This deck is as powerful as it is flavorful, focusing primarily on dragons and lots of tokens, supported with burn spells. This deck can easily rain fire on multiple enemies, or focus fire on a single unfortunate player.
Dragonlord's Servant was almost replaced by 4x Dragon Fodder. Ultimately, I think he is better and allows for a turn 3 Thunderbreak Regent while blocking enemy tokens.
Goblin Rabblemaster is in here for obvious reasons. He is a huge threat that produces more tokens. If he survives to attack, he can deal some major damage in combination with Hordeling Outburst and Dragonlord's Servant.
Hordeling Outburst and Dragon Fodder provide crucial tokens for this deck, I will explain more later.
Courser of Kruphix is a staple in most decks. It will filter out lands to help with the lack of draw-power, while slowly gaining life and blocking enemy tokens.
Shaman of the Great Hunt can put a lot of counters on your tokens while giving you drawpower in the later game.
Xenagos, the Reveler creates tokens and provides mana ramp. More tokens means more mana.
Outpost Siege should always be chosen as Dragons because of the flavor and the massive amount of tokens which will be leaving the battlefield. Khans can get you a bit of draw-power but they are not as good as dragons.
Thunderbreak Regent is a solid dragon that helps protect all your other dragons. If they want to remove your dragons, they will get burned.
Stormbreath Dragon is just an amazing card, and needed in any dragon deck. If possible, there is no reason not to add a fourth one..
Dragonlord Atarka can be just crazy for late game. Dragon Tempest will give it haste to make up for the expensive mana cost.
Dragon Tempest will burn your opponent everytime you play dragons, and give your dragons haste. This is very important for using Descent of the Dragons as a finisher.
Descent of the Dragons is a fun finisher, turn all your goblins into dragons and let Dragon Tempest take care of the rest. If your opponent somehow survives the initial burn, don't forget that Dragon Tempest also gives them haste.
Hornet Queen wasn't originally in here, because she doesn't have anything to do with dragons, but she's just too good to leave out.
Anger of the Gods is more like ANGER OF THE DRAGONS! Who cares if you have to destroy your own goblins, it just makes them tastier!
Destructive Revelry is good for breaking stuff and burning things!
dragon roar is a combination of Lightning Strike and Searing Blood.
Magma Jet is here for taking out morph cards and Goblin Rabblemasters. Collateral Damage or Wild Slash work better, but aren't quite as flavorful.
Roast cooks those pesky rhinos.
Stoke the Flames can easily be cast with a bunch of tokens. Also it's a flaming fire dragon.