As a final goodbye to my second favorite guild before it rotates out of Standard I decided to a break from Modern and build something fun for Game Day.
The Breakdown
Deathrite Shaman - An excellent card when Innistrad was in Standard and is still very good especially with a deck that puts many lands into the graveyard. Provides easy fixing and isn't a dead draw in the later game.
Elvish Mystic - A different version of Deathrite. Still provides us with mana acceleration but doesn't have any late game worth.
Herald of Torment - I'm still not completely sure about this card. It gives our large threats evasion so they can't be blocked by tokens from Elspeth or Xenagos.
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - Flinging a 10/10 creature at somebody's face after attacking with it usually wins the game. Getting back a creature after discarding it or it dying is also very useful.
Lotleth Troll - The main discard engine of the deck. Puts tons of pressure on an opponent if you have dead draws like Elvish Mystic.
Nemesis of Mortals - Being able to get a 5/5 for less than the 6 mana that's on the card is awesome. Then on the next turn when you Monsterous it and attack for half of a person's life is an even better feeling.
Nighthowler - Making huge creatures even bigger is this guy's job and he even resists removal when bestowed.
Satyr Wayfinder - Dumping creatures and lands into our graveyard is the main goal of the deck and getting a creature that you can put Nightholwer on is great.
Sylvan Caryatid - Provides mana fixing and is a great wall for aggro decks. Stops Ash Zealot, and Precinct Captain from hitting you.
Shadowborn Demon - Removal plus a 5/6 flier for 5 mana is good especially when there isn't a downside.
Grisly Salvage - Insanely good card for graveyard strategies. Puts four cards in the bin and gets you a land you might need or a creature that's necessary.
Commune with the Gods - Similar to Grisly Salvage but doesn't hit lands.
Duress - Honestly this could be replaced with Thoughtseize but then I would probably need to switch Nemesis with
Couser of Kruphix
. Good against control.
Golgari Charm - Saves your creatures from Day of Judgement effects, gets rid of pesky enchantments, and kills tokens.
Lifebane Zombie - Has many targets in both Naya Mid-Range and Gruul Monsters. Pretty much has unblockable for the matchups when it gets put in.
Mistcutter Hydra - Hydras are rather inefficient but this card hoses Mono-Blue and since it has haste can push through the last bits of damage.
Pithing Needle - Stops annoying utility creatures and meddling planeswalkers.
Scavenging Ooze - Helps you survive through aggro decks and gives you something to do if you have tons of creatures in your graveyard and no Nighthowler.
Whip of Erebos - Reanimates a large target for one turn and gives your creatures lifelink. If the reanimated creature hits it'll make burn decks lose on the spot.
Abrupt Decay - Being uncounterable isn't the biggest deal in Standard but being able to deal with Detention Sphere and other troublesome permanents is the best. As an added bonus this is Legacy playable as is Deathrite Shaman.
So what do you think? Is this any good? Suggestions and ratings are one of favorite things about deck building on this website so leave me some feedback.