
This is a highly adaptable graveyard centric deck, that can pivot its focus from a variety of gameplans. As you can see, it has a dredge line, were in slower matchups like control it can bide its time by dredging cards like Golgari Grave-Troll and Stinkweed Imp, and then abusing cards like Vengevine and Hogaak, Arisen Necropolisto recur creatures that black there removal. In faster matchups like combo, you can go for a Hermit Druid line, were you use Hermit Druid to mill your graveyard, sac him, Narcomoeba (which you mill of upending your deck) and a dork like Llanowar Elves as fodder for Dread Return to get back Lotleth Giant for 46 damage. In more midrange matchups, like pyromancer or lands matchups its best to just play valuable creatures like Sidisi, Brood Tyrant and Rotting Regisaur or Life from the Loam + Strip Mine or similar effects to lock them out so that they can't play lands, and often your deck fairs much better as you can do a lot without using actual mana. Like most midrange decks, you have a good matchup against most decks, and like a hybrid combo deck its easy to win out of nowhere.
Your points are Strip Mine-3, Mox Emerald-3 and Survival of the Fittest-2. The Mox are really good at both accelerating the midrange plan, giving a faster start in the grindier dredge-based games, and helps get delerium as their some of the only artifacts this deck wants. Survival is amazing as being a great tutor, bins creatures like Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath for extreme value, or Golgari Grave-Troll for turbofilling my graveyard or just tutors you a land in the form of Dryad Arbor. One of the best things about this deck is that its very flexible. The points that I am using are not 100%. Some cards you might consider are Demonic Tutor as a way to get combo pieces, Intuition and Gifts Ungiven as a way to get free card advantage and better combos online, and my final choice for points would be the delve spells like Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise, which tax your graveyard and requires some changes to the deck for a very strong effect. I decided to not use some of these even though I could as to keep myself a bit faster or play more synergy pieces that work better with the rest of the deck. Remember, you don't always have to use all 10 points, and in this case I believe that 8 out of 10 points is one of the most optimal.
As said above, you can always change the points of the deck. This deck also can have a delve version built, were we take out some of the goyfs and creatures that depend on your bin being full of other creatures, and use creatures like Gurmag Angler or Hooting Mandrills that are baseline, along with some of the pointed delve spells or other delve spells as well.


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Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years
Splash colors U
Key combos
Card Score 4 / 10

This deck is Canadian Highlander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

60 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Elk 3/3 G, Food, Insect 1/1 BG, Insect 1/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
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