Drownyard Trolls
SCORE: 114 | 212 COMMENTS | 26831 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
Cleaning Again —May 2, 2013
Cleaning up the comments. 71 comments currently.
harrydemon117 says... #3
I think 2 copies of Purify the Grave . Tormod's Crypt falls under the same category as Rest in Peace in that your opponent will see it coming. Not to mention that you COULD use Purify the Grave in the mirror and remove their targeted spell with their Snapcaster Mage as well. (also works well if they get it milled to the graveyard)
April 29, 2013 9:50 a.m.
ponokarate says... #5
Since Dragon Maze how about Crypt Incursion . Leaves your spells alone and gets you a ton of life late game after a Supreme Verdict
April 30, 2013 5:20 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #6
Problem with Crypt Incursion is you have to leave 3 mana open. With Purify the Grave , you only have to leave W open and it has flashback
April 30, 2013 5:50 p.m.
ponokarate, I originally was going to put in Crypt Incursion , but along with harrydemon117's points, I don't really need the life. If my opponent has enough creatures in the graveyard for it to be useful, I should already be fine. Thanks for the suggestion anyway, and if you like the deck, +1.
solnox says... #1
Looks good and like my friend's deck lol
April 26, 2013 11:13 a.m.