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Early Game Fatties





Creature (1)

As you can tell from the unfinished sideboard, it's still a prototype.

The idea of this deck is building pressure with one-drops and two-drops that have 4-5 power each and recycling them as effectively as possible.

Also, there are a couple of Snapcaster Mage shenanigans.

Fling and Momentous Fall instant sacrifice

Fling + Vexing Devil
Fling + Tarmogoyf
Fling + Sheltering Ancient
Momentous Fall + Vexing Devil
Momentous Fall + Tarmogoyf
Momentous Fall + Sheltering Ancient

Postmortem Lunge effectiveness

Yet another flashback: Postmortem Lunge + Snapcaster Mage
Hasty goyf: Postmortem Lunge + Tarmogoyf
Char-like tactics: Postmortem Lunge + Vexing Devil
Hasty trampler: Postmortem Lunge + Sheltering Ancient

Sheltering Ancient combos

Gimmick: Cytoplast Manipulator + Sheltering Ancient
Anit money-back-guarantee: Cytoplast Manipulator + Fling + Sheltering Ancient
Most satisfying synergy: Postmortem Lunge + Sheltering Ancient
More hilarious gimmicks: Kulrath Knight + Sheltering Ancient
Okk + Sheltering Ancient is an okay combo, but Okk is still just such a damn unreliable card. If only he'd be smart enough to attack or block with another creature of equal P/T, then he'd be decent. (He'd combo with himself, and in this deck also Vexing Devil, as well as Tarmogoyf more easily.) Gah. They should've just made him a one-drop. /rant

Increasing Vengeance combos

Singular additional cost: Devastating Summons + Increasing Vengeance
Four untapped lands for five mana: Harrow + Increasing Vengeance
Cheap double Fork: Increasing Vengeance + Snapcaster Mage
Extended variant: Devastating Summons + Increasing Vengeance + Snapcaster Mage
Or just go the simple route: Increasing Vengeance + Lightning Bolt + Snapcaster Mage


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