Drownyard Trolls
SCORE: 114 | 212 COMMENTS | 26831 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
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Do you think two is good enough? Also, what should I take out for them?
February 9, 2013 9:26 a.m.
... I was going to leave a more meaningful comment, but the long trip down here led me to forget what I was going to type. After reading many of the previous comments it's clear this deck has dramatically changed, I'd be almost willing to bet only a few cards beyond lands are unchanged, as such it would be a very good idea to hide old comments in the update section.
Ah now I remember, if you're looking for a wincon maybe you could consider Nephalia Drownyard as a control deck you're likely going to be going way into the late game and even some milling can go a long way (also if you have a Tamiyo emblem out you could be drawing 3). For your sideboard I would suggest at least some counterspells as against a harder control deck you could easily end up having to send planeswalkers into counters.
MonkeyMind says... #1
Planeswalkers love taking extra turns with Temporal Mastery right?
February 9, 2013 8:53 a.m.