
The goal of the deck is to use one of the combos listed below to gain total control of the board state, after which your opponents will probably just concede.

Custom Categories

  • Land: All lands.
  • Ramp: Non-land cards that either create mana or help cast things faster.
  • Draw: Put more cards into your hand.
  • CreatureRemoval: Remove creatures from the battlefield.
  • OtherRemoval: Remove non-creature permanents from the battlefield.
  • Tutor: Search for specific cards and put them into your hand or onto the battlefield.
  • Combo: Specific cards mainly used as part of one or more combos.
  • Protection: Protect yourself from attacks, or protect your permanents from removal effects.


Cards Required: 2

Card Combinations: Grand Architect + Pili-Pala


  1. Turn Pili-Pala into a blue artifact creature with Grand Architect 's first ability.

  2. Use Grand Architect 's second ability to tap Pili-Pala for .

  3. Use mana from step 2 for Pili-Pala 's ability to untap it and get one mana of any color.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for infinite mana of all colors.

Result: Infinite mana of all colors

Cards Required: 3

Card Combinations:


  1. Have all 3 cards of a combo on the field.

  2. Tap Basalt Monolith / Thran Dynamo / Gilded Lotus for 3 mana. Note: If the card has become a creature through step 3, it must not have summoning sickness to repeat this step.

  3. Use Sydri 's ability to turn Basalt Monolith / Thran Dynamo / Gilded Lotus into a creature.

  4. Use 2 of the mana from step 2 to untap Basalt Monolith / Thran Dynamo / Gilded Lotus using Voltaic Construct .

  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for infinite mana (of all colors if Gilded Lotus ; colorless otherwise).

Result: Infinite mana (possibly colored)

Cards Required: 3

Card Combinations: Krark-Clan Ironworks + Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry


  1. Sacrifice Sword of the Meek to Thopter Foundry and get a blue thopter plus 1 life. When repeating this step, you should have mana from step 3 to use.

  2. Use Sword of the Meek 's trigger from the 1/1 blue thopter in step 1 to bring Sword of the Meek back to the battlefield.

  3. Sacrifice the thopter to Krark-Clan Ironworks to get .

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for infinite mana.

  5. Use the infinite mana to repeat just steps 1 and 2 without sacrificing thopters.

Result: Infinite colorless mana, infinite blue thopters, and infinite life gain (or without Krark-Clan Ironworks , get X blue thopters and gain X life by paying )

Note: If you don't have Krark-Clan Ironworks , you can do just steps 1 and 2. Do them X times by paying X mana to get X blue thopters and gain X life.

Cards Required: 3

Card Combinations: Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice + Nevinyrral's Disk


  1. Have all three cards in combo on the field, and Nevinyrral's Disk untapped.

  2. Activate Nevinyrral's Disk . Since all permanents are artifacts with Mycosynth Lattice , your permanents are indestructible from Darksteel Forge and all your opponent's permanents will be destroyed (unless they had Darksteel Forge of course).

Result: Destroy all permanents except yours.

Cards Required: 2

Card Combinations: Consulate Crackdown + Mycosynth Lattice


  1. Put Mycosynth Lattice onto the field (without Consulate Crackdown ).

  2. Put Consulate Crackdown onto the field. Since all permanents are artifacts with Mycosynth Lattice , this will exile all permanents except yours.

Result: Exile all permanents except yours.

Cards Required: 2-3

Card Combinations:


  1. Have all cards from a combo on the field.

  2. Pay for Sydri 's ability to turn an opponent's land into an artifact creature. Since lands have CMC 0, this will make the land a 0/0 and destroy it. You can use any mana because of Mycosynth Lattice .

  3. If Dross Scorpion is on the field, untap one of your artifacts that taps for mana (like what you used for step 2; remember: everything's an artifact with Mycosynth Lattice ).

  4. If possible, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each opponent's land.

Result: Destroy target/each land your opponent controls.

Cards Required: 2

Card Combinations: Aetherflux Reservoir + Sydri, Galvanic Genius + over 50 life


  1. Turn Aetherflux Reservoir into an artifact creature with Sydri, Galvanic Genius ' first ability.

  2. Give Aetherflux Reservoir lifelink (and deathtouch) with Sydri, Galvanic Genius ' second ability.

  3. Use Aetherflux Reservoir 's activated ability (paying 50 life) to deal 50 damage to an opponent. Since Aetherflux Reservoir has lifelink, you will then gain 50 life.

  4. Repeat step 4 until your opponents have 0 life.

Result: Bring opponents to 0 life (and likely win the game)

Ways to Use Infinite Mana

  1. Use Planar Bridge to get all permanents from your deck onto the battlefield. This can be done by turning Planar Bridge into a creature with Sydri, Galvanic Genius , and untapping it with Voltaic Construct . If Planar Bridge would have summoning sickness, one of the first cards to get would probably be Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots , so you can equip it to Planar Bridge . Since Lightning Greaves gives Shroud, you'll have to equip it to a different creature when you want to untap using Voltaic Construct , then re-equip to tap it again.

  2. Use Memnarch to take control of every permanent. The activated abilities require blue mana, so the combos for infinite colorless mana won't be enough unless you have Mycosynth Lattice to spend mana as if it were any color.

  3. Use tutor spell(s) to get artifact(s) for combos, including Planar Bridge or Memnarch for ways 1 and 2.


Updates Add

Removed "Untap" category from cards, and replaced many cards for better ones, or ones that should work better with the other cards in this deck.
