not in extended... they have acces to bigger burn and cards that cant be redirected by Spellskite like Blightning so yeah... well our next extended fnm isnt gonna happen for a while i have tons of time to playtest main focus is legacy (we have a huge cash prize) and i wanna win haha
May 18, 2012 9:04 a.m.
Primeval Titan seemed to be nice, but then i realized if you use 6 mana to cast him and only get double landfall after. what are you doing with that 2 mana. ahahaha might aswell just use the 6 mana for something else.
narchanthel says... #1
Oh, forgot DA isn't legal yet(for Huntmaster), but yeh, the Baloths are decent.
May 7, 2012 11:14 a.m.