Eccentricity in the Undercity- First Turn Win

Legacy Spencerbot15


RaSkipper says... #1

Interesting... okay, thanks! Good information to have for rules lawyering.

May 4, 2015 11:35 a.m.

Dk_Donuts1 says... #2

I love this budget version of the deck. Legacy here I come

May 25, 2015 12:09 p.m.

Nef says... #3

In your description you should try centering the upvote button. I think it would look better.

May 27, 2015 10:41 a.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #4

It is centered... I think the deck has more broken formatting.

May 27, 2015 10:54 a.m.

Rayenous says... #5

Recross the Paths lets you 'stack' your deck... but Hermit Druid is another win-con.

Have you considered running it? - It's a T2 win earliest, as it doesn't have haste, but it could add consistency.

Besides... if you're casting Recross the Paths, you're probably not expecting to win on that turn anyway.

Just a thought...

May 27, 2015 11:15 a.m. Edited.

Rayenous says... #6

....Nevermind. Didn't realize Hermit Druid was banned in Legacy.

May 27, 2015 11:21 a.m.

Nef says... #7

It isn't centered like your title. Eccentricity in the Undercity at the top is centered correctly.

May 27, 2015 11:37 a.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #8

It is in the code to be centered. There must be yet another bug with tappedout. Sigh...

May 27, 2015 2:46 p.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #9

Let the discussion begin? What other html should I add? What else should be added to the non-budget sideboard?

May 28, 2015 3:04 p.m.

Jaceblue12 says... #10

Maybe some Surgical Extractions for the mirror match?

May 28, 2015 5:58 p.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #11

Wouldn't Chancellor of the Annex be a million times better in the mirror match? Surgical Extraction would be for reanimator and we are so fast that only a turn one creature could stop us. Besides, we could combo off on their turn with Leyline of Anticipation

May 28, 2015 6:13 p.m.

Jaceblue12 says... #12

Ah... true. Heh. Put that in the sideboard, then.

May 28, 2015 6:16 p.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #13

Already is in the non-budget version. Too expensive for budget version though. :)

May 28, 2015 6:23 p.m.

kriggi says... #14

First of, amazing deck. I love it!I went through and tested it (lots) and this is what I've come up with...

How does this sideboard sound?
4x Mental Misstep/Pact of Negation to stop Surgical Extraction (and Force of Will if you have the pact)
4x Contagion to kill Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4x Nature's Claim to destroy a Leyline of the Void or Grafdigger's Cage
3x Duress/Cabal Therapy to remove Force of Will from your opponent's hand.

I honestly would suggest putting Summoner's Pact in the main board (instead of Recross the Paths) because it makes the deck MUCH more consistent. Yes, it makes the deck approximately $50 more expensive, but it triples as a Elvish Spirit Guide + Tinder Wall + Wild Cantor . It guarantees mana flexibility.

A trick I figured out is that you can use the Cabal Therapy after you milled on yourself naming one of the win-cons. Meaning that as long as you have only one of them, you don't need to mulligan.

May 29, 2015 3:04 p.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #15

kriggi, you have many interesting points. First, I agree with your suggestion of Nature's Claim, I will add 4 to the sideboard. Second, I assume that Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is annyoning, but if we are going off on turn one, how is she going to get in our way? Mental Misstep is banned in legacy. Pact of Negation and Summoner's Pact are at least half the cost of the entire deck.

June 1, 2015 1:53 p.m.

Jaceblue12 says... #16

Also, kriggi, pretty much the main reason we included the Cabal Therapys was to name a wincon on yourself, plus it can make sure your opponent doesn't have a Force of Will. Not with the same card, of course, bit it is extremely useful!

June 2, 2015 8:02 p.m.

kriggi says... #17

Spencerbot15, woops. Forgot that Mental Misstep is banned XD. Red Elemental Blast would be a better cheap alternative for Pact of Negation then.

The reason I mentioned Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is because if you won game 1, your opponent could possibly cheat her out turn 1 to stop you.

June 3, 2015 9:33 a.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #18

They do the exact same thing and taking out 8 combo pieces makes it very hard to combo off. However, Red Elemental Blast is cheaper and Pyroblast's advantage is not utilized in this deck, so I will switch them in the sideboard.

June 3, 2015 10:44 a.m.

hellto says... #19

What exactly does Recross the Paths do in this deck?

August 12, 2015 12:08 p.m.

Jaceblue12 says... #20

It allows us to completely stack our draws so we win; it is uses if we don't have enough/the right mana to go all out. It says put them back in any order.

August 13, 2015 7:13 p.m.

Jaceblue12 says... #21

Maybe if you put first turn win somewhere in the name we wold get some more publicity...

August 15, 2015 9:29 p.m.

Chancellor of the Annex could be good sideboard tech. I mean, Maniac dies to every removal spell in Legacy. If you're on the draw, it's good. Apostle's Blessing could also protect Maniac. You may also want to consider sideboarding Chain of Vapor for Eidolon of the Great Revel and Pyrostatic Pillar. It's also a fantastic toolbox card.

September 1, 2015 12:49 p.m.

Spencerbot15 says... #23

aeonstoremyliver, Chancellor of the Annex is a great idea. I stopped thinking about counterspells after I looked at Pact of Negation's price. As for Apostle's Blessing and Chain of Vapor, the former could be good and we only cast 2-3 rituals so they wouldn't be a problem.

September 1, 2015 3:01 p.m.

Colgate says... #24

9 cards feels quite a lot for wincon package. I would use 7 card wincon package: 4 Narcomoeba, Laboratory Maniac, Dread Return, Underworld Cerberus. Your package also needs to Cabal Therapy away any Laboratory Maniac, Angel of Glory's Rise and Azami, Lady of Scrolls, if you happen to draw them. My package needs to Cabal Therapy away only Underworld Cerberus and Dread Return. My package needs spare Cabal Therapy, to have sacoutlet, but that's post-Dread Return, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Chancellor of the Tangle seems cute and everything, when it's in your opening 7, but when it is drawn from Gitaxian Probe or Street Wraith, it's a dead card.Street Wraith and Gitaxian Probe should be maxed. They're just pure free consistency. A couple more Cabal Therapy would also be fine, since it's your only disruption and way to get unwanted cards from hand to grave.

October 18, 2015 6:40 a.m.

Jaceblue12 says... #25

Colgate - Underworld Cerberus just stops our combo as it makes it so our dread returns cannot target the Angel of Glory's Rise. The two dread returns are there in case the following scenario happens: we have a Narcomoeba in hand as well as either Azami or the maniac, so we cannot fully combo off without the second. To win here, we will mill ourselves, flashback one dread return targeting Angel of Glory's Rise, sac a nonessential human to Cabal Therapy targeting the wincon in hand, sac 3 more humans and return the card, win. We need all the chancellor for the mana, even if it is a dead draw, and we have no cards to cut for more probes and wraiths. It is otherwise unwinnable.

October 19, 2015 2:38 p.m.

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