Drownyard Trolls

Modern Chubbub

SCORE: 114 | 212 COMMENTS | 26831 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS

SCG Tourney —April 3, 2013

Overall – 3-3-1 Game 1: 0-2

Made a retarded misplay first game, that cost me the game.

Game 2: 0-2

Junk Tokens, really close games.

Game 3: 1-1-1

Mirror Match, I might have won the third game.

Game 4: 2-1

Wolf Run Bant, but I managed to stall enough for him to run out of steam, and milled him with Drowynard.

Game 5: 2-0

Jund Midrange, first game he made the derpy mistake of letting Sorin ult, stealing his Huntmaster and Garruk, Primal Hunter.

Game 6: 1-2

I forget this match, I just remember getting smoked in game 3.

Game 7: 2-0

She was playing a RDW, that splashed black just for Bump in the Night. I got down to 1 life in the first game, but then she ran out of burn spells or something. Second game I got two Rhox Faithmenders out, and crushed her.

I got 130 out of 292, which is pretty good because there were still 2 rounds to go after I left.

I can't really suggest anything that hasn't already been mentioned. Some added draw power (Think Twice or Thought Scour) could be helpful, but I'm not sure what to recommend cutting. Assuming that the Foils are noted because you have them in paper - very impressive! +1

March 20, 2013 3:21 p.m.

Chubbub says... #2

Thx, I also don't know whatI would take out. Thanks for the +1!

March 20, 2013 5:51 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #3

I would take down the Sphinx's Revelations down to 2 or 3. They are bad as multiple in hand early and make for awkward starts.

I would suggest replacing a couple with Think Twice for more deck cycling. They also give you an additional chance to top deck Terminus on each turn for the miracle

March 22, 2013 3:25 p.m.

Chubbub says... #4

harrydemon117, I'll try the change. Thanks for the comment, if you like the deck, +1.

March 22, 2013 4:30 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #5

Sure thing. Let me me know what you think of mine tonight for FNM and +1 if you like:

5 color ramp

March 22, 2013 4:42 p.m.