Ebola, Fast and Deadly Infection

Modern notan88


LordRemiem says... #1

Wow, really fast! So fast that makes the Blightsteel Colossus totally useless.The only cards I know that could be useful to you are the Blight Mamba , the Corrupted Resolve , the Unnatural Predation an maybe some Vault Skyward s for the Glistener Elf s.

October 29, 2012 4:05 a.m.

notan88 says... #2

The amount of creatures is scary but you can always use Inkmoth Nexus for a 1/1 flying.

I personally don't like Blight Mamba since it's to expensive in this deck to reg him, in that case I think both Ichorclaw Myr and Necropede are better because people don't want to block them.

I don't think this deck needs counterspells due to speed and protection spells. Only time I'd use Unnatural Predation is if i'm blocked and I want to avoid that as much as possible, a good Sidedeck card.

Vault Skyward is interesting but I like Distortion Strike and card:Apostle's Blessing more, another good Sideboard card.

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it :)

October 29, 2012 8:54 a.m.

tritoch says... #3

I don't think Powder Keg is Modern legal.

card:Prey's Vengeance seems risky with so few creatures, I think I prefer Groundswell (and maybe some fetchlands in place of forests) or Might of Old Krosa .

October 29, 2012 1:46 p.m.

tritoch says... #4

Just realized you're using card:Prey's Vengeance for it's favorable Livewire Lash and Wild Defiance interaction, carry on.

October 29, 2012 1:47 p.m.

notan88 says... #5

Thanks for noticing Powder Keg , changed it for Ratchet Bomb . And your absolutely right about card:Prey's Vengeance ;)

Thanks for commenting.

October 30, 2012 12:58 a.m.

Is Pendelhaven Modern legal?

October 30, 2012 7:18 p.m.

notan88 says... #7

Yepp, Pendelhaven is modern legal, had to double-check after my last miss on Powder Keg .

Thanks for commenting :)

October 31, 2012 7:34 a.m.

This is an awesome infect pump deck. Have you considered mainboarding Ichorclaw Myr for aggro purposes? I also would run 4x Livewire Lash , the direct damage dealing effects it has are invaluable for effect, you could probably drop one Wild Defiance for another (Defiance is also awesome but more conditional). +1!

November 1, 2012 2:03 p.m.

notan88 says... #9

Your absolutely right, the plan is not to attack all the time but trigger Livewire Lash as much as possible. And the list does need more creatures probably.

Thanks for your constructive critiscm, I appreciate it :)

November 2, 2012 1:47 a.m.

Why is Pendelhaven in this deck? It doesn't trigger either of the win conditions.

November 19, 2012 3:42 a.m.

notan88 says... #11

Because if everything goes wrong and I have no cards but Pendelhaven + Inkmoth Nexus + random land on board I swing with a 2/3 flyer with infect.

I'd rather use it as a forest for a good pump spell but if all else fail I'll use it as a bad pump spell. It's practically a more versatile forest. I don't know what deck Pendelhaven would be better in actually.

Thanks for commenting :)

November 21, 2012 4:49 a.m.

I like this deck a lot, you just might have to play test it against my friend's Unblockable Infect deck, I think he'd give you a run for your money! BinkyBoo Check it out!Very good deck by the way, +1

November 22, 2012 7:34 a.m.

MagnaLynx21 says... #13

Might of Old Krosa , Noble Hierarch , Groundswell , Rancor , Giant Growth

The reason being, Livewire Lash and Wild Defiance are to slow for modern. The deck wants to play as much pump as possible, while protecting it with the card:Apostle's Blessing, and since your in blue - Spell Pierce .

January 8, 2013 10:39 a.m.

c16sh1 says... #14

he knows what he's talking about, but noble hierarchs are expensive and having few wild defiance is not a bad choice. Here is my budget infect deck for reference deck:modern-mono-green-infect

January 13, 2013 7:42 p.m.

prihodaj says... #15

Really cool name of this deck +1 ;) you can take a look at my Botulotoxin (FNM 1st)

February 11, 2014 3:37 a.m.

I doubt you'll ever see Melira in a pauper format.

March 17, 2014 5:39 a.m.

mostly_toast says... #17

I would recommend throwing in Wild Defiance which could make your porection spells double as buff spells. I would also replace Llanowar Augur with an infect creature but thats just me; my reasoning is you have 12 creatures with infect, 24 buff spells + 4 more creatures that are gonna pretend to be a buff spell. Yes its a buff spell that cant be countered, but I honestly just think you'd be better off more infect creatures, 16 creatures is a good ammount to have but they should all be usable with infect. It might be more worth it to sideboard Llanowar Augur over Slaughterhorn since they both fit more or less the same purpose but Slaughterhorn is less versatile

April 24, 2015 5:38 p.m.

mostly_toast says... #18

Also Invigorate is just an amazing card to have in an infect deck, heavily recommend

April 24, 2015 5:39 p.m.

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