How to win on turn 3.
Turn 1( on the draw opponent goes first): Lay Fetch land and get a blue mana, Thought Scour targetting your own library, get a Life from the Loam and a Borborygmos Enraged into your graveyard.
Turn 2: Dredge the Life from the Loam in your graveyard. Lay Fetch, get a green mana source. play life from the loam. keep all lands in your hand as possible, discardng all but Goryo's Vengeance
turn 3. play Goryo's Vengeance on Borborygmos Enraged, discard up to 7 lands (1 from draw on the turn) doing 21 damage and able to swing at their face at combat doing an additional 7. If you weren't in danger of losing the next turn, Id say wait til turn 4, have 4 mana out and loam and goryo's on the same turn to have more bolts to their face.
I prefer hitting a griselbrand early on though, because it kinda ensures me hitting another reanimation if I can last that long.
Its a pure combo engine, so theres nothing to interfere with the opponent. if it pops it pops, if it doesn't well, they win.
I really like the early turn engine that
Trade Routes
and Dakmor Salvage/Life from the Loam has to try and find some targets/dredgers/reanimators, also harder to get rid of than Magus of the Bazaar, but magus is bomb if he sticks.
Bazaar of Baghdad
as a creature is the best thing modern has.
I need some work on the land base however, and I have no idea for sideboard because the whole deck is an engine. you gotta get lucky to pop off a reanimation target turn 2-3, but it won't necessarily win you the game (griselbrand might seal it, but its all dependant on the opponent.) Turn 4-5 it always hits. its just wether or not you have the lands in hand to seal the deal, or the life to kick off grisels 7 dredge shiznit. its fun either way though
its better with blue.