
98% Competitive

Date added 1 month
Last updated 2 days

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 4 Rares

28 - 8 Uncommons

16 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.00
Tokens On an Adventure
Ignored suggestions
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Enchantment Removal (4)

Companion (1)

Commander: Umori, the Collector


  • You want a maindeck that costs less than 5 $ and has no Rares or Mythics.
  • You want to ramp into dropping early fatties in a color that has no business doing that.
  • You want to ramp without needing to keep a fragile Llanowar Elves alive.
  • You want to laugh in the face of Fatal Push and Cut Down as well as have Thoughtseize marginally speed up your game plan.
  • You want a deck whose enablers do their job immediately and actually help you after they have served their primary purpose.

Cast a bunch of Graveyard Fillers to fill your graveyard as quickly as possible in order to get a cost reduction on your Beaters.

The plan may seem unreliable, but it's pretty consistent because there are so many creatures in the deck. Your hit rate on milling is about 73.3%. It's not unusual to have at least 15 power on the battlefield at the end of turn 3.

Each of your Graveyard Fillers have an additional function in addition to their ETB mill role.

  • Stitcher's Supplier has a death trigger that also mills.
  • Gnawing Vermin's death trigger can snipe an x/1 creature or finish off an x/2 creature that was blocked.
  • Mire Triton and Deathcap Marionette act as "removal" by being deathtouch blockers.
  • Undead Butler can get back a valuable creature that was milled. It essentially draws a card at the cost of removing one card from your graveyard.

Cast your Beaters at a heavy discount. If all goes well, they will only end up costing .

  • Chitin Gravestalker is big and can be cycled away if needed.

  • Writhing Necromass is big and can take dawn something even bigger.
  • Hollow Marauder forces opponents to discard a could draw you a card.
  • Huskburster Swarm's main advantage is that it is hard to block efficiently and it is the only beater whose cost stays reduced if our graveyard is exiled.
  • Beat down. Cast more Beaters.

    Turn 1: Swamp + Stitcher's Supplier, Mill 3 creatures. Block opponent's creature, Mill 3 more creatures + Stitcher's Supplier.

    Turn 2: Swamp + Cast 2x Hollow Marauder for each, opponent discards 2 cards, you draw 2 cards.


    Turn 2: Swamp + Cast 2x Huskburster Swarm for each.

    Turn 3: Swing with 8 power in the air or 12 on the ground with Menace and more beaters on the way.

    • Blackbloom Bog   is a Land that counts as a creature when it is milled. Blackbloom Rogue   is evasive and can get in a few points of damage.
    • Lurching Rotbeast is mostly a cantrip that replaces itself while ramping you by . Later in the game, it is castable and can become a Beater.
    • Undead Butler can get back a beater that was milled.

    • Umori, the Collector is free to add since the mainboard is all-creatures. it can be cast and reduces the cost of our creatures if things go very badly.
    • Gatekeeper of Malakir and Murderous Rider are creature-based removal that can force a sacrifice or destroy a target creature.
    • Digsite Conservator can exile part of an opponent's graveyard and hopefully slow down our opponent's strategy.


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    98% Competitive