Edgar's Dega Vampires

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh

SCORE: 202 | 196 COMMENTS | 32536 VIEWS | IN 73 FOLDERS

Falkenbach1 says... #1

Not at all Frank. I always try to run a decent amount of removal in all of my decks. You really convinced me about putting Purphoros, God of the Forge in my deck, mostly because i don't have an answer to ghostly prison and pillow fort decks.

October 24, 2017 5:13 p.m.

Frank_Glascock says... #2

Faulkenbach1, you are playing 9 artifacts and 15 enchantments. I feel confident recommending Enlightened Tutor.

October 24, 2017 7:43 p.m.

Lil_Kalki says... #3

I second Enlightened Tutor. My own decklist, Progeny of the Fang, performs amazingly with it, be the target Reconnaissance, Purphoros, God of the Forge, or either of the Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond combo, or really much of anything else I find a need to Tutor for at the right time. Its wortg your time to include it, by far.

October 24, 2017 7:49 p.m.

TheFateless says... #4

Hey guys, I really like the discussions you are having for this decklist. I just started trying to make my own deck that is kind of similar, and I have taken some ideas from this decklist and the comments. If you wouldnt mind looking it over Frank_Glascock and Last_Laugh, (or anyone else willing to help) and providing some feedback, that would be awesome! Thanks :D

Markov EDH

October 25, 2017 9:16 a.m.

Littlepoot says... #5

I dont have a shared animosity or a exquisite blood. Instead im playing dictate of erebos and stensia masquerade. I find teh first strike fr teh masquerade works rly well when paired with reconissance. I usually hold dictate untill multiple of my vamps die then flash it in to not draw as much hate. I do find myself missing bloodline necromancer. Bishop of rebirth usually gets removed if i have anything in the graveyard worth targeting

October 27, 2017 5:38 p.m.

benlow says... #6

Hi! really like the deck and the discussion thus far. was wondering if you've considered these vampires / your thoughts on them:

Arrogant Bloodlord, Bloodghast, Guul Draz Assassin too slow? Mathas, Fiend Seeker politics(?) Olivia's Bloodsworn is the haste relevant? Viscera Seer, Vampire Lacerator

have you playtested Patriarch's Bidding?

Blade of the Bloodchief in an aristocrat-themed deck would be decent, and Westvale Abbey  Flip ?

October 28, 2017 11:42 p.m.

Falkenbach1 says... #7

benlow, as its really quiet for some time i hope you don't mind me giving my opinion about the cards u mentioned :-)

Arrogant Bloodlord It's text screams don't play me, besides there are tons of 3 drop vampires that work better in my opinion.

Bloodghast Doesn't return to your hand/ isn't cast so no eminence to exploit. It can't block and the haste on it is irrelevant.

Gruul Draz Assassin haven't tested it yet but i think you never spend your mana to level it up?

Mathas, Fiend Seeker I recently cut it, as it helped the opponents to much.

Viscera Seer Works well to get some deck manipulation going for example when u get boardwiped. Also works with Dictate of Erebos , Butcher of Malakir

Vampire Lacerator same as the arrogant bloodlord.

Westvale Abbey  Flip I haven't considered this card yet it looks like it could do work

November 5, 2017 5:03 a.m.

epajula says... #8

It also depends on what kind of deck you are running. Aggro players know that every damage counts so Bloodghast T2, and after wraths is relevant. If you are playing more control Guul Draz Assassin is amazing. Personally I would always take Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief over the assassin since it's removal + beater + mana sink. Viscera Seer isn't bad, but playing Skullclamp + black draw packages makes more sense for me. If you play against blue or Threaten players Viscera Seer is irreplaceable.

November 6, 2017 3:15 p.m.

dancarvalho says... #9

How Pawn of Ulamog is working for you? This is one that I'm really on the fence about it, since it just triggers to nontoken creatures it seems to me that can be good, but not an awesome inclusion

November 7, 2017 7:38 p.m.

pjeseb says... #10

Hello there Last_Laugh, awesome deck. With all of the lifegain you have, what do you think of Well of Lost Dreams in this deck? Have you tested it out?

November 9, 2017 7:40 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #11

Out: Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Bishop of Rebirth, Bloodcrazed Palladin, Heirloom Blade, Necropolis Regent, Pawn of Ulamog, Phyrexian Reclamation, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Scapegoat, and Vampire Hexmage

January 30, 2018 11:29 p.m.

epajula says... #13

I really like Heirloom Blade, and Necropolis Regent over Dusk Legion Zealot.

January 31, 2018 1:49 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #14

Zealot here is amazing value for 2 mana. 2x 1/1 bodies and lose 1 life to draw a card is an effect I'd pay 2 mana for pretty much anywhere, especially with this many anthem effects.

January 31, 2018 10:44 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #15

February 24, 2018 7:05 p.m.

epajula says... #16

I disagree with that decision with less than 35 creatures. Pro-white is too good

February 25, 2018 12:42 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #17

Thanks for the up-vote and comment on my Edgar Deck.
Hadn't looked that much in to Reconnaissance ruling, thanks for the info :)
Have you seen the upcoming vampires in Dominaria? the WB one might be interesting..

March 11, 2018 11:58 a.m. Edited.

Last_Laugh says... #18

Counting my commander, I have 10 legendary creatures in the deck... that's pretty terrible odds for a 5 drop to be more than just a 3/3 lifelink deathtouch.

I love the design but his home is probably w/b goodstuff... they usually run quite a few legendaries that're typically pretty small creatures so +2+2 is pretty relevant there.

March 11, 2018 12:40 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #19

Wow, moving up on 10,000 views! Deck is still up to date and played pretty frequently. Thanks for all the feedback and support everyone!

May 10, 2018 9:12 p.m.

epajula says... #20

Congratualtions! I'm surprised Reconnaissance never hit $5. Either way you're good for the community. Just don't talk about my eloquence :)

May 10, 2018 9:53 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #21

@epajula - It's a good thing it didn't hit $5 lol... someone I know, I won't say who, would've spammed all my decks.

May 10, 2018 11:27 p.m.

victre151 says... #22

What would a non powered down version look like?

May 13, 2018 12:21 a.m.

StopShot says... #24

Interesting deck list. Some cards you might want to think about adding is Shared Triumph, Glory of Warfare, Fervent Charge, Door of Destinies, Obelisk of Urd, Radiant Destiny, and Cathars' Crusade since anthem effects can be pretty strong.

Also Taurean Mauler is also a pretty strong vampire to consider as well. Throne of the God-Pharaoh is an easy way to milk lots of damage out of your opponents continously. Another good choice to consider is Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, while he isn't a vampire he may as well read vampires you control get either effect which both are really powerful given any situation. Slate of Ancestry would be a ridiculously easy way to draw tons of cards. Lastly Goblin War Drums is an excellent way to give all your creatures easy evasion.

I hope my suggestions have been of some use to you.

May 24, 2018 7:27 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #25

A few of those I've tried and don't care for here.

Cathar's Crusade and Door of Destinies both do nothing when they come down, require has to essentially feed them, and require a pretty hefty mana investment for an aggro deck.

Slate of Ancestry I think belongs in the 1-2 cmc vamp build, I don't really run out of cards in my hand here.

Throne of the God Pharoah looks better on paper. The card does nothing without creatures already out. Definition of win-more imo.

Shared Triumph I'd consider just for the 2 cmc but the others don't provide a body and cost too much mana. I'd never heard of like Fervant Charge (and it's in my favorite wedge, I'm ashamed) so kudos for that lol.

Taureen Mauler I'd consider if I had some way to give it trample, flying, or some other evasion but just having 1 card that gives fear and 1 that sometimes gives flying means he's just a big wall because he gets chump blocked on offense.

May 24, 2018 11:15 p.m.

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