A Few Dozen Creatures Enter A Bar...
Commander / EDH
Definitely worth considering! Pernicious deed might be a good option for stopping torpor orb, among other things. Added to the maybe list.
October 7, 2017 5:47 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #4
It's also really good at token removal. I have a guy in my playgroup that just gets wrecked by it.
I also like Prismatic Omen for mana fixing when you have a very complex mana base like this, but the card has recently skyrocketed in price, also, Mindslicer is dope.
October 7, 2017 6:15 p.m.
I highly recommend running Rite of Replication in any deck playing reaper king.
Agnos says... #1
Thanks for the suggestions. Arcane adaptation should certainly be in the deck, though I'm hesitant on whether it should replace conspiracy due to ease of BB or be added as a third in its own right.
The kindred cards, im afraid, are just past the threshold of playable for me in terms of mana cost - the deck seems to want to curve under 5, and anything over that seems to bloat my plays, though I'm considering sphinx of uthuun and similar effects.
Moreover, I feel some of the kindred cards, and conjurers closet, are win-more cards in many cases. If I have a full board of creatures and the upper hand in a game, that's great, but for seven mana I feel I need to be able to jump back into a good position from behind, and those cards strike me as unable to help, there.
Do you have a decklist or anything to suggest that may be in the 2-5 cmc range? :)
October 6, 2017 12:45 a.m.