Halvar, Divine Voltron

Commander / EDH NensouHiebara

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gaarakazekage says... #1

Mewgle because it would be cool :). but i've learned from Skyfolk nine tails isn't from Naruto, its from a Japanese legend. which is super cool.

July 26, 2013 4:04 p.m.

Flashiny says... #2

Wow I really like this, might try my own version. Scourglass could be another sweeper if you were ok with losing your enchants.

July 26, 2013 5:25 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #3


Not a fan of Scourglass . The upkeep-only restriction hinders it's effectiveness.

July 26, 2013 9:29 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #4

No Eiganjo Castle? With the new legend rule, you risk little downside for a bit of upside.

Also, lol at the guy who insults people for buying expensive cards. Hurrr what's an investment. lol

July 30, 2013 8:40 a.m.

santiguy1364 says... #5

so far just missing one thing a Strata Scythe

July 31, 2013 8:52 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #6


I'm not sure if Strata Scythe would function effectively with my land base, but I'll try it out.

July 31, 2013 12:19 p.m.

Rienuaa says... #7

Enchantments work, dude. They won't fall off.


Do some fact checking and you'll find protection doesn't work how you think it does.

August 2, 2013 9:10 a.m.

Rienuaa says... #8

Er, enchantments won't work. So yeah, don't put them in.

August 2, 2013 9:12 a.m.

santiguy1364 says... #9

protection is best described as the acronym debt. Damage, Effect, Block, Target. If something has say protection from white then white can't do any of those and in conjunction all enchantments would fall off.

August 2, 2013 9:16 a.m.

Somnambulist says... #10

Nim Deathmantle can keep you going if you can't get indestructibility for some reason, or if you're forced to sacrifice. Also, surprise evasion.

August 8, 2013 4:10 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #11


I guess I could try it out.

August 8, 2013 4:24 p.m.

I wouldn't bother with Nim Deathmantle as it's not really a surprise when it's out and you have the mana open to activate it. When using it with any general, you have to choose to not move the deceased general to the command zone and allow it to hit your graveyard to be able to use the ability with the mantle... if someone pops the mantle in response your general will be very much dead in your graveyard without a way to bring it back to the command zone. (short of a spell to bring it back to your hand/the battlefield and have it die again for the command zone trigger)

Add to this that you'll need what? 7 mana to have as insurance to make the spell targeting it white, then giving it protection from white before 8 &1/2 tails dies and then the 4 for the mantle's ability? seems like a lot of work...

August 8, 2013 4:49 p.m.

Skyfolk says... #13

You don't need to use it with your Commander, it lets you save your utility dudes as well. It's more versatile than you think.

August 8, 2013 4:51 p.m.

Oh I know that it can be useful for more than just the general, but it's a situational equip. The buff if ok, but the intimidate is usually negligible and you'd rarely if ever tutor this out when you have at least 10 other equipments that are more useful, especially swords. The 4 mana to save open to catch something the turn it dies will be a hindrance early on and will usually only shine late game (doing little if anything each turn while saving this for if someone has a spell to burn/kill your dude(s) is only going to put you behind, this isn't aggressive enough of an equip IMO).

Not to mention that using the ability on your general should it die is high risk in that you could have an opponent waiting to take advantage and stuff your commander in the graveyard until you can get it back out some how.

Being that the deck is primarily focused on getting the general specifically to "be" Voltron and get in, an equipment that's outclassed by equips that give hexproof/prot colors/trample or indestructible, seems like a questionable add when it doesn't offer more than a buff in light of those other abilities. It is nice that it only costs 2 so it can be played relatively early, but for that 4 mana to be open in case someone boardwipes, I feel like he would be better served adding Faith's Reward to bring everything back at once for the same mana.

August 8, 2013 6:07 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #15

"Pay 4 to bring 8- Tails back" "Cool, Time Stop in response."

August 8, 2013 6:35 p.m.

Caibre says... #16

Torpor Orb can be really great to protect your equipment from ETB exploders like Acidic Slime , Terastodon and Sylvan Primordial . Sometimes it requires a little bit of building around in order to not block yourself out of ETB triggers but it's been really successful in my meta, with all the Rites of Replication and Progenitor Mimic that find their way onto those ETB permanent hate cards.

August 12, 2013 5:03 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #17


No interest in random hate cards. Adding too many dilutes the deck.

I'm beginning to reconsider Darksteel Forge . My Equipment are massive removal magnets and I have weak protection from sweepers. 9 mana can be a pain to get sometimes, but having another way to stop nontargeted removal alongside Avacyn, Angel of Hope is better than burning time and resources recovering...

...and I also pulled a foil one out of my M14 box.

August 12, 2013 11:36 p.m.

emmons1204 says... #18

What's the point of Quietus Spike if you're typical win condition is commander damage?

August 13, 2013 10:02 a.m.

Mewgle says... #19


For when his general gets tucked or too expensive to cast, he can still knock someone out in a few attacks.

August 13, 2013 10:05 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #20


Quietus Spike gives my other creatures a fighting chance at taking out multiple 40+ lifetotals. Also, it's a great counter against excessive lifegain.

August 13, 2013 11:13 a.m.

xguardian426 says... #21

Isn't Rest in Peace with Emeria, The Sky Ruin a bit counter-intuitive? I'm curious as to you decision to replace Relic of Progenitus . Are a majority of the commander decks around you more graveyard based?

August 14, 2013 11:14 p.m.

xguardian426 says... #22

Ahh, I needed to read further down. Answered my own question there XD

August 14, 2013 11:23 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #23

I hate to be this guy, and forgive me if you've already answered it but how do you deal with Iona, Shield of Emeria ?

August 18, 2013 3:15 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #24

Argentum Armor and abilities like it can take care of her. However Brittle Effigy works really well in decks like these. You can have it sit there as a Seal of Doom for emergencies. Since it's colorless protection from color (or in this case preventing a certain color from being cast) doesn't factor in.

August 18, 2013 3:18 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #25


There's only a few graveyard decks in my meta, but they get ridiculous if you don't purge the graveyard and keep it empty.


Argentum Armor , Duplicant , and Steel Hellkite are my answers to Iona, Shield of Emeria .

Thankfully, I only know one deck in my meta runs Iona and I don't see that deck often.

August 18, 2013 3:29 p.m.

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