Erebos, God Of All Of The All The Of Enchantments

Commander / EDH Eboksba

SCORE: 121 | 168 COMMENTS | 28644 VIEWS | IN 78 FOLDERS

pleasuresaurus says... #3

Man oh man this build is stupidly fun! Been play testing a proxy of this with my local EDH guys, some who splash black for Grimgrin and Nekusar - hilarious results. Anvil of Bogardan comes out, everybody's happy drawing 2 and discarding 1 to fuel the graveyard then BAM! 2 Megrim's hit the battlefield. Price of Knowledge comes down and gets copied by Clever Impersonator. U can take on the entire table with a deck like this - my only thoughts are early game mana ramp to ensure consistency and surviving land destruction.

January 15, 2015 1:02 a.m.

Eboksba says... #4

The deck is now updated, with some major significant changes!

@pleasuresaurus : I always thought a Dimir or Grixis version of this deck would be fun to make, but I haven't found any grixis champions that work, and Phenax, God of Deception just doesn't fit too well.

January 15, 2015 5:42 p.m.

Eboksba says... #5

Upvote if you like it! Erebos lives on your devotion to him.

January 15, 2015 5:43 p.m.

SharkSeducer says... #6

I think Death Pits of Rath could be a good addition to this deck and combos really well with Pestilence

January 22, 2015 9:35 a.m.

Spootyone says... #7

Well, It's going to be hard for me to make too many suggestions here as it seems you have quite the refined list here. I also am not as versed on EDH as I am with Standard, but I will do what I can. I know that sometimes those with lesser knowledge can point out things that experienced players might overlook.

It seems like most of the cards in your list have been chosen for specific roles and over other specific cards after a good bit of playtesting, so my recommendations will likely be limited as I wish to not waste your time. Crawlspace seems to be the card you want to get rid of more than anything else, so I'll see if I can find a card for that slot.

Diabolic Revelation could be included as another tutor that can grab multiple combo pieces at once. The mana cost is high, of course, but you have a decent amount of ramp to accommodate this. I noticed you also have Doubling Cube in this deck and honestly I just feel it's usefulness is really limited with your mana pool empties and your deck doesn't focus on getting past that 6-mana threshold early that makes it even worth using. I think that slot could be better served as another mana rock. Even something as simple as Mana Vault or, if you're wealthy Mana Crypt. These two artifacts are better than almost all others in the ramp department and I think that you'll be happier with their "one-time" usages (vault) or pain (crypt) than with the cube.

One other thing that is a big part of your deck is the fact that it is creatureless -- and I respect that as a green mage haha. However, I really do feel like there should be some consideration towards Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Yes, it's a one-time use in here (apart from utilzing Yawgmoth's Will). Yes, it's a creature (but it doesn't really matter if it dies once on the field). But with so many enchantments bringing your devotion to insane levels, Gary just straight-up KILLS all your opponents even when they may think they're safe at 10-20 life points. That's a scary card to be fearing and one that can really pull you out of a tight spot when you're falling behind on life since you're going to likely be gaining upwards of 30-60 life all at once. It's a creature, but please consider it.

Lastly, I was looking through your maybeboard and I see you have a lot of G/W hate cards in there. Is that due to your local meta or something else? I feel like I'd advise against those types of cards, but if your meta is full of Green and White decks then they might be of consideration. The card I DID like from the list, however, was Praetor's Grasp. Not only can it wreck the unfortunate Voltron player who had their commander tucked, but it also provides you with protection from essentially anything you'll fear. Want more mana? Go grab someone else's Sol Ring. Worried about Cyclonic Rift? Go take it so they can't have it. And in the case of green decks, take that Craterhoof Behemoth so that Tooth and Nail just rots in their hand before they are forced to discard!

Overall, I absolutely love the deck. +1 for sure. I wish I could provide more in the way of advice but honestly I think your knowledge of what this deck needs far outpaces my own haha. Thank you again and good luck with the deck!

January 22, 2015 12:30 p.m.

yoshiman95 says... #8

I think that Nettlevine Blight could be really useful to pull people back down if one of your creature hate enchants go away and they get ahead

January 22, 2015 4:35 p.m.

yoshiman95 says... #9

Also +1 from me. I did something similar in legacy but it was a grixis creatureless deck based around everything dying and coming back to me

January 22, 2015 4:42 p.m.

Eboksba says... #10

The advice is solid, regardless of age it's always important to nail down those basic things first.

Having looked at Grey Merchant of Asphodel, I decided to go on another fun adventure: looking at every single artifact creature and black creature to see which ones would make it into the deck.

I found several cards that were practically begging on their knees to enter in, much like Gary or Kuon, Ogre Ascendant or Kokusho, the Evening Star. (recently unbanned.)

I'll playtest Gary and consider adding in creatures, Gary is a one time use that also accidentally has good synergy with Portcullis and some other recursion cards.

I wish I had a Mana Crypt. I'll make due with a Mana Vault though. Good call on the doubling cube, took it aside and decided it was "win more".

As for Praetor's Grasp, I finally acquired one today and will be sifting out what I need. I've decided to start slowly cycling out the discard stuff.

So Erebos has a Pet (Kokusho), his agent-accountant (Gary) and his college buddy. (Kuon). I like it. I'll play test it and see what I can find and post it.

Thanks again for upvoting!

January 22, 2015 11:12 p.m.

masterosok says... #11

With discard being a theme in your deck Waste Not provides outstanding utility.

I see Soul Conduit in your maybe board and was curious of your experience if any with using that combo. With Erebos out its extremely devastating as forcing two opponents to swap life totals leaves them both with the lower life total. It's an expense ability at 6 but with Cabal Coffers or Black Market it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Just curious on what you thoughts are as I have seen that combo be every powerful in the right deck.

January 23, 2015 noon

masterosok says... #12

Oh and with Words of Waste you would be able to pull of a really nice combo with Waste Not out.

Activate Words of Waste, draw from draw step or something else, (this is most useful to perform during a main phase) Words of Waste replacing your draw forcing a round of discards, respond to any non-land, non-creature discard by activating Words of Waste, Waste Not triggers for a draw and Words of Waste forces another round of discards. Once you are done you should have a nice pile of mana and/or creatures.

January 23, 2015 12:11 p.m.

Great idea to have some functional critters in this deck, especially ones we wouldn't mind losing. I was actually thinking of suggesting a recurring critter like Reassembling Skeleton to the mainboard - my group meta has a number of players using Geth's Verdict and other similar "sac-your-creature" removals, and it gets annoying when Erebos gets Erase'd and sacced a few times w/o Cabal Coffers on the battlefield. Would be nice to have something that we could bring back and sac in his place.

January 23, 2015 11:11 p.m.

cjk191997 says... #14

Ok so I know you want it creatureless but a Gary would be so powerful

January 24, 2015 11:51 a.m.

Eboksba says... #15

So, the first rounds of playtesting have come in and I think I was right on all accounts.

Gary oblooterated people and was actually used 3 times in one game, Kuon was useful only in 4+ games, Kokusho is a monster that no one wants/can deal with, and Soul Conduit is too expensive. Yes you can manaramp, but the Mirror Universe is for the "Suprise!" factor, where ask soul conduit takes this turn AND your next turn to do things.

Still play testing, will let yall know.

January 24, 2015 4:11 p.m.

What are your thoughts on Defense Grid and Stuffy Doll?

January 26, 2015 6:20 a.m.

Eboksba says... #17

Defense Grid is an example of unfun. It doesn't particularly benefit you, and the only spells you need to watch for are generally sorceries (Fracturing Gust and the like). It adds to the cost and is easily circumvented. Defense grid is good for preventing people from killing your critters as you attack, or counter spell protection, but in the event someone goes counter happy, go grab Boseiju, Who Shelters All and you'll be surprised how complete that shut down is.

Stuffy Doll is actually on my list of things to add. I'm still in the process of playtesting him and as a result I don't have a complete understanding on what he means for the deck. The doll is a powerful, powerful deterrent against attackers, but is nigh-useless in the face of trample. I'm still figuring out how to fix that, and I think Pariah's Shield may be the way to go. I'll let everone know as I continue to test for creatures to add.

January 26, 2015 12:57 p.m.

Eboksba says... #18

Ok, after playing a few rounds at the card shop, I have a couple of keepers and some not so keepers. Kokusho will be making it in, along with Gary, Stuffy doll, Anowan and The Soul of New Phyrexia.

January 27, 2015 8:54 p.m.

Lagaffe212 says... #19

Vercy nice deck !

As a replacement for Crawlspace , Silent Arbiter is very intresting. It keeps aggro at bay!

February 1, 2015 3:47 p.m.

Eboksba says... #20

The ironic thing is that in EDH, having either paints a huge target on your head, and the majority of decks attack with one super creature anyway. Silent Arbiter basically puts a gun to yer head the next few rounds.

February 1, 2015 8:01 p.m.

mortilus says... #21

You couuld replace Blood Reckoning with any of

February 7, 2015 3:48 p.m.

mortilus says... #22

wow i wish i could delete that comment

February 7, 2015 3:59 p.m.

kameenook says... #23

Forsaken Wastes is still a legitimate suggestion though.

February 7, 2015 4:18 p.m.

Eboksba says... #24

Not particularily, but I appreciate the comment. Forsaken Wastes is basically Copper Tablet with the side bonus of making a major part of my commander's ability useless, namely life gain. Erebos doesn't include me, and it's important that he doesn't because I need lots of life gain to stay alive. The problem with Forsaken wastes is that it provides a copper tabletesque effect and punishes me much harder than anyone else, who might not need life gain. It somewhat under performed when compared with Subversion, which underperformed when compared to Palace Siege, which is currently used.

Thanks for your comment and upvotes! Remember, Erebos lives off of your devotion er, upvotes to him.

February 8, 2015 1:36 a.m.

HonkStonk says... #25

I know it breaks the creatureless theme but Silent Arbiter might be a good sub for crawlspace.

February 27, 2015 10:43 a.m.

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