Earth Breaker

Modern BlackDeegs


Flooremoji says... #1

Maybe addd some Ghost Quarter / Field of Ruin in place of the memorial and/or Valakut because they work better with Crucible of Worlds . Also, I would recomend Inferno Titan over Stufy Doll. I am skeptical of the LoP and extra Zeniths in your sideboard, I would recomend droping them for more interaction. I like the idea behind the deck though.

March 20, 2019 1:31 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #2

Flooremoji thanks for the comment!

I really wish I could play Wasteland in Modern. The reason I went with Memorial to War instead of Ghost Quarter was because Ghost Quarter lets the opponent search their deck for a basic land which I felt was counter intuitive to this deck destroying every land they put in play. I may sideboard in some Ghost Quarter or try playing some main board for a while and see how they go. Field of Ruin with both the mana cost and giving a basic land I don't think fits well.

I liked Stuffy Doll because it has that great combo with Star of Extinction to blow decks up for 20 life + land destroy and creature/planeswalker board clear. I had already gone down to 3 Stuffy Doll but may go down to 2 to make room for something else.

I'm gonna put some Inferno Titan in the sideboard the extra zeniths were just sorta a placeholder and I like the LoP but wanted 3. The Leyline of Punishment just allow the deck to burn through various turbo-fog decks and life-gain decks which can be huge. I think the deck needs some additional control card for the sideboard but I cant think of what. The Leyline of the Void , Boseiju, Who Shelters All , and Shattering Spree are phenomenal counter-play cards but I know the rest of the sideboard could use some improvement.

March 21, 2019 10:58 a.m.

Flooremoji says... #3

The reason I sugessted the soft wastelands is because they have more synergy with Boom and Crucible, But I ca definatly see why they are no-gos :)

March 22, 2019 noon

BlackDeegs says... #4

My preferred targets for the Boom are to hit my own Darksteel Citadel which turns Boom into a two mana kill a land or Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai for the 1/1 spirit.

I actually really like having the Ghost Quarter you suggested in here thought as I can target Darksteel Citadel to create mountains as a second use for it and recycle it with Crucible of Worlds . I have gotten a little use out of it primarily to destroy lands during my opponents turns as well.

I took the Inferno Titan back out as I felt every time I drew them I was feeling disappointed and I did some test plays just by myself with them in and they were an okay win-con but didn't quite have synergy with the deck.

Thanks for commenting and helping improve the deck!

March 22, 2019 1:58 p.m.

SpaceSpiff20 says... #5

This deck looks super cool, I think that you could bait an opponent into sacrificing a land to Shivan Wumpus , if not, you have a 6/6 trample!

March 22, 2019 9:57 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #6

SpaceSpiff20 thanks for commenting!

I've gone back and forth on Shivan Wumpus ! He has bounced in and out of this deck. In real life, I only have one and I would want foils for this particular deck. But the only thing holding me back from the investment is my eternal battle of do I want to pay for potentially land destruction (but he does bounce to the top of the deck also which is awesome). The biggest problem I had with this deck at first was not being able to destroy lands early enough. Since then I have dropped tons of the mana cost down significantly and seen a drastic improvement in winning (from losing the majority of games to winning the majority probably about 20% win rate to 60%). If I put him back in I would likely drop the Stuffy Doll but wouldn't be sure what else to take out. It's definitely on the table still I just don't want to go over 60 cards for consistency reasons.

March 22, 2019 10:40 p.m.

hungry000 says... #7

Fetchlands work with Boom too, since you can fetch while the spell is on the stack after targeting it. You can afford to cut a few mountains for them. Also, I suggest you play Chalice of the Void and Simian Spirit Guide in the main. Chalice is, of course, very good in general right now (though maybe a bit iffy with the Surgicals in the main) and Spirit Guide lets you play it on turn 1, but more importantly Spirit Guide gives you the ability to start using your 3 cmc land destruction on turn 2; if you don't start at least that early, your opponent will generally be able to hold on or even slip a threat through. That's why Ponza plays green, so it can start blowing up lands on turn 2. Of course, mono red can use Chalice and Trinisphere to slow things down (like that mono g deck that's been around recently), but it's still pretty important. Spirit Guide also lets you play a turn 2 Blood Moon/Trinisphere, which is pretty backbreaking against some decks.

March 24, 2019 9:51 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #8

hungry000 hey thanks for the comment!

The lack of fetchlands is completely due to the fact I don't have any Wooded Foothills , Bloodstained Mire , Arid Mesa , etc. And don't wanna spend the money for foils.

Chalice of the Void in my personal opinion is slightly overrated and is amazing in decks like "death & taxes" but I've found in my local meta and in general isn't quite as effective whereas Surgical Extraction blows decks out of the water as early as my turn 0 while my opponent goes first and discards an Arclight Phoenix or tries for a dredge combo. I also use this deck for casual matches against legacy decks or just casual decks and I tend to get better use from the Surgical Extraction . I still sideboarded Chalice of the Void , but I don't think I would run them mainboard just from experience. I'll definitely consider the Simian Spirit Guide however as a means to a turn 2 land destruction other than Boom / Bust or a turn 2 Trinisphere (much more effective and widely annoying when you are limiting their lands than Chalice of the Void in my personal opinion). If I ever bump into some foil fetchlands for trade I'll pick them up. I'll add a couple into this even though I don't have them just to show best form.

March 25, 2019 9:08 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #9

This is really... really cool. +1
Fulminator Mage seems better than molten rain. It can be a 2 power beater late game or land destruction early game. I hope this can be fast enough to defeat decks that operate on 2 lands like hollow one or even phoenix decks. Dredge could probably do OK against this as well. Maybe. Still I think this is just fast enough with Boom / Bust . Nice job

March 25, 2019 8:45 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #10

I don’t like Memorial to War . It’s too clunky. Goblin Dark-Dwellers seems like another good possible late game star

March 25, 2019 8:47 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #11

Chasmolinker thank you!

I love this deck, its super fun to play and I have been able to make it pretty quick since I first drafted it. I absolutely love Fulminator Mage ! Definitely a must for this deck so thanks for commenting! Gonna have to invest in a set of those, I just dropped two of my 4 mana land destructions, a Shivan Wumpus and one Stone Rain to add a set.

Surprisingly between the Surgical Extraction and Grafdigger's Cage I actually have found Dredge and Pheonix super manageable and even with just Trinisphere and the land destruction I have been able to function mediocrely well. I actually found that modern infect is this deck's worse enemy.

March 25, 2019 9:30 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #12

Yea. Infect can function with one land pretty much

March 25, 2019 10:16 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #13

Chasmolinker if we see a Wasteland reprint in Modern Horizon you can bet you will see both Memorial to War and the Ghost Quarter disappear to make room for them. But for now I find that Memorial to War has a little bit of value because after turn 5 once I have depleted my hand it takes over and one land a turn combo's with Crucible of Worlds , which has closed out any chance of my opponent recovering from my mana lock out before.

March 26, 2019 12:26 p.m.

Chasmolinker says... #14

I hope we see Wasteland . It would do a good job of slowing down the format I think

March 26, 2019 2:12 p.m.

Ovlibion says... #15

Field of Ruin can work as a Ghost Quarter allowing you to ramp a bit more if you can pay the extra mana activation.

March 27, 2019 9:23 a.m.

mikeb388 says... #16

no foil surgical extractions ? i have 4

March 28, 2019 8:35 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #17

mikeb388 I wish. They're literally the only non-foil in my main. Just can't afford buying an entire foil playset and nobody ever wants to trade them. :(

March 28, 2019 9:04 p.m.

touchspaget says... #18

I am thinking of actually buying this deck and would like to know how much it is in non-foil

May 1, 2019 7:13 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #19

Hey touchspaget,

I'm not 100% sure as I already had foils of some of these cards. I will say the fetchlands are only for boom targets and thinning and are optional for the deck to work well. If you put the entire decklist into TCG mass entry using the link here on TappedOut you should be able to select non-foil. Glad my deck inspired and I hope you enjoy it! It's super fun to play and is competitive to boot.

May 1, 2019 10:05 p.m.

KeyBrains says... #20

Why did you do foils it makes it hard to know what this would cost to build

May 17, 2019 8:31 a.m.

BlackDeegs says... #21


Because I made this deck, and I have this deck in all foils.

If you want to see the non-foil price just hit the TCG shopping cart on the right side and click non-foil and it will tell you exactly how much those cards would cost to buy in whichever condition you would like.

May 17, 2019 8:46 a.m.

lagotripha says... #22

Why shivan wumpus over, say Avalanche Riders ?

May 21, 2019 12:50 p.m.

BlackDeegs says... #23

Hey lagotripha!

Thanks for asking. I actually think Shivan is significantly better for several reasons. He is a 6/6 making it much more difficult to remove him, has trample for getting through blockers, and is a reuseable land threat since he pops up to the top of our deck if our opponent sacrifices a land. A 2/2 can be too easily answered by red spells or other creatures although I did consider Avalanche Riders for this deck.

May 21, 2019 1:01 p.m.

plusARGON says... #24

I love Cascading Cataracts !! I'm happy to see it in a deck that can use it!

Have you considered either of the (good) M20 Chandras? Chandra, Awakened Inferno seems like a good wincon for this deck. Also, Chandra, Acolyte of Flame is flashback on LD at the least.

August 7, 2019 11:31 a.m.

BlackDeegs says... #25

plusARGON I haven't worked on this specific deck really since M20 came out but I love the idea of Chandra, Acolyte of Flame . The flashback land destruction spells is amazing and she can become a damage threat if their lands are under control with the elemental 1/1's.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Chandra, Awakened Inferno is also great however I think with this deck getting to 6 mana takes quite a while and a threat that size would feel dead in hand as good as it is most of the time. (we tried Inferno Titan and they were a very quick addition then subtraction due to drawing them feeling so bad).

August 7, 2019 11:39 a.m. Edited.

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