Sorcery (4)

Unknown (1)

  • 1x bitterblossoms

Commander (1)

Commander: Lord of Tresserhorn

Beats that durdle


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 95
Avg. CMC 3.05
Tokens Centaur 3/3 G w/ Pro Black, Copy Clone, Demon 5/5 B, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Elemental 1/1 R w/ Haste, Fish 3/3 U, Goblin 1/1 R, Knight 2/2 W w/ First Strike, Kraken 9/9 U, Snake 1/1 B, Squid 1/1 U, Tuktuk the Returned, Whale 6/6 U, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Giant 5/5 B
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