Drownyard Trolls
SCORE: 114 | 212 COMMENTS | 26831 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
7000 Views Reached! —March 4, 2013
7000 Views Reached!
Barter in Blood is much cheaper than Merciless Eviction and most of the time Terminus, it also gets rid of indestructible creatures. I'll take out the Tribute to Hungers for more Azorius Charms. Also, I doubt I played on game day because I didn't go. Lastly thanks for the help, and if you can, try to +1 again, because it didn't go through.
March 2, 2013 6:06 p.m.
10vernothin says... #3
terminus hurts aggro ALOT, especially turn 4 miracle. It also circumvents indestructibility, hexproof and basically nothing short of a counterspell can dispel it.
Owlus says... #1
Hey, I think I faced you on Gameday last Saturday. I was the other esper control deck([augur-of-control]) with the Psychic Spiral that faced you round 1. +1, like the list, though I am a bit confused about some card choices. For instance, why Barter in Blood over 2 more board wipes, like Merciless Eviction or Terminus? And I would run 4x Azorius Charm, especially because it is just straight spot removal if you have Nephalia Drownyard out. Lastly, why Tribute to Hunger over 2x more Murder or Devour Flesh or even the Azorius Charm.
March 2, 2013 12:22 p.m.