Halvar, Divine Voltron

Commander / EDH NensouHiebara

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Anorak says... #1

Have you considered adding Painter's Servant?

December 3, 2014 5:54 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #2


Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - I'm capping the mana curve of this deck at 8. I don't want to go any higher, as there's no guarantee I can get to 11 mana to cast it when I need to and I don't want high cost cards clogging my hand.

Iona, Shield of Emeria - I hate using griefer cards. Nothing is more infuriating than not being able to do anything and I won't be the cause of it. She's also 9 mana. Over my cap.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite - This deck has little use of her. If I want my opponents' creatures to die, I'll use a sweeper.

Kemba, Kha Regent - This deck doesn't want a large amount of tokens. All Kemba would do is hog the Equipment from 8.5.

Mind's Eye vs. Staff of Nin - I just like how Staff draw cards for no further mana investment. I prefer to constantly have mana open when 8.5 is out for his abilities.


Painter's Servant is banned.

Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't use it. Turning all of my Equipment White screws up 8.5's first ability when using it on himself and turns Sword of Light and Shadow into a dead card.

December 3, 2014 10:01 p.m.

Anorak says... #3

Oh I didn't realise, actually yeah that's pretty terrible.

December 3, 2014 10:38 p.m.

Asher18 says... #4

Aven Mindcensor for aid in tutors and other cards. possibly also Baneslayer Angel for funzies

December 3, 2014 10:44 p.m.

Necrotize says... #5

Bit of a strange choice but what about Skyship Weatherlight. Sure it is a risky move but obviously you're not gonna remove all your good cards with it, and if it remains unanswered you can get exactly what you need much easier. And who doesn't love tutors I guess.

I'm personally not a fan of Skullclamp in non-token decks as the few non-token creatures you have that instantly die to it are generally cards you don't want to kill off. But card draw is something mono-white needs. This is a last ditch kind of card that I think could have mixed effects in here, especially since you said you hold off on playing 8.5 tails until later in the game. Martyr's Cry. Yeah I understand typically removing all your own creatures is a bad idea, but you do also have several field wipes, and this only costs 2 White and nets you card draw for all your lost creatures. Probably not a top tier card, more of a fun thing that if you pull off properly could net you some nice card advantage after a board wipe.

December 4, 2014 8:51 a.m.


I'm making an EDH deck, and I was wondering if this commander would be good in multiplayer?


December 4, 2014 12:05 p.m.

Teysaforever says... #7

Have you ever thought of World Queller? It hits all the things, and in your deck no enchantment will be safe.

December 4, 2014 12:58 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #8


I'll consider Aven Mindcensor if tutors become a problem. Right now, I have no issues.

No interest in Baneslayer Angel. Trying to keep the number of french vanilla beater to a minimum.


Skyship Weatherlight is way too risky. It's too easy to backfire and choosing a card at random sucks.

Skullclamp is can be endlessly fueled by Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Nahiri, the Lithomancer, and Trading Post. I'm also tinkering with Kjeldoran Outpost, which can also produce Clamp-fodder.

Martyr's Cry is.... meh. I don't want an awkward sweeper that only works in certain situations.


8.5 works great in Multiplayer. He just needs a sufficient mana to fuel his abilities. He's not an early-game card. Run plenty of ramp. Never play him on Turn 2. Always leave mana open.


World Queller is a maybe. I'll think about it.

December 4, 2014 10:13 p.m.

SFCD says... #9

I haven't had the best of luck with the Kaldra set. Has you experience been better than mine?Also, how has Godsend been working for you over, say, another sword of X and Y.Mirrodin Crusader over Silverblade, maybe?Great, great list overall. I've been testing a bit online.

December 25, 2014 7:14 p.m.

Asher18 says... #10

Rune of Protection: White? quick way to prevent damage if a hasty creatrure comes out and 85. donesn't have vigilance at the time.either that or Circle of Protection: White

December 25, 2014 8:44 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #11

Merry Christmas!


I seldom get all three Kaldra peices out. I mostly use them for their separate abilities, with the potential of having all three out as a bonus. If only there was another Equipment tutor engine like Stonehewer Giant to get all of them out at once easier.

I love Godsend! It completely turns combat into your favour. They can't block profitably and can't attack you without proper evasion or their creature's gone. The +3/+3 is also great for pumping 8.5's feeble 2/2 body or whatever back-up creature I'm using. It being White doesn't work with 8.5's first ability, but that's a minor con compared to its great pros. The two remaining Mirran Swords I don't use are pretty much poor in Commander. Sword of Body and Mind's mill doesn't accomplish much and gives free fuel to graveyard decks. Sword of War and Peace is very lackluster. The lifegain is poor with mono-White being the worst at card draw. The damage doesn't do anything except against super greedy Blue players.

Silverblade Paladin performs two major functions in this deck. His first function is a cheap source of double strike for 8.5. His second function is back-up. 3 mana is an incredible price for two double strikers. Add Equipment to them and they hit very hard. It's also very easy to recur and has synergy with a few of my recursion cards. Sun Titan brings it back and it gives them both double strike. Reveillark recurs it and another creature to pair with. There's no equal to this fantastic utility creature. Mirran Crusader is a good creature, but Silverblade Paladin fits the deck better.


I don't like Circle of Protection: White and its variants. They do almost nothing and take up space that could go to more useful utility effects.

December 25, 2014 10:21 p.m.

SFCD says... #12

Good point about Silverblade: he effectively "equips" 8.5 with double strike.Ran a few hands online and played a few casual games. Some thoughts I had:-I love trading post as much as the next person who isn't Brad Nelson but I can' help but wonder if Mind's Eye is just better here for card draw.-Similarly, I'd love to see Mentor of the Meek in here. I know this isn't a Kemba/Tokens build but you've got Nahiri and other random duders.-Any reason for running Thespians' over Vesuva? I guess it's more versatile (as you can "pop it" whenever you see fit.Again, loving this list. I took a hiatus from Magic for a few years (2002-6 or so) and missed Kamigawa. I'm loving 8.5 as a general.

December 28, 2014 10:36 p.m.

EscMan says... #13

What's your answer to someone tucking your commander?

December 29, 2014 6:15 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #14


Trading Post is more of a recursion engine than a card draw engine. I had a discussion on card draw engines earlier. I'm more interested in adding Skullclamp if I ever feel the need for another card draw engine, mainly because it's tutorable.

Thespian's Stage is overall way better than Vesuva. Stage doesn't enter tapped and can keep changing into other lands as needed. Vesuva is mostly stuck in the hand until a worthwhile target is played or it's a tapped basic land.


I don't have a proper answer to having 8.5 getting tucked. If it happens, I just deal with it and move on to the decks other win-cons.

Plan B: Alternate Win Conditions - Inkmoth Nexus deals out poison counters. I mostly only use it if I have the resources on board to one-shot players, but if I'm out of options, 2-3 turn poison clocks work. I'm also thinking of adding Felidar Sovereign.

Plan C: Regular Damage - I have a good handful of large creatures that can hold Equipment very well. Serra Ascendant and Transcendent Master are also in the deck just as back-up threats to dent life totals. Stonehewer Giant takes over games by himself.

December 29, 2014 2:16 p.m.

SFCD says... #15

Been jamming a list very similar to yours. This deck rules. Thanks for the inspiration!I'm relatively new to EDH (but been playing Magic since 1994). This has proven to be a great fist deck.

January 4, 2015 5:50 p.m.

rob_shifflett says... #16

Love the deck. +1

Also, if you have time to give me some advice on my equipment deck, I would really appreciate it.

Legendary Legends Wielding Legendary Weapons Playtest

Commander / EDH rob_shifflett


January 4, 2015 11:35 p.m.

I may very well be missing something, but I run a very similar deck around Kemba, Kha Regent. Is there a reason she is either a left out of the deck, and b just not the commander? my decklist on here is not current however, and I will update it soon.

January 5, 2015 11:57 p.m.

rob_shifflett says... #18

I believe he said:

Kemba, Kha Regent - This deck doesn't want a large amount of tokens. All Kemba would do is hog the Equipment from 8.5.

January 6, 2015 8:33 a.m.

SFCD says... #19

To second what rob-shifflett said, I run a Kemba list as well and Kemba lists tend to be more about cat swarm token army wins. 8.5, because he can protect himself, is better for a Voltron equip kill. When I play Kemba, I tend to run things like White Sun's Zenith, Martial Coup, etc. I see some people run things like Cathar's Crusade and other buff-your-teams. Most Kemba lists I see are about getting Kemba equipped so you can gain an overwhelming board presence, not so you can play Jenga of swords and hammers and 21 your opponent.

January 6, 2015 11:21 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #20

@[email protected]

Kemba, Kha Regent was the original Commander for my deck when I first built it. I made 8.5 my Commander when my deck's structure changed to just Voltron kills. Kemba works best in a Voltron/Token hybrid build, and with tokens no longer focus of my deck, she just doesn't fit.

January 6, 2015 7:17 p.m.

Spyrechild says... #21

Question: Prot from White unequips Godsend, it being a white permanent that she now has protection from correct?

Your deck man has pretty much been the primer for my own. Love the concept, my playgroup hates it.

January 6, 2015 10:01 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #22


Yes. Pro-White causes Godsend to unattach.

January 6, 2015 11:10 p.m.

Spyrechild says... #23

Thought so. It is the only reason I don't have one, my group has a fair amount of artifact hate kicking around so my Hexproofing doesn't last all that long. I think I've 21cd once, the rest of the time she ends up as support as sun titan or Feild Marshal pounds their way thought.

January 7, 2015 10:35 a.m.

saerii says... #24

Why Eternal Dragon?

January 7, 2015 3:11 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #25


Eternal Dragon is one of the best utility creatures White has. It's a real gem in this format.

Guaranteed Land Drops - Hitting all of your land drops is important early game. Eternal Dragon is essentially another Plains in the opening hand or when drawn early. It and Sword of Light and Shadow creates a land drop engine.

Utility Land Tutor - Eternal Dragon can tutor for any land with the 'Plains' land type, not just basics. In my deck, it can tutor for Mistveil Plains.

Shuffle Effect - A cheap shuffle effect is great for resetting the top of the library for cards like Sensei's Divining Top and Scroll Rack.

Self-Recurring Threat - Eternal Dragon is still a 5/5 flier. It holds Equipment like a champ. It can also recur itself. To do so is a bit expensive and slow, but it's there when it's needed.

January 7, 2015 7:30 p.m.

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