Working on updating and improving my dredgevine list.
A highly aggressive combo-aggro deck at it's core, dredgevine attempts to fill the graveyard with cards such as
and Bloodghast, and get them onto the battlefield to apply pressure as early as possible.
Though the list is aggressive, as the graveyard grows so does its power, aiding the deck even in the later turns of slow games. If Gravecrawlers and Bloodghasts cannot get the job done in time and the game goes long, Gurmag Angler,
Lotleth Troll
, Golgari Grave-Troll and repeated
s are there to pick up the slack.
Faithless Looting smooths draws, triggers dredge, dumps cards and flashbacks.
Bloodghast is persistent aggo and goes wide.
Gravecrawler is persisitent aggro and triggers
Lotleth Troll
beats down, dumps cards, and enables Gravecrawler.
Gurmag Angler beats down, blocks, and enables Gravecrawler.
is the centrepiece, acting as repeatable hasty beatdown, with the potential to have multiple attacking as early as turn 2.
Lightning Axe
is removal that also dumps cards.
Rotting Rats enables Gravecrawler from the graveyard.
Stinkweed Imp dredges and can serve as a blocker.
Golgari Grave-Troll dredges and can hit hard late game.
Darkblast versatile removal that dredges.
Satyr Wayfinder fills the graveyard and smooths land drops, while often triggering
Grisly Salvage
fills the graveyard, smooths land drops, and digs for zombies to trigger
Gnaw to the Bone
keeps me alive in a pinch.