Drownyard Trolls
SCORE: 114 | 212 COMMENTS | 26831 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
3rd Place FNM —May 25, 2013
Record: 4-0-2/10-3-2
Match 1: 1-1-1
My opponent was playing Jund Midrange. I should've lost the first round, but I got freaking god draws.He ultimates a Garruk, Primal Hunter, on my turn a miracle a Terminus. He has 7 cards left in his library, and he can kill me next turn. I top deck a Jace, Memory Adept. The game took 35 minutes, so when he crushed me next game, we were out of time.
Match 2: 2-0
I played a white weenies deck, that was kind of crappy, so I pwned her.
Match 3: 2-1
I played a Gruul Blitz deck that I hammered first game lost to the second, and barely beat in the third game.
Match 4: 2-0
I played against my friend's Junk Lifegain deck. It gained 160 life, but it had no good win-con, so I milled him out. The second game he sided it into a token beats deck, and I milled him out again.
Match 5: 1-1-1
I played Aristocrats Act 2, and the first game I killed him with Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, but it took 30 minutes. The second game He got an Obzedat out and brought to 9 life. I managed to kill the Obzedat, but he just brought in another one. He finally killed me, but we ran out of time to even start game 3.
Match 6: 2-0
I played against a Turbo-Fog Bant Superfriends deck. The first game he got mana screwed, and conceded pretty quickly. The second game I got Sorin out, and he just whupped ass, because in game 1 my opponent saw no creatures so he boarded out Fogs.
I got 3rd place out of 34 people and won $20. I was pretty happy with my performance.