
We Bear Bears

Rebuilding this list underneath the Modern format in order to have fun with a concept that is unorthodox for me. I'm looking forward to trying to make this as powerful as possible.

Bear Witness

After doing some research into what kind of deck I really wanted to make with this, I have settled on leaving this deck as a Legacy Format Build.

From here on in, it practically won't matter what form or shape this comes in as, it'll be for fun and to beat face.

This build has pretty much always been a Mono-Green () deck I had originally drafted as an idea to use dredge mechanics with Ayula's Influence, alongside my favorite bear, Ayula, Queen Among Bears. This deck is constantly changing in format based on what the current landscape of printed bears looks like, but I think the most recent Legacy-iteration is it's most successful, streamlined, and powerful. Enjoy! It's gonna keep changing!

"Splash a color"

If I were to do such a thing, I'd go Golgari colors for competitive removal like Abrupt Decay.

Golgari also features some black/green dredge mechanics that would work well for the synergies this deck already uses.


Considering things like Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma for the potential of a Mirror Box build.

Even an Aether Vial and some Secluded Courtyard could make it into this build and give it a typal treatment.


Some other funky cards like Willow Geist and Golgari Grave-Troll are also featured.

Lands Matter

It's important to address the utility of casting lands from grave if you are pitching them there for value already.

Crucible of Worlds is one option. Has been a staple in this use for a long time.

Ramunap Excavator is another creature that gets some attention, and Elvish Reclaimer provides a decent bit of utility as well.

  • the deck has been overhauled several times since it's initial construction so I figured it a decent time to update all of the descriptive tabs, and reaffirm the identity of the deck. All of the previous construction notes and etc. have remained in place where applicable because I thought detailing the growth was important to understanding all the different ways one can manage this kind of deck. I mean, Dredge is such a versatile mechanic!

  • Thematically, my intention is to remain running this deck as a Dredge mechanic lead build, with thematic nods to Ayula, Queen Among Bears being what her moniker implies; the absolute best bear to have ever bear'd witness. Right.. anyways.

(the following is a demonstration of how the deck has changed throughout it's functional history, rather than it's thematic history. And let's be honest, it hasn't always been good. Be kind about the evolution of the deck, please.)

  • Revisiting this list for the first time since early 2021, going to see what has been printed and may potentially make the build stronger. I miss playing with a bunch a bears!

  • The list ended up losing a lot of pieces in the switch over to Modern format:

  • Wilson, Refined Grizzly and Ruxa, Patient Professor were both EDH specific Bears, and although super cool and flavorful, obviously not legal within the format.

  • Slippery Karst is ultimately less effective than other pieces I could use here but it was not legal in the Modern Format either.

  • Since I shifted this deck to Legacy Format (and here's where it'll stay..) I don't really have anything holding me back now.

  • The Legacy Format is the most malleable and applicable in any capacity, and while damning from things like Stax, or Combo, or most notably the Blue decks, I think this is where the Bear Dredge/Delve deck belongs most comfortably.

  • In theory, I might be able to abuse faster mana mechanics like Chancellor of the Tangle and Elvish Spirit Guide, but in reality how much of the concept vs. How much of the competitive edge is what I want.

  • Having access to things like Berserk also seems pretty cool in terms of it's focused uses, removal, buffing, etc.

"Bear Bodies"

  • So things like Grizzly Bears was the initial concept here, but maybe swapping those bodies out might be better, it's very dependent on if I can make Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma viable. I'm not very certain of that, either.

  • Ayula, Queen Among Bears does so much heavy lifting here, whether as an on the board presence or as fodder, due to the sheer fact of her might in pumping the rest of the board.

"Bear Circle-of-Life"

  • The core of the deck began as a means to exploit the use of Dredge mechanics in a casual setting to do fun things. Golgari Grave-Troll is still illegal in Modern as of writing this. So using this mechanic may turn out to be harder than I initially expected.

  • Yeah and the funny thing is when I update this deck in (2024), and we're back into the Legacy format. The next big update may require some new bears, since the most recent one, Kudo, King Among Bears was a Selesnya identity bear. Not terrible for use or identity purposes but I hoped to keep this deck as a purely Mono-Green deck for the time being.

  • I have had this list in rotation for so long that I decided it would be my introduction to testing deck play in other engines. This one was so comfortable and I realized that it helped me to edit the list and create something that functions very well based on it's parameters.


Updates Add

Going to be making some huge navigation updates and overall adjustments to the deck description; finally got the list into a place where it seems the most fun. I like the competitive aspects of this structure but it won't be lost how much the bears absolutely influenced this deck. The test plays were a lot of fun! It was my first experience with Cockatrice, but it performed as well as I wanted it to.

Updates include:

  • going to be taking advantage of the card Six because it's an absolute banger for our shell needs. In truth, I think this card has brought dredge back to a competitive capacity, but where it's most applicable remains to be seen. Regardless, I like what it does for me.

  • Werebear is astoundingly simple, and the perfect choice to help me start pumping out a whole bunch of bears, and succeed in rounding out the game within four turns. The best part of my choice here is that the body will scale into late game, providing us with a much better padded (paddington, get it?) dork on the board.

  • I know that bears don't typically get a whole bunch of love from magic, but this update is prior to the Bloomburrow release (2024) so I may end up making further revisions. As always, bears are tight as fuck and super cool.

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97% Competitive

Revision 11 See all

(5 months ago)

+2 Boseiju, Who Endures main
+1 Breeding Poolfoil side
+3 Colossal Skyturtle side
+3 Dismember side
+3 Flare of Cultivation side
+3 Force of Negation side
+1 Island side
-1 Misty Rainforest main
+1 Overgrown Tombfoil side
-1 Verdant Catacombs main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #16 position overall 2 years ago
  • Achieved #3 position in Casual 2 years ago
  • Achieved #2 position in Casual Theme/Gimmick 2 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 weeks
Exclude colors U

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

34 - 8 Rares

8 - 6 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Bear 2/2 G, Manifest 2/2 C, Royal
Folders Bears
Ignored suggestions
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