Halvar, Divine Voltron

Commander / EDH NensouHiebara

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NensouHiebara says... #1


Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite doesn't fit the deck.

  • From a Voltron perspective, spending 7 mana for a +2/+2 pump is terrible.
  • My creature base isn't built to use anthem effects.
April 27, 2015 9:52 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #2


I guess you're right, but that -2/-2 for enemy creatures is what I was thinking more about.

I would suggest thinking about fitting Brass Squire?

April 27, 2015 5:37 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #3


I've used Brass Squire before. It's a bit too slow.

April 28, 2015 9:23 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #4


Compared to Puresteel Paladin, I agree. You don't have tutors for non-equipment artifacts, costs 3, and activates with tap. I was in a hurry, and didn't think too much when replying. Sorry

And Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite would be good against token decks, like goblins, but it's 7 mana, so efficient token decks could murder this deck by then (maybe).

Get rid of Expedition Map and put one of these in instead:Traveler's Amulet, Wanderer's Twig, Tithe, Thawing Glaciers (good against land wipes), Surveyor's Scope, Mycosynth Wellspring, Gleam of Resistance, Gift of Estates, Flooded Strand (any pain land), Armillary Sphere.

April 28, 2015 8:16 p.m.

First Elebrus, the binding blade has a color identity of colorless as no mana symbols in its text box on mana cost aren't of any color. Color Indecators dont count towards color identity.Second you should add Pious Kitsune its triggered ability at the upkeep can end up with you having alot of life.Third a good card to add if you have Pious Kitsune is Felidar Sovereign.Because of Insane Lifegain.Last dont include sol ring. It is banned in Commander 1v1 and might restrict what you can do with this deck.

April 28, 2015 8:18 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #6


Sweapers can take care of token swarms. Ghostly Prison and Windborn Muse also keep them at bay.

Expedition Map is extremely useful for my deck, as it allows me to tutor up whatever utility land I need at the given moment. I'm not dropping it for a sub-optimal card.


Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip has a Colour Identity of Black. I can't use it.

  • 903.4: The Commander variant uses color identity to determine what cards can be in a deck with a certain commander. The color identity of a card is the color or colors of any mana symbols in that cards mana cost or rules text, plus any colors defined by its characteristic-defining abilities or color indicator.
  • 903.4c: The back face of a double-faced card is included when determining a cards color identity.

Pious Kitsune is a bad card. Not worth using up a slot for subpar lifegain.

I have though about using Felidar Sovereign, but I have decided not to use it. I have enough 6-drops in the deck as is and I just recently added a high-CMC card.

This deck is made specifically for traditional, multiplayer Commander and isn't meant for 1v1/Duel Commander. Sol Ring is never leaving this deck.

April 28, 2015 9:46 p.m.

wtfmidun says... #7

I need to learn how to read better. I didn't realize Expedition Map left out the word "basic". I also didn't notice the word "each".

But besides that I can't see a card that will actually improve your deck. Lightning Greaves can be equipped onto another creature and then re-equipped, but I think you don't like that. Hero's Blade may be okay, at least it's an auto-equip on your voltron tactic. Mask of Avacyn sucks compared to Champion's Helm.

I don't see anything that prevents burn damage. That may be the only weakness.

April 29, 2015 4:27 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #8


Shroud causes problems in a deck that wants to target its own creatures. I don't use Lightning Greaves for that reason.

Hero's Blade is mediocre. Even with the auto-equip ability, the vanilla pump is lackluster.

Mask of Avacyn does suck, which is why I don't use it.

Burn is relatively weak in Commander aside from damage sweepers. Not an issue.

April 29, 2015 8:51 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #9

I guess I'll have to make up a "strong" burn deck.

April 29, 2015 3:44 p.m.

Asher18 says... #10

NensouHiebara i feel bad for you b/c people WONT STOP SUGGESTING Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip and Flagstones of Trokair. on that note, Crusade possibly or if you don't like anthems Pearl Medallion always helps

April 29, 2015 9:27 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #11


This deck can't use anthems effectively. Anthems are better in token aggro decks.

Pearl Medallion doesn't seem worth it to me. Barely 1/3 of the deck is able to have a reduced mana cost. I'd rather use another mana rock instead.

April 30, 2015 9:29 a.m.

SFCD says... #12

Thank you for finally dropping the Kaldra set.;)Journey is a surprisingly good card and a good addition here.

April 30, 2015 9:51 p.m.

VexenX says... #13

Do you have any ideas of good cards to protect my Scion of the Ur-Dragon? He is starting to get a lot of hate, so i might need to Voltron a bit or something. Please check out my deck and leave any advice you can give! Thank you!!! Scion of the... Oh no!

May 1, 2015 12:41 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #14

I played with this deck with friends, and while it was strong, I had no flyers to block theirs (all the decks I was playing against attacked me with huge flyers, such as dragons). The games were mostly close in a multiplayer setting. I had to win with commander damage in all the games I did win (3 out of 4) as the deck was designed to, but I don't like taking so much damage because of flying. I would like at least one of the equipment to give flying.

May 1, 2015 5:31 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #15


None of the Equipment that offer flying are worth using.

May 1, 2015 10:36 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #16

The only two that I'd even consider (and even then, meh) are Bladed Pinions for first strike and Fleetfeather Sandals for haste.

That being said, there are so many reasons not to run those two.

May 1, 2015 10:44 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #17

I was thinking of putting in a Spidersilk Net and taking out a plains. I'm not sure if that's okay for the mana curve. There's also the concern that it contributes so little to the deck that it's pointless (so that Plains might be more useful), and it does reduce card advantage.

On the other hand, perhaps a better alternative, instead of widening the defense, we increase the amount of lifegain and aggression. White is good with efficient aggro and healing, so play it up even more if possible.

Possibly it was just variance. Commander is especially prone to variance due to being 99 singleton with 1 general.

I'm thinking about Angelic Accord because lifegain is very frequent in this deck, Concerted Effort because of all kinds of synergy, Energy Storm as a last resort to swing tempo to my favor, Lightform because it gives card advantage on top a 2/2 lifelink flyer, Luminarch Ascension in case someone is a greater threat than me (not likely in my playgroup), and Opal Guardian just because it stops Atarka, World Render or any red dragon.

I might suggest taking out Fireshrieker because there are plenty of sources of doublestrike already in the deck. It's so good though when you need to search for doublestrike ASAP. Maybe take out Silverblade Paladin because creature removal is common.

May 1, 2015 6:37 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #18


Is there a lot of fliers in your meta? You seem to have a major issues with fliers. Try adding more spot removal or a sweeper. Crackdown could be worth trying.

This deck isn't build for heavy aggression, it's built for Voltron. Adding cards that deviate from the main strategy dilutes the deck.

  • Every Equipment has to be useful for Voltron kills or support. A bad card like Spidersilk Net will hinder the deck and be mostly a dead card.
  • Angelic Accord doesn't fit the deck and there's no guarantee you will be able to gain 4 life when you want to.
  • Concerted Effort is an army-boosting card that doesn't work well in a deck that doesn't build armies.
  • Energy Storm's cumulative upkeep costs will just exhaust all of the mana that this deck requires for Equipment and for 8.5's abilities.
  • Lightform is an OK card. Has some synergy with Sensei's Divining Top and Scroll Rack to control what gets manifested so that nothing important gets hit. But I wouldn't shoehorn it into the deck.
  • Luminarch Ascension is something I haven't been able to find a spot for and I don't even know if I actually want to use it. It does swing the game in your favour one it has its counters, especially when played early, but it will paint a massive target on your head.
  • Opal Guardian is a bad card that sits and waits for something to happen. Not worth it for a 3/4.

Dropping Fireshrieker and/or Silverblade Paladin is a bad idea.

  • Fireshrieker is the only tutorable source of double strike
  • Silverblade Paladin is always fantastic. It either gives 8.5 double strike or it gives me two double strikers to threaten the table with. Also, it's recurable with both Sun Titan and Reveillark.
May 1, 2015 11:15 p.m.

wtfmidun says... #19

Crackdown is good against non-white, but opposing white decks can still be a problem. I'm considering Peacekeeper so that nobody can attack until Voltron is ready. 8.5 tails and Mother of Runes do a good job at protecting.

May 2, 2015 3:56 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #20

I was also thinking about taking out Drifting Meadow for Mentor of the Meek.

May 2, 2015 4:04 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #21


Peacekeeper will cause the same problems as Energy Storm. It will eat up your mana that could of been spent on setting up.

Mentor of the Meek is a great draw engine. The only issue is being able to trigger it consistently. I personally don't have any interest in using it, but if you can find a spot for it, go ahead and use it. Just DON'T drop land for nonland cards. Don't create mana problems to fit a card in the deck.

May 2, 2015 10:28 a.m.

wtfmidun says... #22

After some games with various players around my area, I've come to the conclusion that while I should replace some cards to better fit my meta, Karmic Justice and Rest in Peace got replaced for Humility and Fleetfeather Sandals, I needed more practice with the deck (and MTG in general). This deck is really insane. I so far have a 70% win rate without adjustment to my meta.

May 9, 2015 3:54 a.m.

wiciu5 says... #23

Tell me what u think about this cards bro Circle of Protection: White or Rune of Protection: White

May 9, 2015 3:48 p.m.

NensouHiebara says... #24


Not a fan of them. I don't like cards that require 8.5 to be on the field to do anything. And they take up valuable deck space.

May 9, 2015 5:25 p.m.

wiciu5 says... #25

U know they protect u from huge dmg like Atarka + xenagos - 24 flying dmg and i saw more dragon decks like that

May 9, 2015 10:38 p.m.

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