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Dubstep Control. WUb WUb!

Standard Control Mill WUB (Esper)



Keep the board clear until I get out Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, or AEtherling.


Pithing Needle: For pesky nuisances such as planeswalkers, AEtherling, and Mutavault

AEtherling: For an added chances of getting my wincon out more quickly.

Dark Betrayal : For dealing with Orzhov midrange threats, such as Obzedat, Ghost Council , and Desecration Demon . Also for Mono Black Devo.

Dimir Charm : For making dealing with aggro a little easier. I love this card, because it works the same as Last Breath, only it keeps white open for drawing with Azorius Charm, as well as for fixing my draws, or ruining theirs. Also, I can counter Thoughtsieze with this bad boy.

Far / Away: For dealing with hexproof creatures, as well as to deal with a surplus of Blood Baron of Vizkopas.

Negate: For control matchups, as well as burn-type decks.

Omenspeaker : Another member of the anti-aggro committee.

Sin Collector : To collect the sins. By sins, I mean instants or sorceries my opponent may possess that could poop on my plans.


Updates Add

I removed Divination altogether. Read the Bones is simply a million times better, even with the life loss.

I got rid of both Quickens. They were just meh.

Tossed a Far / Away for consistency in other aspects.

Removed Syncopate for more removal, (Doom Blade)

Moved AEtherling to the main. He's just too good to not play him.

Got another Elspeth, Sun's Champion for consistency.

Added a couple Dispels to the side for fighting counters.

Added a couple Dark Betrayals to the side, to replace Doom Blades when necessary.

Added Essence Scatter to deal with fast creature decks, as well as to keep their AEtherling from finalizing.

Also, I rearranged the distribution of land, to help with the changes in the deck. I added more white sources so I could more consistently play Supreme Verdict as soon as possible.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

30 - 3 Rares

7 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
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