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Fear is the Mind-Killer | Dune | The Bene Gesserit

Commander / EDH Control Theme/Gimmick WUB (Esper)



"A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct. This every sister of the Bene Gesserit knows."

Dune: Dune is a 1965 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. Set in the distant future amidst a feudal interstellar society in which various noble houses control planetary fiefs, Dune tells the story of young Paul Atreides, whose family accepts the stewardship of the planet Arrakis. While the planet is an inhospitable and sparsely populated desert wasteland, it is the only source of melange, or "the spice", a drug that extends life and enhances mental abilities. As melange can only be produced on Arrakis, control of the planet is thus a coveted and dangerous undertaking. The story explores the multi-layered interactions of politics, religion, ecology, technology, and human emotion, as the factions of the empire confront each other in a struggle for the control of Arrakis and its spice. Its impact on the science fiction genre knows no equal, and its fan base continues to grow 55 years after its writing.

Dune-themed decks on TappedOut: The Dune fan-base is as strong as ever, and it's no surprise that part of that base overlaps into the MTG world. Here on TappedOut, a handful of dedicated Dune enthusiasts have made it their mission to seamlessly blend the two worlds by making some of the most flavor-driven decks on the website. This deck is of course inspired by the great work that came before it, and hopes to inspire more after it. Here are some of the most notable Dune decks:

Description and vision of this deck: With this deck I've built upon the work of other Dune deck builders, but have made something uniquely my own. A majority of Dune flavored decks on TappedOut focus on the desert world of Arrakis, the characters and story elements depicted in the first Dune novel, and most especially the worms. Most fall into the 4 color blueless or Abzan color pairings. Many have done this with great success and should be admired. I too wanted to pay tribute to the series though my EDH deckbuilding process, but for this deck, I felt the need differentiate myself from the crowd. Even within a hipster niche, I still desire to be hipster.

Thus, I've decided to focus on an aspect of the Dune universe that interested me most, the Bene Gesserit. The first thing that came to my mind were the Sen Triplets, and it stuck. With the different commander and somewhat different colors (and especially the lack of green, which most Dune decks lean heavily on), I believe I've been able to make a truly unique addition to the Dune deckbuilder's club.

The following Primer will discuss the flavor and function of the deck. The information about Dune to supplement the Magic cards comes from my knowledge of the book or has been stolen from the Dune Wiki.

The Bene Gesserit: The Bene Gesserit are a powerful and ancient order of mystical women whose mission is to attain further power and influence in the known universe and help to direct humanity along a path of insight and stability. The anticipated means of reaching this goal is through the Kwisatz Haderach: the one who can be all places at once. The Kwisatz Haderacha is a male Bene Gesserit, a "super-being", and ultimately a Messiah-figure (to serve the Missionaria Protectiva). The birth of such a one is the ultimate objective of the Bene Gesserit's age-old breeding program. The Bene Gesserit are not a religious order, though they are shrouded in mysticism, utilize religion to further their goals, and wield incredible mental and physical powers.

To represent the organization as a whole, this deck is helmed by the Sen Triplets. The three ghostly women depicted in the art, shrouded in mysticism, and overlooking a small crowd are the perfect representation of the Bene Gesserit. Further, their ability perfectly represents The Voice, the Bene Gesserit ability to control another's mind though use of their voice alone.

They are the masters of your mind.

This deck fits the mission of the Bene Gesserit by furthering my deckbuilding evolution much in the way the Bene Gesserit further humanity. If I played every format with every strategy in every color, I would be the Kwisatz Haderach, but that one is not me. Thus I will continue the centuries-long plan to breed such a deckbuilder. This deck is one of the process, it is the way until "the shortening of the way".

Characters: Thought the Dune Universe boasts a myriad of amazing characters, I've decided to focus only on those within or connected to the order of the Bene Gesserit. Thus, all of the creatures and a majority of spells have art with Female characters on them, with one notable exception that will be explained. Further, since the Bene Gesserit are of course all human, and humanity is sorta their thing, most of the creatures in the deck are human, or at the very least humanoid. I had to make some creature-type flavor sacrifices for ability flavor.

Reverend Mothers: A Reverend Mother was a title held by female members of the Bene Gesserit who had completed training to an advanced level and had undergone a dangerous ritual called the Spice Agony. The ritual involved a significant amount of awareness spectrum narcotics, called the Water of Life. Reverend Mothers were able to utilize powers beyond an ordinary Sister of the order, such as the Other Memory.

In this deck, Reverend Mothers in general are represented by the included female Legendary Creatures. Some specific Reverend Mothers are represented by non-Legendary creatures, as you will see in a moment, and of course some creatures, such as Mother of Runes, are so flavorful it would hurt to leave them out.

Lady Jessica Atreides: Lady Jessica of the Atreides (10154 AG-10256 AG) was the official concubine of Duke Leto Atreides I, and the mother of his son Emperor Paul Atreides. Jessica was the illegitimate daughter of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and an unknown mother. Jessica is responsible for the failure of the Bene Gesserit beeding program, and accidentally created the Kwisatz Haderach a generation too early. In the thousands of years after her death, Jessica's legacy remained far-reaching. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood attributed her universe-changing decisions (and the loss of control of the Kwisatz Haderach) to having fallen in love with "her Duke." Her falling in love became known, in millennia afterwards, as "the Jessica Crime." For the Sisterhood, Jessica's experience was regarded as a valuable lesson in showing restraint for the good of the Sisterhood and of humanity in general.

Rayne, Academy Chancellor is my Lady Jessica. The art by Matthew Wilson perfectly depicts my vision of Jessica, standing stall and proud in the desert wind. Her abilities are defensive in nature, similar to her protection of her son Paul, and her ability synergizes with Fear, the Mind-Killer itself.

Kwisatz Haderach/Paul: Paul Atreides, also know as Muad'Dib, Usul, and the Bene Gesserit's Kwisatz Haderach (10175 AG- 10219 AG). He was born on the planet Caladan as the son of Duke Leto Atreides I and his Bene Gesserit concubine Lady Jessica. Last Duke of House Atreides, leader of the Fremen, and first ruler of the Atreides Empire. He was considered the Kwisatz Haderach: the powerful prescient being, long sought by the Bene Gesserit and product of their lengthy breeding program, but was not under their control as they had planned.

For this deck I wanted my Paul Atreides to be the younger, more innocent version of the character, still under his mother's protection, before he became Muad'Dib. Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage was an aesthetically pleasing choice, as he is a perfect match of the description of a young Paul. Raff is a well educated young man from a well to do family, going off on his first adventure, very similar to Paul. His synergy with the Legendary Reverend Mothers is not to be ignored, and the flash ability is simply the closest thing in Magic to "the shortening of the Way".

Reverend Mother Superior: Reverend Mother Superior (or just the Mother Superior) is the title reserved for the most senior Reverend Mother in the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. Reverend Mother Superiors were essentially supreme commanders of the Sisterhood, and held final authority on all decisions.

Empress Galina. Is there more to be said? Okay I'll say it. While sacrificing the human creature type, I gained a truly superior Reverend Mother, able to utilize the Voice on the strongest minded opponents.

Gaius Helen Mohiam: Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam trained the Lady Jessica in the Bene Gesserit chapterhouse on Wallach IX. Two decades later, Mohiam tested the young Paul Atreides' humanity before his departure for Arrakis with the Gom Jabbar. She was also the personal truthsayer of Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV.

Kiku, Night's Flower represents Mohiam. Her activated ability is the perfect analogue to the Gom Jabbar test, as the creature she administers the test to will destroy itself out of fear.

Lady Margot Fenring: Lady Margot Fenring, was the Bene Gesserit wife of the Mentat Count Hasimir Fenring. Despite superficially falling under the influence of House Corrino, Margot fully served the Sisterhood to many ends. Margot was sent by the Bene Gesserit to seduce Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen and to preserve the bloodline by retrieving his genetic material (through conception) for their breeding program.

Sower of Temptation represents Lady Margot Fenring because the name represents her seducing Feyd-Rautha. Plus the ability is another example of the Voice.

Wanna Marcus: Wanna Marcus (10092 AG-?10186 AG) was a Bene Gesserit adept, wife of the Suk School doctor Yueh, who betrayed Duke Leto Atreides. Wanna Marcus was believed to have been killed by order of Baron Harkonnen. Information concerning a plot to kill Duke Leto Atreides substantiates the extent of Wanna's involvement in Bene Gesserit political infiltration plans.

Reverend Mother Ramallo: Ramallo was the Fremen Sayyadina, or rogue Reverend Mother of Sietch Tabr. She lived during the time House Atreides came to administer Arrakis under Imperial decree in 10191 AG. Lady Jessica succeeded Ramallo, who died just as Jessica successfully changed the Water of Life.

Wanna and Ramallo are both represented by Academy Rector, mainly because their deaths are important to the story, thus Rector's death trigger tutoring for an enchantment represents a respective story element that the two character's deaths cause. Ramallo also looks much like Academy Rector.

Princess Irulan: Princess Irulan Corrino was the eldest daughter of the 81st Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV, and Anirul, a Bene Gesserit of Hidden Rank. She was also the wife, in title only, of Emperor Paul Atreides, and an important historian who chronicled the events of Paul's rise to the Imperial throne through a series of written works. Irulan was Bene Gesserit-trained and was destined to be a Reverend Mother, but defected from the order.

Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker, flavor wise, is the best representation for the historian Irulan I could find. Truth Seeker is the obvious connection, but in the story she is also a princess.

Kwisatz Mother: The Kwisatz Mother was a Reverend Mother responsible for the entire Kwisatz Haderach breeding program during a period of time. She had access to the entirety of Other Memory to help guide her in the direction of the program.

My favorite card in all of Magic even makes it into the Dune flavored deck! Elspeth, Sun's Champion is the perfect head of the Bene Gesserit breeding program because she makes tokens (alas, for the are not human), and her ultimate represents the future triumph of the Bene Gesserit.

The essence of the Bene Gesserit training philosophy was that, if one could control oneself, or "know thyself," ultimately one could control the universe. Its first axiom was "My mind controls my reality." The training itself was based on a series of progressive exercises, lasting approximately ten years, which gave the student power to control herself mentally, physically, and psychologically, and to control others. This control was used not to withdraw to an internal fantasy world but rather to observe and understand reality with detached objectivity.

The Bene Gesserit mastered a number of mystical powers that made them a respected and feared power in the Known Universe. It also caused them to be called Witches on many occasions. For this deck, I've chosen the most important abilities to display through the card choices.

The Voice: Use of Voice allowed a Bene Gesserit adept to gain control over uninitiated victims merely by altering the tonal qualities of the voice. Simple instructions or orders were then spoken in Voice and obeyed dutifully. Voice was most often used to compel a typically unwilling person to do something undesirable or to glean the truth from an unwilling recipient.

The Voice was immediately represented by my choice of commander Sen Triplets, and also by a number of creatures already discussed: Empress Galina, Merieke Ri Berit, Sower of Temptation, and Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears. The Voice is also perfectly represented by the simple Mind Control effects, as well as by turn control effects: Control Magic, Corrupted Conscience, Mind Control, Persuasion, Treachery, Worst Fears, Mindslaver. This seems like a lot of cards to represent one small aspect of the Bene Gesserit, but this is where the kick of the deck is. In an almost Aikido fashion, we can destroy our opponents with their own spells and creatures, or at the very least deny them their important creatures or commanders.

Truthsayer/Perception: A Truthsayer is anyone who can detect truth when it is being told, with the ability itself being referred to as truthsense. Truthsaying was a skill developed and used by the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. Conversely, those adept at truthsaying can also detect lies and half-truths. Perception was the Bene Gesserit ability to monitor minutiae in others to detect concealed emotions, motivations, agendas, or even physical things such as concealed weapons, a false accent, surgery, or deception in general.

Arcane Lighthouse and Detection Tower seemed fitting to represent Perception, and the fact that the help get Mind Control effects onto protected creatures is a huge plus. Narset, Parter of Veils is clearly a master truthsayer, as well as Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker. Our own truthsence is of course Seer's Vision and Telepathy. With these out we can easily detect if our opponent is lying to us.

The Weirding Way: The Weirding way refers to the superior hand-to-hand combat abilities of the Bene Gesserit. During close-quarters combat, an individual adept at the Weirding Way was able to maneuver around and strike an opponent at unimaginable speeds. To the opponent (and any bystanders) the movement seemed almost like close-quarter teleportation. Sisters trained in the martial arts of the Bene Gesserit were unrivaled in their fighting prowess. Only Imperial Sardaukar and the Fremen of Arrakis could approach the abilities of a Bene Gesserit in regards to combat techniques, attack speed, and resourcefulness.

I've represented the Weirding Way in quite a few ways in this deck. First, and most obvious, combat-including unblockable, combat tricks, buffs, and other Weird things: Thassa, God of the Sea, Vela the Night-Clad, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. These abilities all, in their own way, represent the superiority of Bene Gesserit in combat. Next is Arcane Lighthouse and Detection Tower, displaying how the Bene Gesserit can defeat even shielded enemies. Bident of Thassa and Narset's Reversal are using your opponent to hurt them selves, "the terrified man fights himself." Again a sort of Aikido sub-theme. Endless Sands, Teferi's Protection, and other blink effects can represent the speed at which a Sister can dodge an attack. Conversely Emergence Zone represents a Sister quickly entering combat. Masako the Humorless is my favorite card to represent the Weirding way. She's so unexpected, powerful, and weird. She represents how a Sister might appear vulnerable but can still defend herself.

Prana-Bindu: Prana-bindu training denotes the Bene Gesserit's supreme control of their nerves and muscles, and was a major aspect of the Weirding Way. It is said that a Sister could stand perfectly still, and bend a single toe upward without moving any other muscles. Another related ability was the alteration of their metabolism to render poisons harmless. This ability was used when potential Reverend Mothers took the Water of Life. Prana-bindu training was a cornerstone of the Bene Gesserit, and all adepts, from acolytes to Holy Sisters, to Reverend Mothers, were trained in this way.

I struggled to find a way to represent Prana-Bindu with cards, but the protection aspect was somewhat easier. 1x Giver of Runes and Mother of Runes are obvious choices, as is Teferi's Protection. I considered counterspells and Solemnity (literal protection from poison) but only settled on Narset's Reversal because Narset is in the art. If you did not know, I'm in love with Narset.

Other Memory: Other Memory is the term used by the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood to describe the well of genetic memory their Reverend Mothers possessed. Other Memory was used mainly as a source of knowledge, especially when much written history had been lost to time. It was only made available to an individual after they successfully converted a Awareness spectrum narcotic, in the case of the Bene Gesserit, the Water of Life.

Anything that draws cards, scrys, tutors, or recurs cards in this deck is a representation of Other Memory. Some ones to note: Azami, Lady of Scrolls (tapping into other Sister's memories), Hanna, Ship's Navigator and Auramancer (reusing memories), Enlightened Tutor and Diabolic Tutor (perfect representation of Reverend Mother tutelage), Rhystic Study (represent the intense study of Bene Gesserit Sisters) Path of Ancestry (seems pretty self-explanatory).

Simulflow: Bene Gesserit have the ability to practice simulflow, literally the simultaneous flow of several threads of consciousness at any given time; mental multitasking, as it were. The combination of simulflow with their analytical abilities and Other Memory is responsible for the frightening intelligence of the average Bene Gesserit.

The way Brainstorm and Ponder suggest three paths of consciousness going at once, then focusing on the most important one, felt like the perfect representation of simulflow.

The Known Universe: The term "Known Universe" referred to the area of the portion of the Universe that was explored and documented by humans. The vast majority of this space was claimed to be within the Imperium, the realm of the Padishah Emperors (who referred to themselves as "Padishah Emperors of the Known Universe" as a result).

The Know Universe is represented by the basic and dual-colored lands in this deck.

Arrakis: Arrakis, also known as "Dune", and later "Rakis" after the fall of God Emperor Leto Atreides II, was a harsh desert planet located on the far edge of the Old Imperium in the Canopus star system. It later became the Imperium's center under Muad'Dib's empire. It was the original and for a long time sole source of the Spice Melange, which was vital for space travel.

The namesake of the Dune series is of course represented by the deck's landbase: Desert of the Glorified, Desert of the Mindful, Desert of the True, Endless Sands, Scavenger Grounds, Wasteland, and Strip Mine all contribute to the feeling of Arrakis without us having to actually travel there.

Wallach IX: For over a millennia, Wallach IX served as the main planet for the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. By the time of the late Corrino Empire, the Mother School was located there, as were extensive training facilities. Almost all sisters underwent training at this planet when situation allowed.

An academy for the Bene Gesserit Could only be represented by Tolarian Academy, but considering its legality status in EDH, Tolaria West will have to do.

Chapterhouse: Chapterhouse is the term used by the Bene Gesserit for the planet considered to be their home base. The planet was used as the secret headquarters of the Bene Gesserit and was seen as a temporary base. Because of this, the planet was never fully settled and if needed, the Bene Gesserit could completely abandon the planet in very short notice leaving very little trace of their time spent there.

Secret headquarters screamed Serra's Sanctum, and I'm glad the deck ended up with enough enchantments to include it.

Missionaria Proctectiva: The Missionaria Protectiva was the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood's "black arm of superstition", responsible for sowing the seeds of superstition in primitive cultures, so that the Sisterhood could take advantage of them when those seeds grew to full-fledged legends. They were responsible for spreading the Panoplia Propheticus (myths, prophecies, and superstitions). This "religious engineering" spread "infectious superstitions on primitive worlds, thus opening those regions to exploitation by the Bene Gesserit." Panoplia Prophetica provided the opportunity for a Bene Gesserit to later cast herself as a guide, protector, or some other figure in fulfillment of a prophecy in order to manipulate the religious subjects for protection or other purposes. These myths also exploit religion as a powerful force in human society; by controlling the particulars of religion, the Bene Gesserit have a manipulative lever on society in general. The Bene Gesserit also employ the Missionaria Protectiva to prepare the Empire for the arrival of the Kwisatz Haderach.

I think that the Missionaria Proctectiva is the coolest aspect of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. It was very important for me to get it right, and I searched for days before I found the perfect cards: As Foretold.

As Foretold perfectly represents the seeds of the Missionaria Protectiva coming to fruition in this deck. It's a slow process, once a turn could equal one century, for example, that allows me to cast a spell for free, similar to how the Bene Gesserit utilize the free advantage of the Panoplia Prophetica. As Foretold also has a powerful synergy with Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage, the foretold Kwisatz Haderach. All this solidified it as the perfect flavorful pick, and it has become my favorite inclusion in the deck.

Other cards that represent Missionaria Protectiva: Disinformation Campaign because that's literally what it is, Propaganda is sort of a stretch but fits well enough, Medomai's Prophecy can represent the whole plan: scry 2 is the the Bene Gesserit infiltrating a planet, naming a card is of course the Panoplia Prophetica, drawing the cards is the prophecy coming true, and the reveal is the free benefit Bene Gesserit agents get from the affair. Long-Term Plans is also a major flavor win. The tutor is the prophecy, you wait a while, and then it comes true.

The Water of Life: The Water of Life was a poisonous blue liquid used by the Bene Gesserit to turn their Sisters into Reverend Mothers. To the untrained in prana/bindu body control, the substance was lethal; even the smallest amount will kill someone in incredible agony. In the Bene Gesserit tradition, the bile was fed to a Sister after she had received many years of training in prana/bindu body control. This was because it was only the Bene Gesserit abilities of altering metabolism and slowing heart rates that could possibly neutralize the lethality of the chemical. The Sister regresses into a coma-like trance, and converts the toxic elements on a molecular level. If the Sister failed to metabolise the chemical, the poisonous bile would kill her. Were the Sister successful, however, the process would amplify her awareness to the point where it would unlock her genetic memory, and along with it many secrets of the Sisterhood.

While the Water of Life doesn't grant one immortal life, Elixir of Immortality is basically synonymous, and is thus a great substitute. The action of it shuffling your graveyard into your library is the Other Memory, literally reusing the memories of the past.

The Gom Jabbar: The Gom Jabbar, also known as "the high handed enemy", was a meta-cyanide poisoned needle that sat upon a thimble, and could thus be attached to a person's fingertip.

Pithing Needle. Also the new Shadowspear, what it lacks in flavor it makes up for with utility and synergy with the Voice.

The Spice: The Spice Melange, commonly referred to simply as 'the spice', was a naturally produced awareness spectrum narcotic that formed a fundamental block of commerce and technological development in the known universe for millennia. It also played an important role in travel and cultural development.

In Dune the Spice controls all, and is the most important aspect of Arrakis and how the story unfolds. I've chosen to represent this important part of Dune with one of the most important parts of an EDH deck: Mana ramp. All of the rocks and ramp in this deck represent the Spice because like the Bene Gesserit, I'm addicted to it and rely on it to do anything.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

One of the main themes of the deck is the Bene Gesserit Litany Against fear, used on multiple occasions throught the Dune series. While I could have simply included Fear and called it a day, I think the deck goes beyond this in representing the Mind-Killer.

Worst Fears, Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears, Fear are all literal interpretations on the name of cards.

The deck itself, helmed by Sen Triplets is all about fear. Our opponents fear us, because we can take their spells with the Triplets, take their creatures with the Voice, or take their turns instead.

Further, fear can be represented by removal of any kind, mill, or discard, all of which are elements of the deck.

Lastly, we the deck pilots can recite the Litany to ourselves during games, calming our minds for the important work at hand.

This deck is my tribute to Frank Herbert's Dune and to the other Dune themed decks on TappedOut, and a challenge to all to become more creative, imaginative, and free-thinking deckbuilders.

If you have suggestions, whether cards or flavor or anything, please leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

If you like Dune, or if you like the deck, or if this deck inspired you in any way, or if you think that EDH builders should think outside the box more and build more interesting, thoughtful, and thematic decks, please leave an Upvote.

Thank you for reading.

"Now, it's complete, because it's ended here."

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

- Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear -


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90% Casual


Revision 8 See all

(5 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 5 years
Last updated 10 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 3 Mythic Rares

35 - 10 Rares

28 - 1 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.16
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, City's Blessing, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, On an Adventure, Rat 1/1 B, Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure
Folders Arrakis. Dune. Desert mana., EDH, interesting decks, EDH, Flavorful AF, Amazing Decks, AAWant to try, Commander Decks, Just For Fun, saved-liked
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