Drownyard Trolls
SCORE: 114 | 212 COMMENTS | 26831 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
10,000 Views! —April 26, 2013
But Memory Adept wins you the game. If you can protect him, you win.
April 7, 2013 8:13 p.m.
April 19, 2013 1:26 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #4
is too easy to play around. Since Esper is a "grindy" game your opponent will have time to wait a turn to cast their spell.
@Chubbub I would remove Rest in Peace from the sideboard...it has BAD synergy with Snapcaster Mage . A better option would be Purify the Grave if you want something vs Reanimator style decks. It has built in flashback, is instant speed, AND your opponent won't know you have it. If you have Rest in Peace on the field, Junk Rites players will just go the mid range route and hard cast their stuff...not to mention they always sideboard Abrupt Decay to combat this trick anyway
Nice job so far. Looks like a few more tweaks and less admitted "misplays" lol and you will be doing well :)
April 19, 2013 3:10 p.m.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it. If you like the deck, please give it a +1.
harrydemon117, do you think two copies of Purify, or Tormod's Crypt would be better?
Spinalripper says... #1
One of my hardest match-ups are decks like these with all my decks besides Zombies when I play them. I on the other hand am scared shitless of Jace, Architect of Thought vs Jace, Memory Adept , Memory Adept actually helps dig some decks where Fact or Fiction and stalling with -1 on attacking creatures can help delay the game further into your win cons. Adept can't protect himself where Architect can.
April 7, 2013 8:11 p.m.