Upgrade path from 250: The first upgrade that should be done is Null rod -natural state The fact that we play so few artifacts and don’t rely on them all that much allows us to play Null Rod. This shuts down decks that rely heavily on artifacts like Teferi and Arcum, as well as slowing down storm. We can play Null Rod with little repercussions sometimes to the point where they need to remove null rod before they can win (Teferi, and the dominance of Ætherflux reservoir in the meta)

After you’ve upgraded null rod, the single biggest upgrade you can make to the deck is a Gaea's Cradle, Although it´s one of the most expensive cards in the deck, it makes extra turns considerably easier to cast while holding interaction, however, if your budget won't permit that, you have to make some choices depending on your meta,

Control/stax If you’re up against stax decks that play Tabernacle, add crop rotation + strip mine in for a forest and island. Crop Rotation helps us later as well, when you add a Cradle which will replace strip mine in defence against Tabernacle. You could also add snap and beast within in the slots of two to four attackers.

Storm meta

Flusterstorm is an amazing card in edric’s 99 and it’s a shame i couldn't add it to the budget version, it helps us deal with any matchup that is faster than us(most notably storm,) and lets us interact with the stack for U.

After those few choices, you should probably be upgrading either your lands, or your counter suite, the decision is ultimately up to the budget player and depends heavily on their meta. If the meta is heavy on interaction, the counter suite may need to be prioritized.

Lands: The first few upgrades on lands are reasonably affordable, the order should generally be:

Khans fetches - 3 Islands 2 Forests Hinterland harbor - 1 Island /Forest Flooded grove - 1 Island /Forest

After those changes, the lands become expensive really quickly, though it’s worth noting that cavern of souls is a very valuable addition to the deck.

Counter suite Edric plays a lot of his counters based on meta, so you’ll most likely have to figure this one out by yourself, but to help,

Force of Will - Foil Mana Drain - Muddle the Mixture Flusterstorm - Reality Shift


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #35 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

31 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.90
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Edric, Potential Builds, Primers, Ragnarokunltd's Folder, EDH, Budget Cedh, Potential Decks, Give it a shot, Likes, EDH - Ideas Random
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