Edgy Sharuum Deck

Commander / EDH* Chunmuchy

SCORE: 11 | 18 COMMENTS | 2292 VIEWS

Umbreomancer says... #1

Speaking from a person who also plays Sharuum artifact EDH, Darksteel Forge and Platinum Emperion or Platinum Angel are your best friends.

September 12, 2013 12:23 a.m.

Chunmuchy says... #2

@Umbreomancer hey thanks for the advice man ! I was actually thinking of putting in Platinum Emperion in the deck but I was worried about the CMC of the deck. But I have never used Sharuum before as a commander so I couldn't really say if it was okay to run all the high CMC artifact goods. Whats your experience like with her ?

September 12, 2013 12:56 a.m.

Umbreomancer says... #3

If you can't get it on the field, get it in the graveyard. With all the mana rocks an artifact deck has, it shouldn't be hard to get to Platinum Emperion or even Blightsteel Colossus mana costs, but if you can't, find a way to discard them. Sharuum will bring them back and will do that every time they die if you have Master Transmuter . Basically, if you have Master Transmuter or Conjurer's Closet , none of your artifacts will EVER die. She's also great for bringing the cluestones back after you sack them to draw. Trading Post will become a great draw engine with Sharuum. I'd also say to take out the Consecrated Sphinx and other non-artifact spells and replace them with things like Ring of Three Wishes , Spine of Ish Sah , Sphinx Sovereign , Filigree Angel , Enigma Sphinx , or Akroma's Memorial , which will get your Platinum Emperion , Darksteel Colossus or Blightsteel Colossus into the fray immediately. I just shuddered at the thought of Blightsteel Colossus and Akroma's Memorial. Did you check out my Sharuum deck for ideas?

September 12, 2013 6:08 p.m.

Chunmuchy says... #4

@Umbreomancer Yes I did actually check out your Sharuum deck but I noticed that the direction of you're deck was alot different then mine. For my deck, I was aiming for more combo/control rather then the reanimate/aggro side of Sharuum. So in the end, putting in all those high CMC creatures would hinder the performance of what I wanted to work out. Plus, I started out with high costing big creatures, but when they are drawn in my starting hand they were just in they way without ways of putting them in the grave.

September 12, 2013 6:53 p.m.

Umbreomancer says... #5


I still think putting Spine of Ish Sah in there would be good. Yes, it's high cost but there doesn't seem to be much removal in there. There's plenty of board wipe, but there's some times when you want to kill things without having to give up yours as well. You seem to have plenty of mana rocks in your deck, so Platinum Angel would be good, although Blightsteel Colossus and Darksteel Colossus probably would take too long to get on the field... I would also say Lightning Greaves would be good because it's just so useful; stick it on your Transmuter, then stick it on the creatures the transmuter brings in.Still, I love this deck! It's great! +1 from me.

September 12, 2013 7:53 p.m.

Chunmuchy says... #6

@Umbreomancer Yeah .. I can see my deck not having many removals .. having a permanent removal is always a solid choice so Spine of Ish Sah is defiantly one of my top choices on removal. Also I agree with the rest of the creatures suggested and Lightning Greaves But at this point im having a hard time picked out stuff to pull haha. But, that can be figured out in time though ! Thanks for the +1 man really appreciated it !

September 12, 2013 11:54 p.m.

no Arcane Sanctum ? it's Esper in a land.

September 16, 2013 4:09 p.m.

Chunmuchy says... #8

@canterlotguardian its most likely going to be in there later haha those lands are just the lands that I have for sure.

September 16, 2013 6:53 p.m.

LiquidKid says... #9

If your budget allows it, or if youjr playgroup allows you to proxy, I would definitely add in Transmute Artifact .

September 19, 2013 2:23 p.m.

deatn1342 says... #10

Disciple of the Vault works as another combo piece for the deck. It could also speed up your win if you're able to drop it and get it to stick early game.

September 24, 2013 9:31 p.m.

LiquidKid says... #11

Auriok Salvagers Lion's Eye Diamond and Disciple of the Vault for infinite mana and the win.

September 24, 2013 9:45 p.m.

Chunmuchy says... #12

@deatn1342 Thanks for the advice man ! I haven't made changes to my deck list yet but im actually running the Disciple of the Vault right now !

@LiquidKid Having another win condition is temping up the Lion's Eye Diamond is totally out of my price range haha ill totally put it as a maybe though !

September 25, 2013 11:26 a.m.

LiquidKid says... #13

You can always proxy it if your playgroup allows it.

September 25, 2013 12:09 p.m.

Chunmuchy says... #14

@LiquidKid Yeah I totally could but I know by fact that I wont be getting that card anytime soon. My play group allows proxies but it has to be something that you know you can get sometime near in the future !

But again thanks for the advice man !

October 1, 2013 10:51 p.m.

Voxzorz says... #15

What about Magister Sphinx ? But +1, the deck is cool.

October 31, 2013 7:16 a.m.

deatn1342 says... #16

First off, I must say, having a Sharuum deck of my own, I like it. Through the playtests of my deck, I found that Lim-Dul's Vault works really well as a sort of tutor. Scroll Rack also works really well in the deck since you can use it to get rid of cards you don't want from your hand then tutor to shuffle them away. Finally, if you want one more combo in the deck and don't mind being "that guy," Knowledge Pool combos with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir to lock out your opponents. If you want some other ideas you can check out my Sharuum EDH deck.

October 31, 2013 10:07 a.m.

Chunmuchy says... #17

@Voxzorz Hey thanks for the +1 man ! I'm actually using Magister Sphinx as kind of a side board rather then a main board. I always like to use it in multiplayer just as a great political game piece haha.

@deatn1342 It feels like our minds think alike haha. recently I wasn't really having any love for Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas mainly because his +1 always put my tutors on the bottom of the library and in replace I was thinking of using Lim-Dul's Vault ! Also, I side board Knowledge Pool depending on how much of a dick I want to be to someone haha. Scroll Rack is also a solid maybe as of now, just because of how pricy it is ! But I like all those cards that you mentioned and I will most definitely check out your deck as well.

Cheers guys !

October 31, 2013 3:58 p.m.

Smaug1007 says... #18

Venser the Sojourner?

November 6, 2013 6:29 p.m.

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