yes its a bit late but I didnt go home right away and didnt feel like typing everything here on my phone lawl
got 2nd place losing to something I DID NOT EXPECT AT ALL, a deck called "spread em"
won 2-0 against jund
seemed pretty easy as 1 of those decks that just wont win without the right mana, early cobras get killed but i just stack up my fetches khalani heart then drop a cobra, crack everything and ultimatum away
second game was about the same
2nd game was a win with 2-1 against elves
game 1 i lost (which i kinda expect), game 2 i boarded in all my jund charms over slimes and won without too much trouble, game 3 i took charms out for Caldera Hellions and won the same way...
4th game was against jund again...2-0
not much to say other than his bad draws (lack of removal) + early ultimatums just won me the games
5th match was against a girl, she was so sweet and nice lol
1-2 loss against RDW with splash blightning
gawd i was scared once she played Mountain then Goblin Guide on turn 1.... her fast hand quickly got my life down while she burned all my stuff
game 2 i boarded in Cruel Ultimatums
she had turn 1 golbin guide again and really put up the pressure, i was lucky enough she didnt have any burn though (for cobra) so i got to use ultimatum..then she killed my cobra but it was too late coz i drew another ultimatum lol...
game 3 was really looking good for me, had cobra,fetches heart and 2 ultimatums in hand...but sumhow she had 4 Blightning in hand burning me with 2 at a time? gawd...i lost that bad...
6th game was against tempered steel win 2-1
game 1 i lost to a Memnite Ornithopter Mox Opal Plains Glint Hawk Glint Hawk Vault Skirge hand (and him drawing plains then Tempered Steel after kinda hand...
game 2 i boarded in Maelstrom Pulse with Terminates and Caldera Hellion with slimes
he mulled to 5 then droped Memnitex3 Plains Glint Hawk i took damage his next turn and t3 i pulsed....he scooped (although he might have had a shot)
game 3 he had to leave because his girlfriend was calling him but oh well...
7th match was against some red/black/green/white delver with all these random cards and full of "enter the battlefield tapped 3 color lands"..idk the pilot wasnt that good too but we sure had laughs...
easy 2-0 though haha
8th was against some budget caw blade not using swords but ogre cleaver it was a new player starting to play mtg...i didnt take the match too seriously and we chatted alot
game 1 he played a Squadron Hawk and searched for all 3? discarded a bunch of lands at the end of turn...the next turn he didnt play a land and just another bird....i quickly beat him down after ramping into Rampaging Baloths
game 2 he played a land...then another land...then another land...then another land+ogre cleaver then another land..then another land and Sun Titan who immediately died to double Violent Ultimatum+Dual Casting combo..he laughred his pants of...after that he told me he had a 6 land hand.
i thought him about mulling, wished him luck and moved on to my last match
last match was against pretty much the only deck that actually used blue other than some mega pimped up delver decks with ten million colors...spread em.....its a deck that was desinged back when zendikar and alara were standard because no1 used blue in there decks..the point was to turn the lands into island with cards like Spreading Seas and cards with cascade to get more out..
game 1 i muleld to 5 droped Savage Lands which became an island....then droepd a Mountain waiting for a creat to Lightning Bolt but became an Island...then droped a forest, played Khalni Heart Expedition, passed then he used revoke exisence and used Convincing Mirage i scooped lol
2nd game i played an early cobra which led even his Bloodbraid Elf into seas into drawing mirage useless..
game 3 he borded in 4x Gut Shot i did not f'ing expect that... opening hand he had 1 to kill my cobra cascaded Captured Sunlight into it to kill my next cobra.. and since i also rely on colored lands..yeah stupid Islands were completely useless to me..aghhhhh
well there you go had fun and deffinately trolled a bunch lol