (screw you Aura Shards). Pretty much any budget deck should at least consider this card in my opinion.
Sigiled Starfish $0.21 - No, this is Patrick. Blocks stuff and gives you more scry, yay!
Orcish Librarian - I'm not gonna lie this one is kinda bad. But you gotta admit it's kind of hilarious.
Hopefully some of those help you out!
All in all, this is very impressive given the budget. Some other cards you might consider:
Insidious Will $0.15 - The flexibility is great, and holding this under Intet is delightfully evil. Copy or redirection when you want it, a counter when you need it.
Temporal Aperture $1.57 - It's mana intensive, sure. But then again, it's another repeatable Unexpected Results so your argument is invalid. Embrace the chaos >:D
See the Unwritten $0.64 - You have big creatures. This gives you more big creatures.
Dragon Mage $0.22 - People will literally let you swing at them with this to get the hand refill, and sometimes it screws over the blue mages at the table. Plus it's a Dragon Wizard, which is a win.
Djinn of Wishes $0.29 - It kind of acts as a backup Intet, except you don't even need to connect to activate. I wouldn't run this without some of the library manipulation I suggested earlier though.
Riptide Shapeshifter $0.15 - It's a big mana investment, but he can act as a kind of silver bullet if you build around him. For example, if you name "Ooze", you can go grab Acidic Slime. Other ideas: Elephant - Terastodon, Illusion - Draining Whelk, Wurm - Worldspine Wurm. Have fun with it!
There are loads of other cards I suggest but I think I've already thrown enough out there as it is. I wish you the best of luck piloting the coolest and definitely underrated RUG commander!
January 10, 2017 10:44 p.m.
Araganor: Oh my, that is quite a list. Here's my breakdown:
Those above $3 are too difficult to add for right now, as much as I want to add Maelstrom Wanderer and Indomitable Creativity.
Ancestral Knowledge: The card is even better than I gave it credit for. I'll add it.
Crystal Ball: I'd be more than happy to reuse an old EDH staple of mine (Elixir of Immortality was another one).
Soothsaying: It's good but the price tag means that it's not likely to make it. I'll try but I have no guarantees.
Darksteel Pendant: You're the first person to heap praises on the card. I'll add it.
Orcish Librarian: No thanks.
Sigiled Starfish: Sure.
Insidious Will: This is a sweet counterspell. I might replace Plasm Capture due to its intensive mana cost.
See the Unwritten: Budget Tooth and Nail is nice.
Temporal Aperture: I'll try it out.
Dragon Mage: Sure, this seems good but it might get ugly with Atarka, World Render out. Possible but that's an ugly play that I might run into.
Djinn of Wishes: Always welcome.
Riptide Shapeshifter: This seems a bit slow but I like its implications.
Thank you for all of these suggestions. Any advice on what to remove?
January 11, 2017 2:48 p.m.
Certainly, here are some cards I would consider cutting:
Surrak Dragonclaw - It's nice flavor but meh otherwise. Most of your stuff has flying anyway so trample isn't really needed. Granted the anti-control tech is nice, but with 4 people in a game the blue mage can only counter so much. Your call.
Destructor Dragon - Pretty weak for what it does. Acidic Slime does it better and a 4/4 isn't scaring anyone. Getting this bounced is going to feel bad.
Aftershock - Again, pretty slow. This one you could keep in though because it is pretty flexible.
I would cut one of your redundant artifact destroyers, you have quite a few. Probably Viashino Heretic just because he's slower than your other options and you need all the speed you can get in a budget deck.
Brutal Expulsion - Too much mana for what it does, even off an Intet flip I don't think it's worth it. I think you would be better off running a cheap counter that's easier to hold up like Swan Song or Stubborn Denial.
Yavimaya Elder - Don't get me wrong this is a good card. But since you care more about etb effects and don't run Birthing Pod this one might be cut-worthy. Also he's over a dollar so it will make space budget-wise.
Fervor - It's OK, but it's definitely a cut if you need space. It's certainly not Temur Ascendancy
Good luck! Try stuff out, see what you like. Just make sure you don't run your average cmc up too high trying to fit in all the good stuff ;)
January 11, 2017 4:35 p.m.
9 Maybeboard cards down, 9 to go. Halfway there.
January 11, 2017 6:44 p.m. Edited.
bout to buy this on MTGO and play it. Will let you know how it does!
April 12, 2017 12:29 a.m.
Have played 2 one on one games so far and have won both by turn 8 or 9 with intet coming out on turn 4 or 5 both games. the deck is sick!
April 24, 2017 9:32 p.m.
brian.olson542 says... #11
This deck is a solid budget deck. Your commander makes for each game working differently, and I applaud you for your budget mission. Definitely a +1 from me. I will be buying this deck and will give some feedback when I can.
My only suggestion I can think of would be to put in more ramp. Your average CMC is cripplingly high. Basic budget rocks like the signet cycle or Prismatic Lens and Star Compass are mainstays in my budget decks, and 3 colored decks need all of the help they can get.
Your creature package is good, but I have a soft spot for Ulamog's Crusher. It would be the best bomb to cheat in on a budget.
Sorry I can't offer anything else at this time. I seriously dig the deck though.
xXvampireXx says... #1
Hellkite Charger is amazing in a deck like this, it allows you to attack multiple times per turn, and it is really inexpensive to buy! it also allows for infinite attack steps with Savage Ventmaw.
August 4, 2016 2:56 p.m.