Erebos, God Of All Of The All The Of Enchantments
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 121 | 168 COMMENTS | 28644 VIEWS | IN 78 FOLDERS
A powerful card, good against many deck. It does cost 350 for a piece of cardboard however, and actually handily hoses my own deck. People are angry enough that I toss around Word of Command, which is why I'm holding off buying The Abyss. Thanks for the comment though.
March 9, 2015 11:03 a.m.
How about Ensnaring Bridge? I really like your deck a lot. Just thinking of little tweaks that make sense. I have a couple Chains of Mephistopheles laying around I wanted to try out :)
March 9, 2015 6:11 p.m.
Ha! Unless you'd be willin to part with one, I probably won't be able to play test it much.
Ensnarin bridge was also play tested, but the thing is that erebos works with things that help him with more cards, such as Ivory Tower and Venser's Journal.
March 9, 2015 6:31 p.m.
I have a detailed list of adds/subtracts for you to look at and get your opinion on. I'll explain my thoughts on each and the overall logic for you... Putting it together tonight.
March 9, 2015 10:27 p.m.
pleasuresaurus says... #7
I won a game last night piloting this deck. Never really gave much thought for Glacial Chasm till last night when an opponent whipped outNekusar, the Mindrazer, Kami of the Crescent Moon, Spiteful Visions AND Teferi's Puzzle Box! I've never been so glad to pay life for cumulative upkeep hahahaha.
March 10, 2015 1:23 a.m.
That's the genius of Glacial Chasm. I've had a game where someone whipped out Ruric Thar, the Unbowed and two separate players thought it was funny to cast Rite of Replication on it.
Was sitting there wondering what in the world I could do vs 3 Runic Thars, because most of this deck are noncreature spells. Then I top decked Glacial Chasm. Such a wonderful feeling.
March 10, 2015 10:11 a.m.
Finally got around to building my version of your Erebos deck. When you get a chance come give it a look over. I'd like your constructive criticism since your version was my base.
May 5, 2015 4:23 a.m.
If left a comment for a very similar deck (K's Inquisition) Some of the suggestions might be interesting for your deck as well.
May 20, 2015 1:05 p.m.
'lo. So, as you left the comment in his deck, I'll comment there.
Thanks for your imput!
May 20, 2015 8:47 p.m.
I read your comment and I love your insights! Since you seem to have a lot of experience with your decks and the cards you play I have some questions regarding a few cards I'm thinking about running myself, but I'm not sure about their performance. I play highlander (100 singleton cards, no commander, no sideboard, 20 life points and a slightly different banned list), the format is a bit faster and your life points are a bit more precious but this shouldn't effect most card choices I think.
Darkness: You loose a card and only postpone the inevitable. Wouldn't some mass-removal be better in the long run? I don't think it's worth the card slot.
Black Market: You got a point there. In my format you only have 20 life points, so it's a bit faster and the Market won't get as strong. But I agree, given time it is a very powerful card!
Bubbling Muck: Is it better than Dark Ritual? Or even Cabal Ritual? You play quite a few non swamp lands so it might take a while until it actually does anything. Sure it can really do stuff when it gets late in the game. But the Rituals can accelerate the early game as well. Could be quite good to cast No Mercy or the like in the 2nd or 3rd turn. For the Bubbling Muck to be better than Dark Ritual you need at least 5 Swamps, if you get those in most of your games I guess the Muck is better. Cabal Ritual allows you to cast your 4 mana spells (where you have the most) in turn 3 and it is also strong in late game since you will probably always have more than 7 cards in your graveyard with your deck. Also being able to cast the Rituals as an Instant might help in some situations.
Jet Medallion: You have 17 Artifacts, 35 Lands and another 10 spells without generic mana symbol in your deck. That leaves only about 40 spells where it has an effect. And to use its full potential you need to cast 2 of them in one turn. I really like Mind Stone because it has the same effect if you only cast one spell a turn (and since you have quite a few expensive spells in your deck how often do you cast more than one spell a turn?), it helps you cast artifacts and also lets you draw a card if needed. Of course in combination with Yawgmoth's Will the Medallion it's much stronger, but there is no guarantee u get both. Another card I'm considering is Mox Diamond it can really accelerate your early game and in combination with Crucible of Worlds and/or Yawgmoth's Will the drawback of discarding the land becomes less painful.
Charcoal Diamond: Is it better than Talisman of Dominance, Mind Stone, (Skull of Ramos)?
Crawlspace: What's your experience with the card? I have the problem that 2 creatures might already be enough to finish me. I prefer enchantments/artifacts that protect me altogether from creatures.
Mirror Universe: I love this card! But how often can u pull it off? I would imagine that once you play the card it gets quite a lot of attention from your opponents. Is it worth the 6 Mana? And how well does it work with the other cards in the deck (e.g. Pestilence, Glacial Chasm, Necropotence)?
Cabal Coffers: You play a lot of non basic lands. I guess EDH/Commander matches are longer than highlander but how often do you have a Coffers that doesn't generate mana because u don't have enought swamps in play (and no Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth)? Since you need at least 3 swamps for it to do anything and 4+ to give you an advantage.
Lake of the Dead, Glacial Chasm: Where I play, almost everyone has a Wasteland in the deck. I don't play the Lake at the moment but I do play Glacial Chasm. I feel that it's really risky to sacrifice a land only to have your Lake or Chasm blown away in the next turn. And you can't always rely on having a Crucible of Worlds to recover from that. And sacrificing a swamp also hurts Cabal Coffers and Bubbling Muck.
Insidious Dreams: How do you use the card? Is there something special in your deck (maybe a combo) you always go for? Or do you just use it as an ordinary tutor? In that case even Diabolic Tutor would be better since Insidious Dreams produces a big card disadvantage.
Another thing I'm wondering about are cards that deal damage but fail to do so on their own like Megrim, Liliana's Caress, Dingus Staff and so on. I guess in multiplayer matches they are better than in one on one scenarios. But I always wonder if it would be better to play cards that can damage my opponent without relying on other cards like discard spells. Probably in your deck it's no problem since you play a lot of discard spells but I would still be really interestet in your experience in that area!
I see Nether Void in your Maybeboard. Have you ever thought about other Staxx like cards like Sphere of Resistance, Static Orb, Storage Matrix, Winter Orb (I guess Winter Orb would be too much since you don't play that many mana artifacts yourself)?
May 21, 2015 11:44 a.m.
Certainly. I'm very curious to see how a highlander match goes, should be interesting.
Darkness: You'd be suprised how many times someone will slap out something that makes a billion tokens, gives them haste, then casts Craterhoof Behemoth. That one turn will burn through whatever expensive effect they have and (more importantly and to the point) leaves them vulnerable. See Simulacrum.
Black Market can be removed in a 1v1 or even 1v1v1 singleton situation. I still use it as the only creatures I use are disposable, and most shops round here have EDH pods of 4+ people. See your meta, then judge accordingly. It's important to have lots of mana, which is why the below is so important.
Bubbling Muck: Oh my word this card is amazing. There are numerous effects that will cause this card to recur, and this doubles your swamp for a turn without having the easily killable revanents and banshees. EDH games last a while, on average, this nets around 7 land. You are correct about it not having very many swamps in this version of the deck, as it's very out of date (3rd rendition maybe?)
Jet Medallion fits a price niche that very little else does, it's worth it and never gets destroyed. The only bonus it has over the Mind Stone is that it's essentially "reusable." You have a good argument on it though, so I will analyze whether it's more/less effective than other options. I like the Mox Diamond idea, will look at.
Charcoal Diamond is better than all of these. It's just very efficient, what the Moxen were supposed to be. Maybe less so in the case of the Mind Stone, I think you'll find in EDH (or perhaps even in a faster format) that the extra 1 mana from the Skull isn't too significant.
Crawlspace: I have done so much math and playtesting with this card, as I absolutely love the art on the new version. Your problem with the card is absolutely correct, A huge majority of decks focus on having 1-3 beaters and a bunch of blockers or chump blockers, and the beasties just soar right through. I thought that having Erebos a creature could fill the block, but it just doesn't interact enough with the deck. Many times when I desperately needed a card to deal with the board state, I drew this card and promptly lost the game. I love the effect, I really do, but drawing this card has killed me more consistently than anything else in my deck. Sad to say it, but pass it along.
Mirror Universe is no Soul Conduit, but Soul conduit requires two entire turns to work, and mirror universe is often times too fast for people to react to. The effect itself is priced at 6 mana. People won't destroy it because it sacs itself, and the only usable during the upkeep part is easily overlooked/forgotten. Mirror Universe was chosen over Soul Conduit because of the speed. Any effect that turns life into damage can insta-kill people. Lets take Necropotence, pay 39 life at the end of their turn, Switch life and take another soul for Erebos. It's a win condition with style! As with other win conditions, tutor the pieces you need first.
Cabal Coffers: This will be hard to demonstrate unless you try it. Unless it was in my opening hand and I have less than 5 land in that hand, I would just mulligan. This land nets on average anywhere from 5 to 12 black mana a game. Horrendously overpowered land. Just don't start with it in opening hand and You're fine.
Lake of the Dead was a win more card, mostly so I could keep the old card theme going. It's inferior to a Swamp, but hey, if it forces them to blow it up instead of a Glacial Chasm or a Cabal Coffers, (which in essence is just blowing up the swamp you sac'd) then it's worth it. Play those other lands after you play this one. Is mean if you have Crucible of Worlds in play. Your call, my current system of mana management gets over the weaknesses, but you are correct that a swamp is better in this slot.
Insidious Dreams is amazing. Instant speed, so there's no reason to cast it on your turn. If they try to mill you, just grab it with Erebos. Generally speaking, your hand advantage is nothing compared to being able to pull everything you need to win/beat a given scenario from your deck. The primer has more information. (I need to update it, but life gets in the way sometimes) Diabolic tutor will give you 1 card, but Insidious dreams can give you 7.
The discard theme was eventually cycled away, but the current rendition works. The current deck does not feature discarding as a way to kill. Dingus Staff is still a powerful card to use against reanimators and a way to prime your next board wipe spell to do terrible things to their life totals. Again, it's more of a multiplayer spell that's used as fodder to other things if it's not needed. Dingus staff on average deals about 12 damage per player over the course of the game, to about 24 against players that rely on sacrifice. Against single players, the 12 damage can come much sooner. See Lethal Vapors argument in the other deck discussion. I will probably post two versions of this deck later, one as a discard variant of null and another as a solid life-based variant of null.
Staxx: *Sigh. Yes I do. No I don't. Yes I do. I am supremely undecided on Staxx effects. The problem with them is that they suck to play against, and the staxx mentality will creep into a meta much like fungus creeps into your garden while it rains. When you start to play it, and you win, 2 things happen; people will avoid playing your deck, or people will justify other staxx effects such as Back to Basics in their decks because you did it, and you lose your ability to tell them it's a bad idea. Lethal Vapors, Crawlspace, Tainted AEther are all not staxx effects. Ensnaring Bridge is. If you decide you want staxx, you need a bit more than one or two cards to sufficiently protect yourself, and when you finally have everyone's answers on lockdown, people start to get angry. You'd be surprised how often politics come up in games like these.
May 21, 2015 3:46 p.m.
Wow, thanks for the detailed answer! I just made my deck public so you can have a look at it if you like, you might get a kick out of it :) But keep in mind that it's still work in progress. But at least you'll get an idea what I'm talking about.
May 21, 2015 7:34 p.m.
Myojin of no one have any answers or fun ever? Wow! So that's what a falcon-crotch punch feels like!
(E does not promote or endorse the using of cards that completely remove people's ability to have fun.)
June 9, 2015 4:53 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #18
Yeah myojin is pretty evil haha. But hey so is mono black.
June 10, 2015 5:49 a.m.
I love the deck, well done. Have you considered (I bet you have) Pithing Needle with Lethal Vapors? It seems to be on theme as well as a tad of a great combo for your deck.
July 6, 2015 10:22 a.m.
You say all the enchantments, but I only see the black ones... oh well, nice list!
July 7, 2015 2:02 p.m.
+1 Great deck! and can you please check out my Grixis Delver deck
July 8, 2015 12:26 p.m.
JayPadilla says... #23
I fuckin love this man, I'm going to try it out on
July 8, 2015 8:50 p.m.
Expensive for it's effect and requires other discard effects to be powerful.
Still, it's good on it's own right. I've already playtested it and found it alright.
Eboksba says... #1
Thanks for leaving a comment!
Unfortunately, the local meta draws an insane amount of hate for that card, and I must pass it. It also doesn't work with theme or with the deck in general, reasoning is with the other previous cleaned up comments.
February 27, 2015 5:38 p.m.