If you are here you have read the Duel Deck package this comes from and know the restrictions. Comment on here for specifics on deck changes and altercations. Comment on the original place for bigger picture stuff like relations with other decks. Here is a link back to the full Duel Deck:
Casual ryancsaxe
SCORE: 57 |
Anyways, here is the "Deck Tech":
Boartusk Liege is what the deck is built around. Very powerful card!
Wild Cantor is very interesting here. With Boartusk Liege it is a 3/3 and it can attack and produce mana in the same turn. I knew this deck wanted an accelerant, and this fits too well!
Boggart Ram-Gang hits hard and if you can block it, you're stuck with -1/-1 counters. The haste is just a bonus!
Burning-Tree Emissary allows for some explosive starts. It fixes our mana and is on an early aggressive body!
Naya Hushblade is a 3/2 shroud for 2. Every creature is multicolor. This card is very good.
Fanatic of Xenagos hits hard like the rest of the deck.
Bloodbraid Elf is one of the best value creatures this deck had access to. The fact that we play Assault/Battery and Fire/Ice make it even better. But it also means that we can't play fog effects and Firespout because those are dead off cascade. A small price to pay for such a strong card!
Fire/Ice works as a twinbolt most of the time. But hitting it off cascade is a 5 for 1 since I can cast both cards. And occasionally I can produce the myself.
Assault/Battery was the timeshifted card I selected. It works with Bloodbraid Elf and I can cast both ends. Although Browbeat is another interesting option for this slot, I don't think the deck needs it.
Lightning Bolt Is the best card in the game.
Volcanic Fallout is an uncounterable wipe for 2/3 other decks and still makes combat brutal for the other.