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[EDH] Azami, Draw Engine Princess

Commander / EDH* Mono-Blue Wizards


I made this deck around 2 years ago. tell me what you guys think about it and maybe suggest some cards i can swap in the deck :D will update details when I have the time.

Azami, Lady of Scrolls

Tap an untapped Wizard you control: Draw a card.

This deck relies on drawing a lot of cards until you draw the wincons, which also rely on drawing cards.


There are two ways for me to attain an infinite draw:

  1. Azami, Lady of Scrolls + Mind Over Matter: a. Wizard is tapped to draw a card (via Azami, Lady of Scrolls) b. Using Mind Over Matter, discard any unwanted card, then causes a wizard to untap. c. repeat step a

  2. Aphetto Alchemist + card:Illussionist's Bracers: By equipping Aphetto Alchemist with Illussionist's Bracers, we get infinite untaps for target artifacts and creatures. By targeting wizards we get infinite untaps for Azami, Lady of Scrolls. By targeting Darksteel Ingot or Seat of the Synod artifcats, we get infinite blue mana.


  1. Infinite damage via Psychosis Crawler (Psychosis Crawler's power and toughness are each equal to the number of cards in your hand. Whenever you draw a card, each opponent loses 1 life).

  2. Win under Laboratory Maniac's terms (If you would draw a card while your library has no cards in it, you win the game instead).

The rest of the deck is built to survive the game, or getting to the infinite draw ASAP.


Of course, to pull this off, I'm gonna need a lot of wizards. In total I have 22 wizards in this deck, and 4 non-wizards. Each one have their uses in different situations, and the casting cost is very decent.


special mentions

  • Aphetto Alchemist (see above)
  • Laboratory Maniac (see above)
  • Graceful Adept (no more hand limit)
  • Beguiler of Wills (on the right condition, Beguiler of Wills with Aphetto/Bracelet combo can keep you safe by stealing your opponent's creatures)
  • Temporal Adept (like Beguiler of Wills, Temporal Adept needs the Aphetto/Bracelet combo to wipe out all target permanents my opponents control from the board)

Beguiler of Wills and Temporal Adept are only for fun. By the time these combo arrive I would've already had my wincon established anyway)

Hard counters

Willbender and Sigil Tracer technically redirects spells

Draw manipulation (especially useful to ensure a mana drop every turn)

Search engines



--------------------HAND ADVANTAGE--------------------

It's always fun having the hand advantage, especially as Blue. Your opponents will often think that you have a counter spell, and often times, you do! With Reliquary Tower and Graceful Adept, your hand will be unlimited. Even so, you will need to be constantly drawing quality cards for your particular situation/opponents.

By triggering Archmage Ascension, you're literally card searching the cards you need everytime you draw. 6 counters may sound like a lot, but if you're drawing every turn (yours and opponents), it's a lot faster than you'd imagine.

Long-Term Plans will let you search your library and put that card third from the top. but with Azami, you're practically card searching for 2U. Even without Azami, there's always Preordain, Ponder, and Brainstorm. When you have so much mana (which will be discussed later on), there's also Recurring Insight and Opportunity.

Other than Long-Term Plans and the previously mentioned creatures, I can also search for instant cards via Merchant Scroll and artifact cards via Fabricate. I also have Expedition Map to pull out Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, since Nykthos is an especially useful card for mono-colored decks.

Good cards that fall on the graveyard can only be pulled out by Elixir of Immortality (other than by Archaeomancer

Finally, my alternative means of drawing cards other than the ones already mentioned are Fact or Fiction and Blue Sun's Zenith. These cards are self-explanatory.


My creatures DO NOT attack (execpt for AEtherling) for political reasons. As a player, one defensive strategy is for my opponents to NOT NOTICE ME UNTIL I AM READY TO BE NOTICED. For the most part of the game, I barely do anything but cast permanents that do nothing; but when the time comes, i'm gonna be that player that a bulk of MTG players hate... the one that takes forever to finish a turn. Yes, some of my playgroup fun-hates me.

But anyway, here are the cards that helps me defend me:

and here are the offensive-defensive cards whenever someone does decide to attack me:

and as a revenge card (since this is sorcery), there's also Curse of the Swine



The great part of having a Mono-Blue EDH deck is that there aren't much non-basic lands. My deck carries 28 Islands, and 6 non-basic lands. I'm one of those players who's afraid of being screwed (part of the reason why I chose Azami as my commander), and some of my wizards are used to pull out artifacts that produce more mana (for Sol Ring and Caged Sun). I also carry a Sapphire Medallion for spell discounts and card:Darksteel Ingots for it's potential infinite mana with Aphetto/Bracer. My non-basic lands are the following:

  • Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx (because mono-blue deck)
  • Reliquary Tower (very essential because it gives infinite hand size)
  • Seat of the Synod (potential infinite mana with Aphetto/Bracer)
  • Halimar Depths (draw manipulation)
  • Lonely Sandbar _(for late-game, when i'd rather draw more cards than drop a mana tapped because I already have basic lands on hand)
  • Coral Atoll _(creates the illusion of having one less mana for unfamiliar opponents that are secretly counting how many lands I still have untapped)


Leyline of Anticipation (I think this one speaks for itself)



-------------------- 2024 UPDATE --------------------

I've been inactive since writing this deck build so a lot of cards are very dated and i'm sure there are a lot better cards released since 2018-ish.


Updates Add


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.02
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Boar 2/2 G, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Human Wizard 1/1 U, Morph 2/2 C
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