Druken Distortion

Commander / EDH DrukenReaps


bushido_man96 says... #1

Thought about running Tron?

March 4, 2020 7:19 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #2

bushido_man96 the urza lands? like Urza's Power Plant. Honestly without a method of fetching them I just don't like them.

March 4, 2020 7:30 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #3

bushido_man96 thanks for reminding me Expedition Map is a thing. Tron lands are in, blast zone too.

March 4, 2020 7:49 p.m.

bantrules12 says... #4

It That Betrays and All Is Dust is a great combo for this deck

March 20, 2020 3:15 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #5

With my commander discarding stuff I wonder if colorless reanimation is enough of a thing? I've got a few pieces... I'll try and find room for some more...

Sword of Light and Shadow, Workshop Assistant, Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, Metalwork Colossus, Junk Diver, Conqueror's Galleon  Flip, and Trading Post are all possibilities. Returning to hand is actually perfect for the commander's ability. Of course an empty hand is also good (luls) so maybe Null Brooch?

March 21, 2020 2:51 a.m. Edited.

bantrules12 says... #6

Definitely addJunk Diver, Myr Retriever, and Scrap Trawler they make it great when u have a Krark-Clan Ironworks

March 21, 2020 3:39 p.m.

ChickenBoy13 says... #7

Way to go making a colorless deck without Wastes.

Maybe run Void Winnower?

Awesome deck!

April 2, 2020 10:29 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #8

this is a spoiler but would be an awesome land to add to this deck.

January 16, 2021 7:35 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #9

Kaldheim dropped some things to consider.

Most obvious is a land in the post above this one.

Next four are not likely to see anything beyond a test. They seem ok but not any more impactful than anything already being played in the deck





January 21, 2021 6:31 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #10

FINISHED THE PRIMER!!! Doing that mana section was a pain... lol.

I do enjoy doing primers for my decks though. Really forces me to look at every inclusion I made and point out potentially poor choices I made. A decent number of lands to keep my eye on and some other things here and there. Pretty happy with the current state of the deck though. Now I just need to get back to playing the game...

January 30, 2021 5 a.m.

I love seeing other Kozilek decks and I really enjoy your strategy with it!

Side note, I include one or two cards that fetch basic lands and enemies tend to pack one or two cards that do too. That's why I run 3 Wastes in mine.

If you'd like to see mine here's a link: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/kozilek-colorless-artifact-shenanigans/?cb=1612067494

Hope you too get to play in person again soon!

January 30, 2021 11:39 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #12

4to16characters yeah I don't think it is wrong to run wastes I just decided not to with mine. Going to be annoying when peeps use Path to Exile but otherwise I think there is enough ways to get mana running them or not running them.

I enjoy seeing any solid colorless deck, I'll definitely check yours out shortly!

January 31, 2021 8:52 a.m.

All the more utility!!

January 31, 2021 6:41 p.m.

Profet93 says... #14


+1 Great deck. Have you considered Sensei's Divining Top ? It smooths your draws, helps you dig an extra 3 cards in general and for your commander's ability, can allow you to draw one of them to counter. Moreover, with your cloud key/semblance anvil + mystic forge + top, it allows you to draw your entire deck. Redundancy can be done through Ugin, the Ineffable which also acts as draw and removal itself.

Rings of Brighthearth might be a worthwhile inclusion given that it's draw with top, infinite mana with basalt and deserted temple + rings + 4 mana producing land (or 3 mana producing land + forsaken monument) is infinite mana as well.

Ancient Tomb > Temple of False

June 13, 2021 5:35 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #15

Profet93 good ideas! I think I have an extra Brighthearth around here... But I think I'm already using all my Tops elsewhere. If I'm not I'll have to find a spot for one here.

June 13, 2021 5:48 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #16

Gruesome Slaughter out

Sensei's Divining Top in

Might change up the commander to OG Kozilek, if I'm going to be the arch enemy why go soft on them?

July 25, 2021 3:15 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #18

Does The Celestus do enough to consider?

July 8, 2022 3:59 p.m.

Profet93 says... #19

Blinkmoth Urn - HUGE ramp, can be even better with a tapping effect such as Clock of Omens or whatever tickles your fancy. Could even utilize a land such as Blinkmoth Well.

Mycosynth Lattice - Synergy with the above and Karn, the Great Creator. Not an entirely serious suggestion, but worth considering

Warping Wail - Additional counterspell.

Wurmcoil Engine - Not entirely serious but Wurm + Klan Ironworks + Nimdeathmantle = Infinite creatures and mana(?), I'm too tired to do math at the moment but I think it checks out

Cryptic Caves > Springjack pasture. Draws cards which is relevant for your commander and in a pinch. Can be copied with rings as well and recurred with crucible.

Field of the Dead > Rogue's passage. Do you often find yourself at a stalemate where rogue's passage would be actually beneficial? Field, while comes in tapped, can easily produce some zombie tokens to protect your boardstate, sac to trading post and more.

Cavern of Souls > Nephalia Academy. Do you find your opponents making you discard in your meta? If not, I dont see the purpose as you can't utilize your commander. Would you not be better served by protecting your creatures from counterspells despite getting the cast trigger? Budget restriction? No1 plays blue in the meta?

Skullclamp - Draw, is there a specific reason you're not running it?

Mindslaver - Given you run Emrakrul, it doesn't seem like you're against mind control effects. If so, then this is a worthwhile inclusion. Being able to effectively not only time skip them at worst, but make them lose (looking at u necropotence), keep their commander in exile, or just make them in such an unwinnable position that your victory is assured, the flexibility is strong and should not be overlooked. Also, politics! You did state the deck is archenemy, so perhaps no politics, but if you're already the enemy, might as well end their misery.

Also, Scorched Ruins + Rings + Deserted Temple = Infinite colorless mana.

To respond to your previous comment, I do not believe it is a worthwhile inclusion.

November 19, 2022 3:28 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #20

Profet93 small confession first is that I'm likely to change over to Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter when it arrives. Still like your list of suggestions!

I've found myself avoiding Mycosynth Lattice for the same reason I avoid using Karn, Silver Golem, they create a lot of cool interactions but there's also some ...less than desired interactions for me. Like turning everyone's lands into explodable things. Though that does bring me back around to Blinkmoth Urn, it's a card I had written off a long time ago due to it's interaction with Lattice. Obviously need to revisit that.

I have to disagree with most any land being better than Rogue's Passage. That thing sneaks in enough wins that my group (other than just me) is finally running targeted land destruction lol.

I'd certainly like a Cavern of Souls, if it comes up in a trade! Though I've never met anyone willing to trade theirs. Field of the Dead though I swear I had in here. I'll have to double check. If not it's a no brainer for the list.

November 19, 2022 9:17 a.m.

Profet93 says... #21

I was more so asking how useful rogue's is, as it varies by playgroup. I didn't see any description of the playgroup/meta in the description so I wasn't sure how crucial it was or if it was a flex slot. Thats why I ask, to better find out what works and doesn't for u to help provide you with the best suggestions :)

What do you think regarding the other recommendations?

Regarding Lattice + Karn, fair enough, I respect that. Just wanted to bring it to your attention to determine if that was a previous consideration because I did not see it in the notable exclusions. I love blowing up lands and taking opponents turns, but perhaps thats just me.

November 19, 2022 3:03 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #22

Profet93 well as far as Skullcamp I certainly don't have a reason not to include it. I just tend not to think of it outside of decks where it is much more abuseable lol. Though come to think of it... Probably going to be better in here than I give it credit for. Even if it only draws 2 that's still good. Just hard not to compare it to a Shadowborn Apostle deck.

Mindslaver would be a fun pickup, probably go into my 'extras' pile. Cards that sometimes slot in and then after folks seem irritated slot out for awhile. To return at a later date. Got to manage the salt somehow. I haven't actually had Emrakul in play more than, I think, 4 times. So turn theft is still a little bit of an unknown. And she's pretty forgiving by granting an extra turn.

I didn't feel like there was much point in Warping Wail when my commander countered most everything that needed countering but with a possible switch to Liberator it would be a nice inclusion. Plus the other modes... I don't think I gave that exile effect the credit it deserves. I don't recall the video off the top of my head but it was about the small creatures commander players often use as the "backbone" of their decks. Really looking at them some are quite threatening when left alone...

Thanks again for all the suggestions! There's so many neat colorless cards anymore I could build multiple decks lol.

Oh that Wurmcoil combo does indeed work! Well it requires another thing sacrificed to start it off but once started it goes round and round with just those three pieces. Infinite tokens and/or mana. It's quite funny when folks see a colorless deck go off for the first time. With Liberator I might lean more towards the token direction again. So there's Myr Battlesphere to fit a similar role.

November 19, 2022 9:10 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #23

Now considering Zhulodok, Void Gorger as a potential commander. Provided I move the current commander to the 99 and don't drop any 7+ CMC that leaves me with 13 cards to trigger him. It's an interesting possibility... I think I might want to increase that somewhat but if I increase the 7+ drops too much then end up too heavy on the top and can't even play the game xD

Even if I don't use it as a commander it seems more than good enough to be in the 99.

May 11, 2023 2:03 p.m.

Profet93 says... #24

I do not believe it would be a good fit in this deck given it only trigger on like 13% of your deck. That being said, it's definitely worth trying out as it's ability is fun and potentially useful/explosive. If you were to add him, one cut could be Oracle's Vault.

The issue with him is that he costs 6 mana and doesn't do anything upon cast/etb and requires another huge mana spell to get an unknown payoff. I believe he would be good as his own commander. I would build him with a bunch of cheap rocks on the low end of curve, a little bit of middle costed spells (for cascade and curve balancing) and a large amount of costly spells.

May 11, 2023 3:20 p.m.

DrukenReaps says... #25

Saw the Eldrazi Unbound pre-con. Wish they'd made more than 10 new cards but looking at the deck overall I think it's a good start for someone who doesn't have a colorless deck. It'll give them a taste at least, still I'd wait for the price to drop. These pre-cons seem like they are too much for too little in general.

Obvious spoilers follow. New cards found at this link, thoughts below- https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/commander-masters-spoilers-july-20-eldrazi-support

Zhulodok, Void Gorger - Double Cascade is dumb powerful. I want to experiment with this one but might need to go more top heavy to really do that. Still as far as commanders go Kozzy is stronger.

Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate - meh, I mean it's cool and opens a new deck design in colorless but not here.

Ugin's Mastery - I don't like manifest. I do think this is a strong card. The wording indicates that you could flip things that are not actually creatures. So if you manifest your land/artifact/whatever non-creature, attack with 6 power and flip it. Not sure what happens with sorceries/instants or if this is even intended to be read that way.

Skittering Cicada - Neat. Another Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter that I won't say no to. Possibly better with it growing so large after a single cast of any of the 6+ -ish cards.

Rise of the Eldrazi - I'll take win the game for 12 xD Okay not quite that good but when you're dropping the titans and take an extra turn too. Yes.

Flayer of Loyalties - Steal their commander and cause 10 commander damage to someone with it. I just see this as being hilarious. Someone thinks they have a turn or 2 and then they don't. Theft effects are generally just decent, this one pushes the concept a bit further.

Desecrate Reality - Sits at a pretty normal cost for removal in colorless along side Meteor Golem, Scour from Existence, and Spine of Ish Sah but it does more. The restriction of even and odd could be annoying but I think in general it will outdo those other options.

Darksteel Monolith - This has hints of busted. I look forward to Sculpting Steeling it.

Calamity of the Titans - Not as good as the one sided All is Dust but potentially nicer than other board wipe options in colorless. Exile is always great too, which All is Dust doesn't do so mayhaps better in select situations.

Abstruse Archaic - Double the cast triggers of every titan for 1 and a tap. Not to mention other solid colorless ETBs like meteor golem. Could be a little too limited to always be useful though so might not make it in over something that works without needing another card.

July 21, 2023 12:49 a.m.

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