Dear Community,
This is a Deck inspired by ForestBearStudios.The concept is all about controlling the game long enough to combo off with your
Demigod of Revenge
First of all i want to poinit out that i built this deck for fun and a cosy FNM in my local Store. I do know that this deck wont be able to Top 8 on a bigger tournament :)
Nevertheless i would like to built a Deck which is as competitive as possible. Thats why i publish it in here to get some feedback / tips and suggestions.
Feel free to bring in the craziest and most abstract suggestions that you can imagine. Ill not be mad about any feedback because every form of feedback will help me.
If you think you would splash a colour for some special cards, tell me.
If you would cut some Cards to replace them with better ones, tell me.
If you think i should change the strategy, tell me.
So my thoughts about the Deck and Cards.
Obviously i do know that BBBBB is hard to reach, but as you can see i do have Life from the Loam, 8 Fetchlands and i decided to put in Lotus Cobra (maybe not a good choice, im not sure about it) to get the BBBBB as fast as possible.Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is really important to get an extra use of Gemstone Mine and Tectonic Edge
To my 1 Drops:
I decided to play 4
thought seize
because... you know why.
2 Drops:
I got a lot of 2 Drops...
2x Smallpox ...its a nice card because you can screw up the gameplan of your opponents. You can make them Manascrewed without hurting yourself dueto Life from the Loam
2x Maelstrom Pulse ...mhmmm... this card. It can be freaking good, but sometimes its just a expensive Removal.
3x Life from the Loam i cut one to bring in 3x Lotus Cobra ... Life from the Loam can be really good, but if you have one, you dont need another.
4x Abrupt Decay The Best Removal so far. No need to describe it.
2x Doom Blade i do like this removal, simple but effective. Ohhh... you got a gyf... not this game. Ohhh there is a Exarch and you want to twin it... nope, not this time. etc.
2x Grisly Salvage ive chosen to put in 2 copies of it exepct of one because its a card that fits in this deck absolutely perfect. In the early game you can bring in some lands / grave your Life from the Loam to dredge it later on, you can pull a Eternal Witness to get some stuff back or simply grab a
Demigod of Revenge
2x Eternal Witness its an amazing card. Sadly it doesnt fit in here so well. Theres often not enough stuff in the grave to get a full advantege of it. Any suggestions of cards which fill the grave a little bit more? <<<<<<<
4x Courser of Kruphix its an amazing card. Normally i do hit every single Landdrop so ill always gain a little amount of life. And the opportunity to play lands from the top is amazing to thin your deck.
Demigod of Revenge
no need to describe.
Jarad's Orders
this card is the perfect match for the Demigod of Revenge. It allows you to exactly do what you want to do. 1 Demigod in your hand, the other one into the grave. Next turn. Start the 2-turn-clock.
2x Damnation having a mass removal is important. Affinity, Tokens, Pot, Aggro, all the creature heavy decks can be eliminated within one big boom which can be in Round 3 if we do have the Lotus Cobra out there.
2x Tectonic Edge + Life from the Loam + Dredging the Loam --> Turn after Turn you screw your Opponent.
I played this deck already on a FNM tournament. Sadly there have been only 4 players. I finished 2:1. The deck was built a little bit different with 3x Bloodghast exept the 3x Lotus Cobra.But i decided to change them because the ghast is amazing in some decks, but as you can see my deck isnt an aggro deck so there is no need to spam them with my Bloodghast.. if the have any creature with toughness 3+ the ghast is f* up. + it cannot block which makes him "unplayable" in this deck in my oppinion.
What are your thinkings about the Cards?
I would really love to get some feedback and tips.